
What time is it?

นักเขียน: MrSimon
Fantasy Romance
กำลังดำเนินการ · 796 จำนวนคนดู
  • 2 ตอน
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What is What time is it?

อ่านนิยาย What time is it? โดย ผู้เขียน MrSimon ที่เผยแพร่บน WebNovel.Love is confusing. . . in always it is vexing. However, is it true that love can wait? Does love have time? This novel tackles a confusing story line about Jane whose lover existed somewhere back beyo...


Love is confusing. . . in always it is vexing. However, is it true that love can wait? Does love have time? This novel tackles a confusing story line about Jane whose lover existed somewhere back beyond her era. How would they meet if they existed on different times? and met each other on different era?

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bukan untuk ku

kisah ini menceritakan tentang 3sahabat yang dari kecil mereka bersama.. namun mereka berpisah kerana salah seorang dari mereka harus pergi sambung pengajian diluar negara Osaka Jepun...suatu hari mawar sedang mengajar anak muridnya disekolah mawar ialah seorang cikgu bahasa English disekolah rendah..ketika mawar sedang mengajar ada seorang lelaki mengetuk pintu kelas nya.. Farid: Assalamualaikum mawar: walaikumusalam Farid:ni kelas 2Bestari ke saya nak hantar anak saya ni nama dia Rayyan (kata Farid) mawar:Yee ni kelas 2bestari anak awak Rayyan Iskandar bin Dato'Farid Annuar?? Farid: ye betul tu mawar: hai Rayyan sini masuk kelas ada ramai kawan² dekat sini jangan malu² nama cikgu mawar binti Rosli Farid: ehh kejap..nama cikgu mawar binti Rosli?? anak ketua kampung Sri pantai betul.. mawar: Yee saya anak ketua kampung macam mana awak kenal saya Yee Farid: ni aku lah Farid alahh cucu tok Mudim tok Mudim Hassan.. ingat tak!! mawar: Ya Allah kau ke ni Farid dulu bukan hitam ke sekarang dah putih macam hantu.. Farid: Amboiii mulut sama macam dulu macam puaka ahaha manusia kan boleh berubah ,,kau apa cerita war mawar: Kerja aku inilah Farid jadi cikgu kejap aku nak tanya kau bila kau kahwin tak jemput pun erkk.. Farid: macam mana nak jemput aku kan dah pindah dekat Kelantan..kau tu suami orang mana.. mawar: ahaha aku tak kahwin lagi lah Farid so isteri kau mana tak nampak pun kerja ke? Ketika mawar menanyakan dimana isteri Farid ,,wajah Farid terus berubah seperti kesedihan dan mawar menanyakan Farid sekali lagi.. mawar: Farid kau ok tak sorry lah kalau aku tersalah cakap ke apa.. Farid: sokeyy isteri aku dah lama meninggal dunia dia meninggal ketika Rayyan dilahirkan mawar: ouh maaf yee Farid: takpelah haa ni kawan kita sorang lagi mana apa cerita dia sekarang ni si Syafiq tu sejak belajar dekat Jepun dah tak pandai balik Malaysia ehh dia.. mawar: ahahaha entahlah takde dengar khabar angin pun orang tua dia ada lagi kat kampung.. Suatu hari kecoh satu kampung ada khabar angin mengatakan yang Syafiq anak kepada ustazah Rohana dan ustaz Idris telah sampai di kampung halamannya.. mendengarkan berita tersebut Umi kepada mawar terus menelefon mawar dan berkata 'Syafiq dah balik kat sini mawar taknak jumpa dia ke' mawar yang mendengar berita tersebut terus gembira seperti putera idamannya kini pulang untuk bersama dengan nya buat Selama-lamanya..mawar begitu gembira kerana dia amat menyukai Syafiq sejak dari kecil lagi mereka bertiga membesar bersama namun mawar hanya tertarik dengan Syafiq cinta pertama nya..dan Keesokan harinya mawar pulang ke kampung dengan gembiranya sampai sahaja di kampung dia terlihat Syafiq berada didepan rumahnya sedang berbual dengan umi nya mawar.. Mawar: Assalamualaikum (dengan mengigil memberi salam) Syafiq: waalaikumusalam hai mawar Namun terlihat Putera idamannya yang masih ingat dirinya mawar terus pengsan.. Apabila mawar tersedar dia melihat Syafiq yang berada disebelah nya sedang membasahi kain untuk letakkan pada dahinya mawar..terus bangun. mawar: kau ke ni Syafiq?? Syafiq: yelh aku lah Fiq masa kecik² kita selalu main kahwin-kahwin dekat pondok cik Esah ingat lagi tak? mawar: mesti lah aku ingat masa tu kau panggil aku sayang terus aku lari balik rumah ahaha.. Syafiq: haa kau apa khabar makin cantik sekarang aku nampak macam bakal makmum aku (tersenyum malu Syafiq memuji mawar ) mawar: ada² je kau ni Fiq kau pun apa kurangnya makin hensem macam bakal imam aku .. kedua-duanya mereka sangat gembira dapat bertemu semula dengan sahabat yang sudah lama terpisah namun didalam hati mawar tiada sesiapa yang tahu mengapa mawar tidak lagi mempunyai pasangan kerana ia menunggu si putera idaman nya cinta mawar terhadap Syafiq tidak pernah berubah dari dulu lagi sedikit pun mawar tidak pernah lupakan semuanya tentang Syafiq..Namun???

Saga_ST · ไซไฟ
1 Chs

Abilities Of Blood

Nixhail Gene is a high school student somewhere in Olongapo City, Zambales, Philippines. One day, while resting inside her classroom, someone suddenly pulled her hair and dragged her in front of the class, then she was forced to kneel in front of someone. That someone was the boss of a large criminal organisation known as Rial. No one forced her to join them when the boss invited her to join his organisation. There was no thing that forced her to join the organisation. The only thing that she was forced to do was to kneel in front of the man. She can refuse to join but she joined the man on her own will without a single reason why. And later, with her new partner, Riguel Ice, she found out the things that she thought at first were just fictional things, she later found out so many things about her life and at the same time, so many questions piled up. She finally had her reasons and objective on why she joined the Rial, it was to find herself, it was to find the answers to everything. And after knowing almost everything, she had to choose between two options. On whether she would let herself and her friend live, or to kill most of her relatives in the clan of her mother's side to save the world. "From the very start, this was never a dream or some kind of story where I was summoned inside a novel. Everything seems so unreal, everything is beautiful as hell. To survive is to become death, to dream is to sacrifice, to be a hero is to be a villain, and to live is to suffer." [WARNING: There are scenes that will described the pain of the characters during different situations such as on how they are been torturing.] [FANFICTION]

Gene_97 · อื่นๆ

The Rise of Quetzalcoatl

Check out my other novels - |Arpious of the Planes| |My Ares System| |Warlock of Wisdom: My Odin System| -- Same Universe - |Arpious of the Planes| ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/21/25, in other words, it was March the 21st, 2025. Humanities technology advanced exponentially throughout the years. The only thing that they hadn't focused on for a while was space. The endless abyss that they call space was still unknown to them. Once they colonized their solar system, they thought it wasn't enough. They sent a search party out of their solar system but soon lost contact. Not long after, Earth lost contact with all of the other planets. Then a huge earthquake shook the earth itself and then portals opened up around the world. Soon monsters came out ravaging and flattening cities. Only a brave group of humans entered the portals which they then found multiple discoveries on the other side. They found stones that gave them different abilities and monsters a different world with a boss that lets them exit the portal, which was soon called dungeons. Those 6 friends were then later on called the 6 Primordial Braves. With the news of this, countries all over the world sent in people to retrieve stones, and then they would crush them, granting them abilities. They would then go back in to retrieve more and hand them out to the public. 500 years passed... This isn't the story of a hero. It's the story of a weak girl who was ridiculed and bullied every day because of her low status. And due to her cowardly nature, she was unable to fight back, making more people pick on her. While she was laying in an alleyway, with bruises and cuts all over her body, she saw a green, semi-see-through panel that appeared in front of her. It was like a notification you would see in the VR games from 400 years back. The green panel had a black text that said... [Would you like to become an Ancient Being?] ------------------------------------------------------------------- !Spoiler Below! . . . At the beginning of the novel, there will be a lot of going back and forth between the MC's personality. Plus, most of the problems, in the beginning, will be centered around herself. Also, at the beginning of the novel, there is an act of short and sweet revenge that lingers just a bit longer through the story, but this novel is not revenge-based. The Yuri aspect won't be as heavily used compared to my first novel. The girlfriend is mainly used to help the MC get through the mental box and distorted feelings that the MC has to suffer through at the beginning of the novel. You might dislike the characters that I made Lucy's friends, but I promise you'll change your mind later on. I think... Okay, that should be it! Phew... that was tiring. Time to drink my fourth cup of coffee today... ------------------------------------------------------------------- 500 Power Stones by the weekend = 1 extra chapter 750 Power Stones by the weekend = 2 extra chapters -- Twitter - @equuipwebnovel Discord - equuip#6686 -- paypal.me/AuthorEquuip Any money you send will help me hire people to create new covers for my novels. -- Cover is not mine. If the owner wants it removed, plz contact me through discord (Rarely check twitter). Source- https://www.deviantart.com/aoiogataartist/journal/Aoi-Ogata-PAYPAL-Commission-OPEN-828543085

equuip · แฟนตาซี
614 Chs


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