
The Poppins Family and the Desperate Wish

Year 2018


Somewhere in the galaxy, where star shines bright, There's a magical family, The Poppins Family.

In this day, a miracle happen, the Poppins Family, In the first time of hundreds of year, there will be a new member.

"Push! Mrs Poppins Push! The baby is there, I can see it head!"

As Mrs Poppins pushes the baby out, A baby cries out.

"Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Poppins, you gave birth to a healthy baby boy"

Outside the room, awaits a lady in striped shirtwaist-style blouse, with a full front-button band, and a ruffled collar and cuffs.

Also known to everyone as Mary Poppins, The Magical Nanny of the Banks Family, That taught children of said family a valuable lesson, with a magic twist.

With the boy born, the magical music has come alive

"Look and see

There's new baby in the family

With hair like the darkest night

And Silver eyes that shines!

As the song started everyone could see a baby boy laying in the besides the mother of Mary Poppins, Having a hair like a darkest night and silver that looks like a shining star.

Everything in the house is dancing, even the broom that cleans in the hallway, or mops that makes the floor so bright.

Books is flying in the whole mansion, as the song reaches it's end, everything calmed down...

Mary Poppy, after going in the hall found herself in the room where the new member of the family is.

"Mother, are you alright~? How's my brother?"(Mary)

There lay a woman, she has raven black hair with a sky blue eyes, her eyes might be where the mutated silver eye inherited from...

"Oh~ Mary~, I am quite alright, you see this cute baby, His name is Peter Alexus Solal Logan Poppins, and his gonna be you're little brother"(Mother)

"Hmmm~ he looks quite alright and Mother, why did you give him a long name" (Mary)

"Well, The door whispered it to me, but we'll just call him Peter Popping"(Mother)

"What does it mean, Mother?"

"Hmmm~ The Protector and Guide of the Little Ones, Looks like our baby boy will have a troublesome duty"(Mother)

"Indeed, then mother, When will he fulfill it" (Mary)

"The door said when Peter is eight and he shall choose who to guide"(Mother)


(Reminder: The person talking is a child, he didn't know what is what especially he is in the slums, where in this world is that only the privileged are getting education)

8 Years Later

Kingdom of Mountains, Village Forrecio, Green Leaf Street, Slums

-Xander, Age 6-

Hi, My name is Xander, and my favorite color is red or blue, and-and my favorite animal is a panther and a cat, I don't know why but I think they are all cool, well, I live in the slums of the kingdom and I live with my mother, I also don't know who my father is but she said that he died in accident... Well I dont really care about my dad, I don't even know what he look like, and my dream is to be a good soldier in the kingdom.

I look in the sky and looks like the sun is setting, I don't know but... I feel sad, whenever I see the sunset...













Oh whatever...

Oh I didn't introduce what I look like, well, I have a yellow hair and a blue eyes, and my favorite food is a white bread, I found one slice of white bread in the trash and its really tasty, although I am reluctant, I give some to my mother but... She didn't like it...

Oh did I mention that my mother is really beautiful, even though I find her with other man quite often, I don't mind because those uncle gave us money, but lately she can't get up because she is sick, which makes me sad, I hope my mom can be strong again, so that we can play again.

As I was heading to the direction of my home just two block away, I got blocked by the mean bullies.

I really don't like them, they are always pick a fight with me, even though I am weak.

"Look what we have here, the son of a bitch, literally"

Even though I don't know what that words means, I really feel angry, he is Kent, he is big and strong, I can't fight him because I am thin and weak.

"W-what do you want, I-I need to go home now, don't bother me, my mom needs me, I just came back in the forest to get some fruit and berries, p-please let me go"

I am really scared of them, I don't want to see them, they are really strong, they always hit me and when I fight back, I get beaten even more

"Hahaha, Look at this guy, he just see us and he's already trembling..."

Another Bully joined, he's name is Hilton, He is the fastest among them, because of that I can't get away, he will just catch me, I really hate this, I don't to be here....


"Hey, Xander, Give me those berries and you can go home"

Nooo, I can't do that...

"Nooo, I can't do that... Please, I need mom to eat so that, she can be strong again"

I plead because...


Just Maybe...

He will let me go... Right?

"Hahaha, Hilton, look at this kid, did he really think that we will let him go, if he did that"(Kent)

Please... My Mom need this...

"Please... My Mom need this... Can you please let me go, just this once"


As I was pleading them, I felt a fist come in contact with my face making me stumbled back and...

My head fell in a sharp stone...

Making me feel sleepy...

Before I fe, I felt that the bag in my back get taken away from me...

I stretch out my hand and said

"Please.... Please... Sto~~"

Before I muttered 'Stop', I fell like... Sleeping...







I opened my eyes and saw a grandma

"Grandma, How long was I sleeping?"

I feel weak, dizzy... But I really need to go to the forest because my mom need to eat, oh and her name is Hilda, A very kind grandmother, even though we don't know eachother much, she is a good granny and sometimes he gives me berries

"Oh, dear, You have been unconscious for a week, thank goodness, you are a awake"

I feel my head ringing when I heard that I am sleeping for a whole week...

Does that mean?

Even though I still feel weak, I run to the direction of my house which is 10 blocks away...

I run faster than when I was being chased by tiger in the forest but ended up being saved by the adventurers...

Faster than when I almost died by being trampled to death by wild boars...

I stumbled in the ground but I stand up again because my sick mother is waiting for me...

She can hold on... Right...

Please let her be alive... She is the strongest mother I have... She never let me starve... She sings me to sleep at night... She is strong...

Please, Mom... Hold on...

I arrive at my home...

Hoping that my mother is alive...

She is okay...



When I arrive at her room, She didn't move, she didn't react...


MOM, wake up...

"MOM, wake up... Please... I am home... Please..."

I keep caling her, But she never woke up...

I keep crying till my voice became hoarse

I don't want to be in this world anymore...

Please take me away, Far away from this world...

As I was crying, I felt a shadow loom behind me, I turned around and saw a cat, Unexpectedly, I hear it said

"*Sigh* So, you are the kid, I will be responsible for the next decade and I am sorry, If I am late... But 'Your desperate wish, Shall be answered' "

Maybe because I feel safe in it's presence or my body gave up on me...

I fainted...

To be continued...

I feel really bad writing this chapter... I love all my character but, So I am sorry, Xander but don't worry, this will only be temporary... but, What did it mean that 'Your desperate wish shall be answered'

MagiciansWritercreators' thoughts