

A man named JACK lived with his family. He was born on full moon day. In his birth, the doctor felt extremely astonishingly. Because the baby was born as a girl that night and the next day night, the baby transformed into a boy. The doctor confused and he felt down.

A few years later, Jack lived with his family in Texas, at the age of Twelve. His parents joined him at the nearby school. Jack goes to school regularly without any problem.

On the full moon day's night, At his father's office. He was explained his project to the client and instantly alarm rang on his watch ,

"Oh my God! Sir, I had an important personal visit, So, may I leave"

"Mr.Alex now only, I had quite an interest in your project".

"Ok sir, but it was important.In this situation ,I want to go".

And Alex ran to the parking slot and he get in to the car and he started it.

At his mother's office, She was a journalist and she was busy with her article. Suddenly her watch rang and she swiftly left her office.

They reached their house at 6 pm.

"Come fast Eli, come fast" Alex called her.

Jack was sat on the cushion and his parent comes into the house. Jack ran fastly to his house. And his mother take the cover and goes to his house. A few minutes later,Elizabeth came with a girl. Her name was Jacqueline.

Yeah,Jack transformed into Jacqueline at full and new moon day.

"Ok Jacqueline, we will go for dinner"


They went to dinner. In the girl dress, Jacqueline and her family went to restaurant for dinner.

"Dad, What I would do in my adult age?" Jac said with her broken heart

"Don't worry about it my dear".His mom replied.

"My dear Jac, you must cope with it in your future ".Alex said with confident.

Jac accepted the truth of his life.They finished dinner. They come out of the restaurant. A man who crossed them and saw Alex.

"Hi Alex, what's up?"

"Hi Frankie, I'm fine. What about you?"

"I'm fine. This is your family ".

"Yeah, she's my wife ELIZABETH and he..e sorry she's my daughter Jac.....qqueline ".he replied with apprehensive.

"Oh I see. We will meet soon, bye Alex".

"Ok bye Frankie ".

At that moment, Jac was petrified and stuck .

"Jac, Come on lets go".  mom replied
