
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · สมัยใหม่
45 Chs

Chapter 16: Missing For One Month

Doron was a bit furious after hearing what Iris said.

"But in your loli form, if I remembered correctly told me that sacrifices would be given certain trials to get stronger, so where is this bullshit about living a normal life?"

Iris looked at Doron for a whole minute and spoke. "That was before you suddenly had the ability to control the blue ring that could only activate around undeads who seak to kill you, the trial thing was not really a trial, but for you to just get physically stronger."

Iris then waved her hands and Doron saw three flowers appear before him.

"This is your daily, or should I saw weekly power roulette selection." Iris explained, when she saw the confused look of Doron.

"What? Is it already a week?" Doron asked, as he looked at Iris with a foreboding feeling in his chest.

"Actually, it's been a month, you have been cut of from the world of the living for a month, and if you don't get back soon, my plan of you living a normal life would be wasted" Iris said. "So now choose a power and let's start going"

Doron looked at Iris with shock. "What?, A whole month, or is it not some weeks and some days? that have gone by?, Does this mean I only have Three months left before going to the academy?"

This was the reason he was shocked, if he truly had only three months left, then he would have to open up to Iris and tell her he was not the high level sacrifice that they thought he was, yes he was the son of Rhogog, but he was also he son of one the guardians of Rhogog.

That means that he was supposed to be a guardian, and not a sacrifice that would be converted into a spirit guardian.

"Yes." Iris said and. "So now choose"

Doron was now fuming within, but made sure not to let it show on his face as he looked at the three flowers.

He knew that even though he was a bit powerful now, he was not really that strong, and he was lucky that those Royalians were not really that powerful, or did not have any powerful weapons.

Yes he was invincible to any physical attacks, but his insides were not, a very powerful blow to his head would instantly turn his brain into a puddle, but his head won't cave in, so people won't know and just pass him by, and he also did not have any power of his own.

Because of his affinity with all elements, his body can't select the right element for him, not until he becomes a guardian. Unless the sacrifice academy has a way to help it's students have powers of their own.

There was a rose, a lily, and a what Doron could see to be a sundew as it's leave seemed to be long and thread like, and covered with tentacles as the tip was brightly colored in orange.

'I guess it's not complete without the plants, huh'

"So what do these plants represent then" Doron asked.

"You were able to tell what the flowers ment the last time, why is it different now" Iris teased as she crossed her hands under her f-cup breasts, but with her green robes, it was not that visible.

"That was a one time thing" Doron snapped back. "How the hell am I going to know what the sundew power is, and even the lily, all I know is it means purity, and the rose is mostly used by lovers to give to their spouses, aside that, I got nothing."

Iris looked at Doron. "Just pick anyone!".

"Fine!" Doron yelled back and took the rose. Seeing what he picked made Iris twitch her lips.

After Doron swallowed the pill of the rose flower that was red in color and had the distinct smell of roses .

After the pill melted in his mouth and he swallowed it, his face instantly contorted.

"I forgot about this." Was all he said before convulsing on the floor like a bug that had been hit with bug spray.

Iris seeing this finally had a smile on form on her lips.

"You are a real sadist" Was what Hermes said as he sipped his wine and sat crossed legged on his comfortable couch.

"Can we get a car?" Iris ignored what he said and asked.

"A car? hmmm, I think I might have one." Hermes hummed as he placed his wine cup down and got up. "Follow me to my garage."

"You have a garage, yeah of course"

As the duo walked to Hermes garage, Doron who was still on the floor, looked at the both of them and cursed.

'She did not tell me how the red rose power worked!'

Patra on the other hand was unleashing kicks and hurling insults at the dead body of the spearman, and she did all that with a sick smile on her face.

After what seemed like hours, the trio finally hit the road heading back to Doron's home in a town about 150km from the camping park.

Iris took a pickup truck that was inside Hermes garage and that was what they were using now.

Doron and Iris sat in the front seat of the car, since Doron was driving and Iris sat in the shotgun, surprisingly, Patra was sitting at the back with her head hung low and did not even try to make a sound. The thing was she could not, Doron and Iris were both emitting an aura that was clearly showing their bad mood, so Patra did not plan on making any unneccesary moves that might cost her, her life.

"The rose you pill you took allows you to charm and control the minds of other who show any form of emotion to you, it does not matter, hate, love, envy, greed, lust, any emotion that is directed towards you can serve as a medium to charm them" Iris suddenly spoke, explaining what power Doron got.

"I thought you said the powers that I get allows me to control an element, emotions are not elements." Doron questioned, as he narrowed his eyes as he stared at the road. "Why does it feel like all the things that the loli form of you said is all a lie".

Iris just shrugged and kept quiet, as she also looked at the road infront of them and felt something was wrong as she looked at Doron.

Doron seemed to be reading something as even though he was looking ahead and driving, he was too focused and that was only seen on people that were either reading or saw something that they could not explain at all, or trying to recall something that they had possibly forgotten about in the past.



"Are we no longer on earth?" Doron asked he suddenly realised something when he went out with Patra before.

The camping park had only one river that caame from a water fall that was located in the western part of the camp, that served as a natural border that seperated the camp from the real forest on the western said.

This was the eastern side of the forest, but they were able to find water, no, he was able to feel and locate a body of water due to his now weakning hydrokeineisis power, but this was on the eastern side of the camp.

Now they have been driving for about half a minute, but they did not see any path that led to the main road that would take them to the camps gates.

Iris quickly looked at the gps of the car and was shocked to see the words GPS signal lost, Iris knew that this car had also been touched by the hands of the witches and could even give you an exacte location of where you are, even if you are under the earth.

She brought out her phone and saw that she did not even have a signal on it, even if they were not on earth, but another planet, the phone in her hand could rely on any form of signal connection in the environment and even the worlds around their location.

For this to be happening, it ment only one thing. "We have been transmigrated to another world that those not exist in your universe". Her weak and defeated tone was the proof that Doron needed to know that she was not lying.

Doron who heard this almost smiled and laughed at Iris, but held it in and looked around him.

He noticed that the plants of this place where not the same as on earth, becuase the planets here were actually giving of energy into the world, it was releasing little by little, the energy that sustained the world into the atmosphere.

Due to his bloodline, he was somehow connected to nature, that was why the gods of earth and Iris deemed him a very good sacrifice to the world tree.

Patra on the other hand who was behind the duo was confused, and could not help speaking out. "You guys were not the ones that summoned that portal?"



"... What did you say? Portal?" Iris was looking at Patra like she was ready to eat her at any momonet. "Why did you not say anything!?"

"I-i thought it was your own way of moving, on my planet, some of the people there travelled like that, by using portals, since you guys are supernatural beings, I assumed the same"

Patra said timidly as Iris cursed under her breathe and looked at their surrondings with vigilance.

The car suddenly came to a halt as Doron looked at Iris and Patra.

"We need to ditch the car" Was all he said and got down.

Iris also followed and Patra. They already knew that staying and cruising inside the car they were in like gangsters would get them in trouble, trouble that they did not need right now, until they could at least understand the world that they were in.

"I don't know if this is good or bad, but we have to hide the car, I know that a god like Hermes won't have such a normal looking car, so let's hide it safely" Doron proposed and Iris nodded to acknowledge what he said.

As the trio went to work, they did not knnow that certain individuals had also entered this world with them, and Doron knew of them, very well.