

Everything change on Planet scytech when they first discover new energy that was never seen or heard before anywhere in this whole world. It was also reason for the aliens race came scytech planet after getting energy signal from it. War broke out between scytech planet people and aliens because it half of scytech land become Westland. After fighting over 200 years peace treaty was signed and one giant intergalactic nation come to alive where all kind of race stay together. Technology that human never have seen before appear infront of their eyes and human broke free from their normal mortal body limit. Jazz Rowan a 16 years old boy, who wanted to become intergalactic fighting champion but reality had something quite different for him despite that he didn't give up on his dream of becoming strongest person. [Shameless Author Notes] : if you enjoy my work you can give power stone to this novel and if you think my work is trash then throw power stone at this novel. Notice : "This cover does not belong to me I found it on Pinterest. if this is your art if you want to remove it I will remove it or I can give you credit for cover

14 Chs

Bearclaw gang

Bearclaw gang leader Daniel name wasn't for the nothing because his body his fat bulky his height is 7 feet 6 inches (15.24 cm) that gives him look of the giant bear.

Unlike other gang leader he always looks after he fellow gang members and if you provoke him or hurt his gang member you need to get ready to meet god of death.

This he wasn't came alone to fight this devil, he comes with 80 gang members to fight this devil.

"You think with your cheap armor you can defend yourself from my attack."

"Don't look down upon your enemy even if It's weak, you might not ready for what surprise they have for you."

"I would like to what surprise you have stored for me."

"My name is Daniel fex. What is your name?"

"You don't have what it takes to know my noble name."

Hearing this, Daniel right-hand man Nick got angrier. "What did you say, piece of shit, I will let you know what it takes to beat you in plump."

Laughter of mockery resounded in their surrounding. "Beating me in plump, well that is something I have never seen in my life. Show me what you got, human."

Daniel put his hand on the Nick chest to stop him from rushing towards his death. "Don't lose your focus Nick he way stronger than all of us, we need to work together to kill him. So, don't lose your cool. Fight hasn't even started, yet we all need to work together remembered this."

"We will use strategy A1 this time."

"Boss, but using that strategy we lead to lots of our man dying. Even if we survive this then what about other gangs in slum they will come to devour us since we will become weak after this fight." Said bearclaw gang leader Daniel left-hand man Nive.

Daniel looked at the Nive and said. " Remember what we discuss it on our way here. We don't have much choice here, Nive this the only way."

Nive and Nick both of them are twin brothers but both of them have entirely different personalities, Nick hot headed while Nive calm and calculating.

"I have to think it through this Nive but there is something you don't know about something when I was talking on the phone I got news that trex gang and mrko gang is completely wiped out by this that man group member."

"There are total five of them, including him. They are strength isn't something that we can ignore. The most dangerous thing about them is they're not human, they belong a different race."

" We don't know what organization they came for came, what is their true goal is this chaos that descent on this slum is their doing. They made this train fall off from the bridge to this slum."

"They must have some goal to do this. Something here is crucial to them that's why they have done this all, but why would they do this by making a huge mess could simply come silently and take what they want."?

"There killings indiscriminate to whoever they find or got in their way."

After hearing what their boss said, Nive nodded his head. "You are right, boss."

" Everyone gets in the position of strategy A1."

Everyone from the bearclaw gang take the deep breath and look towards their boss. Daniel look his gang members face nodded his and every gang members look at their boss firmly and stood on behind his for waiting him to take first step.

Bearclaw gang leader Daniel took his first step inside the puddle of blood that is made from his gang member's blood that killed by this devil.

He strongly controls his emotions and feelings, so he won't dash out and attack this monster mindlessly. The strong smell of blood reminding him of gang members the way he killed him.

Daniel looked at the blood and said. " I will let your soul rest in peace."

"Hey, did you change your mind or something thinking that we can't beat so just let's runway or something because I've been standing here for a long time there are other matters that I need to take care off? So, don't waste my time here."

Daniel looked at the devil who seems to been acting like annoying. " You regret this."

All the bearclaw gang members surround him in circles, first one to attack was Daniel he didn't you any kind of gun or weapon on his hands because his armor is his weapon.

Daniel's rush towards him at unbelievable speed and kick him on the chest.

That kick made him take a few steps back. " Oh, i have to say you are strong but not much."

Saying this he run towards Daniel with his sword activated, just as he was about to get near him one of the gang members leap towards him. He slashed his laser sword at him and cutting in the air in two pieces, but second person comes in hold firmly him from behind Nive dash towards him and use his laser sword cut him.

Nive look at the place where he slashed with his sword only to it leaves behind single scratch. Then Nive got back to his position.

The gang members who was holding him from behind, he killed him with punching through his head.

Third man jumps at him and use his gun to shoot at his head but nothing works on that dame armor just the first man he was also cut in half from head to Toe.

Next moment, seven members rush towards him.

"Do you want to dance, from your I can, I want to, hear comes the sword dance."

Like tornado, he starts to spin on his place and next moment fountain of blood comes out. Their blood falls on the surface like blood rain.

This time 10 people run towards him to attack he uses same move as he did before, and blood fountain once again come out but this loud sound of hammer hitting his head also come out.

" I got you, bitch."

The one who this time was Nick. He used all his strength to attack him when he was busy killing their gang members jumps in the air high with his gravity shoes towards him in the air, Nick active his gravity hammer to attack him using all his strength in one strike.

This attack made visible crack on the headgear that he was wearing, he never thought this pest would have any strength or high-tech weapons, but this killing move made his helmet crack.

[System error, Headgear has been damage by the impact, it's needed quick repair for fully utilizing all the options and advantages of full-body armor.]

[Due to low energy in the armor it will take 30 minutes to get automatically repair.]

This two message keep showing on the screen in front of his eyes.

The beast like growling could be heard from that man. It was getting louder and louder, like a man stepping on lion's tail.

"I never thought that you pest will have any strength or high-tech weapons to harm me, you did prove me wrong this time."

"So, I won't be holding back as the real fight starts now."

The gangster look at this enraged monster, they finally have confidence after seeing that Nick has damaged to that monster headgear. The crack is visible to their naked eye, but they still can't see his face yet.

"Next, hit will be at your head, you fucking monster." Said Nick, looking at him.

He looks at this person Nick with his cold gaze. It was you who attack this time right. Then that's mean it's my turn now to attack you.

He rushed towards him attack at incredible speed, but before he reached Nick. Nice was surrounded by the twenty members of their gang to protect him.

Next, moment blood was flowing on the road like river flows, all of those twenty gang members are dead on the road.

Nick couldn't be found in that place, he was standing on the one remaining wall of the destroyed house.

"You were looking for me, right."