
Desert Rats

In 1914, the empire –The entire world witnessed two victorious streaks under just a single month as Imperial boots come marching through the pearly road of the Entente and the Dacia Capital cities. Everyone was wary of the current development which heating up very fast in these past few months, and now the new player begins to win against the old order. The commonwealth was in a great panic, not only the Empire which power should have been whittled by attacking them from all sides, a report was coming through that an entire Entente fleet was decimated only but with a single battle-group consisted of a cruiser and a few destroyers which again they develop a mage screening shield that protected the empire ship from harms of bullets and torpedoes.

Londinium was literally on fire over the news, and so was the Francois that fear with the two-frontlines collapsing –empire wrath will emerging in one spot and only towards them.

The Commonwealth military council along the rest of the cabinet began a single-secret meeting to counter the rising power that is the Empire. Military spending will be expected rose to 200% than before in order to counter, which they shamefully admitted, the technologically advanced empire as indicated on the reports of the battle of the north seas just two weeks ago. The report begins to converging of the increase of naval raiding on commonwealth commercial freighter that actually disguised military freighter in order to help the Francois in their war efforts. The flurry of shout started to convene as where those budget will be spent on, the royal army, the royal air, or the royal navy instead.

Well, at least that's what the report said, which I threw away to the desk after reading it. This was within expectation after all. Our intelligence department was years ahead of them after all.

Still, there's no rest for the wicked. The searing heat of the desert, as I was assigned to this hellhole in order to acquire land from the François's hands. Well, anyone would need the oil that spurted here and there.

Ah, I begin to envy major Degurechaff, the news is they begin for the preparation for a final plan against the Francois. The round table has been commissioned to build a few rockets safe enough to transport them behind the enemy lines. I hope Albert and Freesia were up to the task, I put my faith in them.

I shifted my lines outside the tent, the light reflecting off the rock begun to hurt my eyes. I examined the clock on my wrist. Looks like I've done the paperwork in time. I stood up, and exit the tent.

The base was not really extensive only the basic erected, but it will suffice as it means to be temporary until we gain enough foothold in the nearby area. The HQ seems vehement enough to give us a bad start, as implying its "Do or Die" since there's nothing behind us other than the wide-open seas.

It stood just behind the canyon range which a perfect spot to erect a base, and also provide enough coverage from the enemy's patrol.

"Eleonore, as always you are harsh huh."

I addressed the woman with fiery hair, who just barked orders and profanities to the sweating soldier. I hope the heat won't kill them away, though each of them had sufficient training in a cold environment but not in this desert. Looks like Eleonore took her time to train them, and prepared them against the incoming heat of the battlefield.

They sported the same dress, a thin brown shirt accompanied with a khaki cargo pants and a pair of the standard-issued black boots.

"My lord!"

I waved lightly at her dismissing her perfect salutation as I walk until I stood beside her.

"What are you daydreaming about, run 4 laps more!"

Everyone who is joyful seeing me began to hide their resentment as the major issuing another order. I only wink at them and hoping for them to do their best.

"You're just too lenient towards them, my lord."

"Well, someone needs to play the saints after all."

I lightly shrug at her.

"I heard the Intel that the Francois is barricading the cities by making trenches network in the outskirt."

"Yeah, after all, they only doing what their doctrine dictated."

"So, what's the plan, my lord?"

I waved at her.

"Not now, I will reveal it after the briefing. For now, let the soldier rest this evening. They will need it for tomorrow night."

"Ha! By your order."

I went back, leaving Eleonore and her soldier as I went to the munitions depot to examine our equipment for the next operation.

— [Line Break] —

"I see, so you want acquisition our technology… huh?"

The second-head command, Albert of the order of Obsidian Round Table set his gaze to the two men in front of him.

They were discussing the aftermath of the naval battles the First-command conducted two-weeks ago. He inwardly sighed, to think Richard will reveal his card so early in this stage. Well, he guesses that's within expectation. After all the fräulein-ship ability is still disguised as magic to these ignorant masses.

"But haven't we submitted the latest model of our U-boat and destroyer to the Imperial navy a month ago? Is that not enough?"

"Yes, but that shielding technology in your ship will be indispensable to our dominance over the seas. Surely you understand the implication if we can beat back those tea-drinkers—"

"Language, Kapitän Glein." Colonel Lergen interrupted the passionate naval captain who participated in the naval battle with Richard before as reinforcement from the imperial navy before he lightly cough to hide his embarrassment.

"While I understand the importance, that technology is still within the prototype phase, nearly it fried one of our mages aboard the ship."

"What do you mean by that?"

"As I said we use mages as a mana battery to power the shield."

Both of them gulped at Albert's words. "You are joking right?"

To propose such a thing, what monster are your Richard!? Lergen thought about the seemingly innocent child while comparing to a certain mage-battalion major who currently in another place, just sneezed, then gulping down her coffee again.

"Since when I have been joking Colonel Lergen." Then he closed his eyes as bracing himself for something while in actuality he just wanted to scare them both, " While I admit it's rather inhuman to do, rest assured no mages were actually harmed they just exhausted after then. We also working for alternative power sources to erect this shield."

"So it's not possible for now, huh?"

"That's correct Kapitän." The naval officer only slumped and motion the colonel to continue the discussion.

"Then let me continues, the general staff wanted to invite you for a meeting of utmost importance. I hope you already understand the document we've sent to you."

Albert nodded at him. The R&D department has already worked day and night to meet the demand –a few devices that capable to overturn this war in a single strategic strike to the heart of the Francois base operation in the Rhine.

"Then for the next, we have the order directly from General Zettour to refit our mages with Striker units within the next two months."

While the order was a bit unreasonable for such a small organization to fill, nevertheless the general seems to place his faith to them.

"Fine, I'll accept this."

Albert only heaved a relief over the reasonable demand, they have been expanding the underground complex for the military-grade manufactory. They could refit the entire imperial mages branch and make additional reserves within three weeks at a normal pace. At least they have a few surpluses for the Magic core.

— [Line break] —

"Listen, Gentleman!"

I said to the whole tent as a few round table mages lieutenant under Eleanor command and the 1st Round table battle-group tank commander and a few lieutenant-colonel which commanded directly by me.

I brief them on the content and information about the upcoming operation.

"Last week, a port-town that rightfully belongs to the Illdoa was taken away by a Francois general De Lugo. As a result, the 21st Armored-division of the Imperial Southern Expeditionary corps was cut-off their supply. This is our first operation to seize the southern continent from the Republicans and their ilk alliances."

One of the men raised a hand, "Go ahead, Commander."

"So, what the rules of engagement?"

"There's intel that De Lugo barricaded the city with trenches."

A few people laughed at this, as I followed suit with a faint smile.

"Of course, we won't play by their books… A detachment of the 1st round table mages lead by Major Eleonore will lead the assault by infiltrating the town. Assassinate De Lugo, destroy their munitions depot, and radio tower."

"Then what about our roles, sir?"

One of the lieutenant-colonel asked which few of the tank commanders nod in agreement.

"Your role is to swoop in to save the day after 1st round table mages detachment wreaking havoc in their chain of command. Luckily the 21st Armored-division will grant us a few of their armored column in assist of our assault to the town."

"The rest of the 1st round table mages will be led by me, you will be assigned inside the tank."

"Excuse me, sir?"

"Fret not, you will have a new toy to play with. The MI-14 tank just rolling out their factories last week, and it will play pivotal roles in the upcoming battle. It has a caliber gun that capable to withstand mages enhancement, your mages role is to assist our armor in destroying the Francois defenses."

They nodded, excitement evident in their eyes upon the mention of the new toy. It's not a lie, after all, I wanted the application of mages in a mechanized form such as striker units or the new armor.

"Then how about the air, sir, surely they have stationed a few mages wings inside the city."

"We'll have assistance from the Illdoa mages battalion which currently stationed near the Imperial northern expeditionary group HQ."

After that everyone nodded in satisfaction, "Dismissed."

The operation will commence at 21:00 local time tomorrow night, and well, let's hope it will go smoothly.

... well... ups?

Abbeysenseicreators' thoughts