
Retribution I

An ice cold November morning and Zhang had been weathering the storm as if it was a warm summers day.

Nothing has ever stopped Zhang from achieving this mission, and this was not even worthy to be regarded as even the most minor of setbacks.

This was his only motivation.

Zhang walked out of his front door back arched from his excruciating training in the hopes of reliving himself a little.

Suddenly, he hears a strange siren from the sky which he couldn't identify. Soon came a loud assertive voice claiming

"Zhang Lou. You have been alerted as a threat to the stability of this village"

"This further goes as a statement to the other residents of this village. Any actions that can be classed as endangering to the royal family will be compromised"

"Thank you you listening Jiaju residents"

This came as a surprise to Zhang Lou as he was very secretive with his plans.

"How could this be!"

Zhang gritted his teeth, his hand firmly locked and he walked backed home with every step he took sending a shockwave across the village.

"Hmm. Minor setbacks only deter the weak, nothing can stop me!"

There is something that man can not describe.

A fire. One that burned deep within Zhang. One that not even the fiercest wind can dim.

He soon after finished his training and head up the nearby mountain.

"I wonder how much of this world they have truly messed up" Zhang wondered.

"That doesn't really concern me anyways. Their end is nigh" Zhang calmly whispered as he continued trekking to his usual vantage point.

When he finally reached his destination a deep voice spoke to him from above. This time different, as if coming from the heavens. This voice wasn't recognisable but gave Zhang a warm feeling and assured him that his intentions were not malicious but to inform and show him a sign.

"My fellow Lou. You indeed have limitless potential, but there is something you need to know." The voice informed.

"What is that?"

"In order to restore our kingdom and rule the land for us. In our name. You must not fight off of your emotions but tap into you killer instinct. Fight with a passion to avenge every one of us that were lost to their filthy hands. Once you master composure you inherently become more clinical making you the worthy student of your father, Feng. When you do so I'll find you again." The voice said in a soothing to before a loudly crackling sound came from the heavens and the voice was no longer present.

"I'll be waiting" Zhang replied.

The night was drawing near and people where heading inside. Zhang sat on his chair he brought up with and stared out at the village below. He glanced down at the lights coming out across the city.

"What a beautiful place. If only their minds weren't planted with lies by people that betrayed my own. If only". said Zhang slightly tearing up.

Zhang stayed out for a few more hours and then headed in when the city was quiet. All throughout the journey home, he wondered heaving about who this voice was. It was a member of the Lou family, and that he was sure of. But who this voice was seemed impossible to decipher.

"Who is he?".