
Weapon Enchanter Dungeon Adventure

It has been 7 years since the first dungeon appeared. A place where the known natural law is rendered useless. A place where many dangers lurk. A place filled with opportunities. This is a story about Luis Lassiter, an ordinary young man that tries to live his ordinary life. He works an ordinary job, and he sometimes explores the dungeon. There is nothing of importance, only an ordinary life. That is until the young man gets something that changes his life forever. With the skill [Enchantment] that he obtained, this is the story of that young man. Author Note: I also posted this novel on Scribblehub

Mouri · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

013 Escorting Mission

Saturday, 29th of August. A little before 10 AM

Once again Luis is waiting in front of the dungeon entrance. Today the plan is to escort Professor Davidson and another person he brings.

Professor Davidson approach Luis and said, "Hello, did we make you wait?"

"Ah, Professor… No, I also only arrived." Luis then glanced beside the professor. A woman around the same age as Prof. Davidson is standing. She carries a calm and gentle mood. "And this is?"

"Let me introduce you. This is my wife. She also works in Dungeon Research Department of Goldensand Royal University."

"Hello, I am Milana Davidson. I work as a Research Professor in Dungeon Research Department." Ms. Milana… Professor Milana introduced herself to Luis. She offers her right hand for a handshake.

Meeting her hands, Luis answered, "Nice to meet you, I am Luis Lassiter. As of now, I am living by exploring the dungeon."

"Professor, sorry but can—" Luis wanted to talk about waiting for Zea, but Professor Davidson cut him

"Uhm, Mr. Luis, can you not use the professor title here. It feels weird. You can call me Ian, and my wife Milana instead. Right?" He said this while at the end he looked at his wife.

His wife, Milana, nodded and said, "That is right, Milana and Ian." She pointed her index finger to herself and then her husband.

"Okay then, I will call you that. I will use the professor title only when we meet at the University. To make it fair, you should call me Luis." Luis accepted their demands. Actually, this is easier for Luis as he is not used to formality. "Oh right, I want to say. Can we wait for a bit more? My partner has not arrived yet."

"Sure, we can wait. There is still a few minutes before the appointment time after all." Milana said this. She then looks for a place to sit. "Ian, here."

"Can I ask about your job a little?" Luis tried to start some small talk while waiting for Zea. "You said that you are a research professor. As I am not familiar with the academic profession, this is my first time hearing this title. What is the difference between this and a normal professor?"

"A research professor is only doing research. A normal professor, on the other hand, do research and lecture. As for why you have not heard the title before… Well, this title is rare. It is only after the Dungeon Research Department is opened that this title is used for many people.

"You know, Dungeon Research Department is a new department that is focused on research. There is no student enrolled in this department. Until now, there is still no plan to accept a student. The university needed people to research the dungeon, but they cannot use the professor title as there is no one to be lectured. That is why the Research Professor is used." Milana explained the difference.

"Wait a minute. If research professor is used for researcher on Dungeon Research Department. Why is Ian's title Professor, and not research professor?" Luis asked more.

Urged by his wife, Ian started talking, "Ah— That is because I am actually not from Dungeon Research Department. I get the professor title in Metallurgical Engineering. When the Dungeon Research Department is being built, I ask for a transfer. In the end, I get the transfer permission with a condition. That is, I still need to do a lecture in Metallurgical Engineering. So as I am doing research and still doing a lecture, my title is still a professor."

"So that is why huh… Can I ask more?" There are still some things that Luis wants to ask. He didn't know if this is proper or not, so he ask for permission first.

"Sure, ask away," Milana answered.

"Then, why did you decide to transfer to Dungeon Research Department?"

Ian takes a long breath. "When a new kind of metal is discovered in the dungeon, I have an urge to— How to say it… I want to know, what kind of metal comes from inside the dungeon. What kind of things is possible with those new metals? What is their characteristic? Can they be used in a mix with other metals? And many many more. I want to know all of that.

"To say it romantically, it is a life calling. Hahaha." Ian tried to end his talk with a little joke.

Luis can't help but feel moved. Researching to satisfy his curiosity. If that is not the best reason to do research, what is?

Luis is also reminded about the mystery that is the dungeon. There are many mysteries in the dungeon and surrounding the dungeon. What kind of place is a dungeon? Why monster spawned inside? What is mana? An uncountable amount of mysteries are still unsolved. He wondered if someday, there will be an answer to all of the mysteries.

Luis snapped back to reality when Milana talked. "Hey, you haven't asked me about my job."

"Ah, you are right. I only know that you are a research professor. So what are you researching?"

"I am mostly researching potion and medicinal herb from the dungeon. Oh right… I need to thank you for the high-quality antidote the other day. That really helped our team."

"Eh, so the antidote is… No, it should be me thanking you instead. With the money I get from selling the antidote, I can live for a few more weeks."

It is at this time that the three of them hear a running footstep that gradually reaches them.

"Sorry I am late," Zea said when she reached the places where Luis and the other sits down. "Shall we go now?"


Goldensand Dungeon, 11th floor.

Ian and Milana have known that the first ten floors of the dungeon offer nothing special. They decided to skip to the eleventh floor, evading as many monsters as possible.

"There are so many Kesia here," Milana commented when she sees many small patches of Kesia. She picks a few of these medicinal plants from the ground. "I will take a few of this plant first."

"What kind of monster spawn here?" Ian asked Luis.

"Mostly goblin. There are also animal types of monsters, like wolves, boars, snakes. But the real monsters that spawn here are goblins and hobgoblins. It is a little hard to find a hobgoblin on this floor, they are rare." Luis paused for a bit before continuing. "On the next floor, the monsters are the same except the addition of cockatrice and goblin chieftain."

"Goblin huh… I heard goblins attack in a group, is that true?"

"Yes, they usually attack in a group of 3 until 5 goblins." Luis looks around, he wants to show Ian how the goblin operates.

"There is one group over there," Zea said while pointing toward the area. "There is no goblin archer sighted in the group."

A group of 3 goblins is walking around the area. The distance between Luis's group and the goblin's group is around 5 minutes walk.

"Is this really okay? We can't fight after all." Milana asked, a little worried.

"It is okay, they are still far." Luis looked at Milana. "If you are already finished with picking Kesia, we can move to other areas. Or if you want to see the goblins closer, we can move closer to them. Don't worry we can protect you."

"Then, can we look goblin from a closer place?" Ian picked the second choice.

"Can I fight the goblin groups?" Zea asked Luis. She wanted to try the new enchantment of her dagger. Today, there has been no chance to test it. She can't help it anymore. Now that there is a chance, she wants to test the dagger.

"Alone?" asked Luis, which Zea answered with a nod. Luis then smiled apologetically toward Ian and Milana. "Looks like I am the only one that will protect you."

Four of them move closer to the goblin's group. Not long after, the goblin's group noticed them. When Luis think that the distance is close enough, he signaled to Zea. Zea understands the signal and runs forward to the goblins.

"[Hot Blade]"

Zea's dagger glows bright red, telling people that the blade of this dagger is hot. Zea moves to the left most goblin first. Using her quick movement she closed the gap before the goblin have the time to react.

When Zea feels that her dagger can reach the goblin, she swings her dagger. The dagger slices the neck of the goblin easily. A little surprised with the sharpness of the dagger, Zea snapped out of focus for a split second.

Hearing the sound of goblins nearby, Zea tries to focus again. She then used the same tactic to kill the second and the third goblin.

Zea looked at the dagger. It is still red from the heat. She then picks up the mana stones that the goblins drop.

"How is the dagger?" Luis asked.

"It is sharper than I thought. There is no resistance when I swing the dagger through the goblin. It is like cutting tofu."

"Sorry, can I see the dagger?" Out of nowhere, Ian asked Zea.

"Sure, here. Be careful, don't touch the blade, it is still hot." Zea hands her dagger to Ian.

"Is this dagger contain mithril?"

"Yes, this dagger is made by combining mithril and steel. 30 percent mithril and 70 percent steel. Wait, how can you know that the dagger uses mithril?"

Ian smiled, "There is no way an iron or steel dagger can weigh this light. So with that in mind, this dagger must use other materials. And a material that is super light is..."

"Mithril." Zea completed the sentence.

"If I may ask, where did you get this dagger?"

"I made it myself. I am not that good, that is why you can see there is a place where the finishing is a little... not good." Zea is a little embarrassed when she said this.

"Really? Are you also the one doing the enchantment?"

"No, Luis is the one that gives the enchantment."

Ian looked at Luis and say, "Looks like I will do more business with you two in the future."

I feel happy today, so double chapter~

Thank you for reading. Also big thanks to people that write comments, reviews, or give power stones. I appreciate it

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