
What’s Wrong With My Art Coach?

Model influencer, Korea's number one bad boy, Seo Min-a has everything a boy could want- great looks, amazing talent, the only son of an influential billionaire family, millions of followers, and fan girls at his feet. In a quest to assist his sister in signing a contract with a defiant fast-rising artist, Kwan Seung-ho, under the family’s company, Min-a found himself a brilliant art coach, who greatly challenges his sexuality. Until he experienced his first sexual affair with him. Warning: Don’t read if you are not comfortable with reading smut scenes between men!

Unusualdee · LGBT+
5 Chs

Who did he think he is?

"To convince this arrogant artist to work with our company."

Eun Hye rubbed her hands together, a hopeful light sparked in her orbs, or it was just the bright light in his room, either way, the look disturbed Min-a.

It made sense why their parents gave Eun Hye one of their biggest assets to take care of at the age of 24. That was two years ago.

Eun Hye is crazy. Obsessed with being the best and doing the most, whereas, Min-a just wanted to chill and do drugs which makes him forget he is only desired for looks and his last name.

"Noona, I'm not going to do<i> 'Prince Charming' stuff</i> for you again. Remember what happened last time?" Min-a's voice got really traumatized as he recalled eating a particular Mrs. Yuan's coochie just because Eun Hye needed her investment in last year's project.

"What? That was virtuous, Mrs. Yuan's coochie! wasn't it like a great time for you?" She asked, looking extremely confused. She thought he had enjoyed it too since he loves abomination affairs.

Min-a gulped before walking towards the shower. His silence troubled Eun Hye.

"Min-a, did she do anything else to you?" Eun Hye's worried voice brought Min-a to his senses. He was being too sensitive.

"Aside from biting my balls a bit too hard? Nope, she tasted good." Min-a wiggled his brows, winking at his sister because he knew she would be disgusted, and hopefully, that would get her to leave him alone.

But it didn't work.

"Eww...Min, I didn't need to know that. Look, it's different this time. He's like those ethical artists. He came from nothing and now is some top-rated art brainiac in the whole of South Korea. We have given him our best offer, yet, the arrogant asshole refused to go along with it, claiming he isn't a buyout." Eun Hye whined, dropping on his futon for comfort.

"If he isn't a buyout, then he isn't a buyout. What's so special about him anyways?" Min-a folded his hands on his chest.

"You don't know Kwan Seung-ho? He is the heat of the season. Every advertising agency big or small wants to sign in. Dad is crazy about his work. His mini-art project went viral on Cyworld and he sold three of them for 500 million won. His art keeps getting higher in demand because of how outlandish the internet thinks it is, and he is currently refusing to even lease to art galleries. He has this high horse he won't come off.." Eun Hye stressed, complaining about the complication she was facing with signing Seung-ho under their family company.

"Okay, 200 million, half of what I earned last year, so?" Min-a shook his head, still not coming to the realization of how influential the man was.

"Yes. But he did that in a few hours. His story changed for life one day, Min. The <i>day</i> he decided to sell his art. Look, I know men like him, they are tough nuts to crack. They don't appreciate money but talent, charm, and charisma. Something to challenge them.." Eun Hye started her proposal by fanning Min-a's ego.

"Go on…"


"I thought you said he made 500 million in one night?"

Min-a was convinced by Eun Hye to leave his slutty outfit behind, wearing a crisp white shirt and blue jeans. At least, it allowed him to wear some vans, but he knew it was all to please this so-called proclaimed self-made artist.

"I also mentioned that he is a stubborn man with old ethics." Eun Hye came out of their black Porsche to stare at the mini building before them.

There were lights coming from the inside meaning someone was still inside.

"Noona, His <i>studio</i> is more of a cage than a studio. What is this shit hut?" Min-a wasn't impressed at all.

He expected more from someone who had amazing talent like him. His studio resembled a random garage on a sidewalk in midtown. He must either be delusional or just not intelligent.

"Let's just get to see him first…" Eun Hye walked up to the doorbell and stopped. She looked at the little turquoise button. All she had to do was push it, but she was tense, any more mistakes and she would lose this deal.

"Oh, for Christ's sake.." Min-a pressed the doorbell over her head, freaking her out.

Eun Hye started to panic, while Min-a just fixed his hands into his pockets to keep it from smacking some confidence into his older sistee. She was always confident and too sure of herself, it made him realize that whoever this man was, he definitely needed to live up to the hype or he would actually bitch slap some senses into her head.

The door was dragged open, making horrible screeching noise by a woman in light brown suspenders and white boots.

"Oh...it's you. I thought your assistant got our message?" The lady with a bulb cut had an unimpressed look on her face as she sized them up, Min-a offered a nice smile, something he was used to.

"Please, just tell him I came myself so I could talk to him, I brought a guest too." Eun Hye mentioned, sounding a bit desperate.

The lady went back in without another word.

"Guest?" Min-a stared at his older sister with raised brows after the lady left.

"16-year-old girls know him. He's a big time artist who has been invited to the Met Gala before, so…" Eun Hye rolled her eyes.

"Ouch...way to say I'm not irrelevant." Min-a chuckled, feigning hurt as he held his chest.

"I have no comment. I'm not gonna play into your hands so you can have the upper hand." Eun Hye replied, without turning back. She was too focused on the old garage door.

"Haha...You know me-" Min-a was still speaking when Eun Hye suddenly shushed him.

"Someone is coming." She waved at him frantically.

The lady was back. She ushered them in without saying a word.

"Thank you.." Eun Hye muttered in a relieved voice. She rushed in and Min-a followed behind awkwardly, giving the woman a tight-lipped smile while she blushed in return.

"Okay, this is a big deal. Please leave every attitude here and don't fuck this up..please?" Eun Hye begged in a low voice, she looked too desperate for him to stomach.


As they got deeper into the garage, it became prettier, the walls were gray and they had plastic bag covers all over. Some parts of the walls had colored glass and some parts had glass on the floor.

Min-a was starting to get impressed. Mirage art was difficult to pull off.

They took off their shoes and wore the flip-flops the lady provided for them.

Getting into a properly lit room with a very high ceiling, a man with a low cut, glasses, and incredibly strong jawlines sat on the edge of a metal table typing casually in one hand on his gray laptop.

"Mr. Kwan?" Eun Hye choked out, her voice cracked, making Min-a almost facepalm. She really needed to pull herself together.

The man let out a sigh before putting the laptop aside. "Miss Seo Eun Hye, right?" He asked. He looked tired.

His white shirt was rolled up, exposing veins and a tattoo Min-a couldn't identify. He wore similar suspenders as the woman with black boots.

He stood up, proving to be taller than Min-a by an inch or two.

"Yes. I-"

"Good." He didn't let her finish.

This made Min-a snap his neck towards Eun Hye to see her reaction, but she just kept quiet like a little pup.

<i>"You gotta be kidding me.."</i> Min-a stared dumbfounded at his strong-willed sister as he thought to himself.

"Look, I only allowed you in because Aera said you had a guest with you…" Kwan Seung-ho looked at the strangely beautiful man beside the woman he had seen more than he wished. The young man surprisingly looked a little pissed but his back was straight proving he was confident and sure of himself. With those stunning looks, Seung-ho didn't expect less.

He had a model-type body, the bright light in the room illuminated his lean muscles underneath his white crisp shirt.

Seung-ho couldn't shake off the feeling that he had seen Min-a before somewhere.

"He's my younger brother, Seo Min-a, he-"

"Look, Miss Seo. Your offer is impressive, yes, but I'm not looking to be bought."

"Yes, I know, I just thought —"

"I am NOT interested in your offer, take it elsewhere.." Seung-ho cuts her off again.

Min-a has had enough. Seung-ho's arrogance was unsettling and mostly unnecessary. Eun Hye is a Freaking CEO of a Billion won advertising and branding company for fuck sake!

He couldn't take it anymore but he couldn't interfere, so he wandered away from the embarrassing scene to the half-finished painting resting in a corner. It was a silhouette painting of a feminine figure reaching for dying flames, but it was unfinished. It was too obvious that Seung-ho didn't like the painting.

As an artist himself, he understood when a painter is frustrated with a project. Min-a could hear his sister trying to convince Seung-ho to take him as his private student, and how she valued him more than just a buyout. It was all a lie, it was just her business mode talking.

Either way, It was pathetic to witness.

Min-a kicked away the gray-white paint and picked out a blue-white paint from the stack hipped in the corner. The metal sound against the floor caught Seung-ho's assistant's attention.

"Hey! What are you-" Min-a blocked her voice out with his earbuds, playing some Celeste music.

He started painting the other side of the unfinished painting, using blue and white streaks to line out turbulent spirals. He traced the rest of the feminine body into the water. It only took him ten minutes before he stepped back with a satisfied smirk balanced on his face.

It was only when he took out his ear buds that he heard the sheer silence behind him.

He turned around to find Seung-ho staring at his work with an intense gaze. Aera and Eun Hye had similar expressions, both their jaws swam in paint on the floor.

"You are hot and can actually paint...this world is unfair.." Aera muttered, walking to the art to analyze it up close. She was baffled, he was really sexy...and talented.

"What the...why don't you ever do paintings like this at home?! Dad would have taken you seriously.." Eun Hye exclaimed, ogling at the wall of art. "It's like she's been drawn by the water to save her," she spoke out, trying to trace the curves of the waves.

"No." Seung-ho finally spoke up. The steps of his boots echoed on the floor till he came to stand beside Min-a.

"She is reaching to the weak flames for help, the water isn't saving her, the waves are sucking her into the cold depths. She is already cold, she needs warmth." He turned towards Min-a, giving him an impressed smile. "Right?" Seung-ho asked, looking into Min-a's brown eyes and seemingly into his soul.

Min-a suddenly forgot how to speak. He couldn't put into words any of the languages he learned as a kid; French, Korean, English, and Mandarin.

Seung-ho's eyes weren't dark, they were light blue. Only up close did Min-a realize why the attractive man looked odd to him, he was mixed.

"Si..ye, that's- that's what I was thinking." Min-a cleared his throat.

Seung-ho's gaze lingered on him some more before he looked away. Min-a felt his armpit begin to sweat, so he moved away from him.

"Fine, Miss Seo. I will agree if the kid asks me himself." Seung-ho spoke out.

Min-a gave Eun Hye the <i>"explain!" </i>Look.

"Ask him to be your art coach," Eun Hye whispered. Seung-ho rolled his eyes, turning around to face both of them.

Eun Hye saw Min-a's arrogant facade cooking up and she began to dread what's coming next.

"You owe me!" She snapped in a low voice, grinding her teeth as she reminded him before he became a full arrogant piece of shit.

"Fine!" Min-a whispered back fiercely.

"Hey man..uh, you want a student or something?"