
Meanwhile There's A Torture Session Going On Here

(Lian Li POV)

"Stop! Please! Just kill me!"

I tuned out the stupid little shit's whining while I got to work on hanging up the second one.

"Got any good stuff on them?" I asked the person behind me.

"Well… From what I can tell, there's quite the selection of poisons on this guy," Brendan replied.

After we got transferred over to wherever this place was, I found myself alone within an area filled with ruined buildings. It only took me a while of wandering around before I came across Brendan being harassed by two Practitioners.

They had been taking advantage of his lack of training to extract information about Master from him. To his credit, Brendan said nothing to them.

So naturally I jumped in, disabled them and tortured them to make them learn that plotting against Master is never a good idea.

Now, I'm just hanging them up to finish them off.
