
Warlock of the Magus World – Redux

Dr. Fang Ming, a scientist in his previous life, reincarnates into a world of sword and magic. Thus, he becomes the new owner of Leylin Farlier's body. The previous Leylin was the useless son of a Viscount and a weak miscreant shunned by the nobilities. But to our protagonist, that is nothing to be concerned about. He always gets what he wants, one way or another. And he craves all the power he can get his hands on. He knows no limit to his ambition; Leylin's final goal is to stand above creation itself. Other people are just pawns on his game board, and relationships are the strings he uses to manipulate events in his favor. Yet, Leylin does not kill exclusively when his plans demand it. He kills for his own sick pleasure. Unattached, ambitious, calculating, and sadistic; such are the qualities of a true villain. Such are the traits defining the new Leylin. |=|=|=|=|=|=|=| **What are the differences compared to the original?** 1.- Fewer exclamation marks and better grammar. 2.- Leylin's character is way darker (his actions reflect his evil nature). Doesn't mean he won't be as dedicated or smart, though. 3.- The Chip has a true A.I. personality. NO ROMANCE AT ALL with the MC, and it won't get a body of its own. It will NEVER disobey the MC either. He basically has Siri/Alexa in his head, nothing more. I do this for fun, I own nothing (cover included ---> shorturl.at/yDGIN)

TunaSandwichAddict · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
132 Chs

Kary Vultures

A gale swept across the Golden Desert, lifting the sand into a shimmering golden haze. Amidst this deadly and dangerous expanse, a group of six robust wolves traversed the soft sands at an unyielding pace. Human silhouettes were perched on their backs, adding an element of mystery to the scene.

"We've arrived. The Golden Oasis lies before us," the elder of the group announced, his eyes scanning the map with a spark of excitement.

"Finally," responded a rider atop a Seated Lupin Wolf, lifting his gaze to the horizon. His keen eyesight discerned a swath of green vegetation in the distance.

Ever since their encounter with the formidable Golden Giant, Leylin's party had been on high alert, easily startled by the slightest disturbance. It was only after ten days of relentless pursuit that they began to unwind, reaching their destination sooner than anticipated.

The Golden Oasis, the sole substantial water source in the Golden Desert, also served as the only navigable route through the treacherous Grand Canyon Margaret. The alternative paths were fraught with perils beyond the abilities of a Rank 1 Magus.

Leylin noticed several large bird-like creatures in the distance, taking flight and landing at the oasis. These were the Kary Vultures, the primary inhabitants of the area.

The group of Magi halted their Seated Lupin Wolves on a sand dune near the Golden Oasis. While these wolves were formidable against some of the lesser life forms in the oasis, they stood no chance against the adult Kary Vultures, whose strength was comparable to a level 3 acolyte.

The wolves, essential for the journey ahead, were rented. If they were to perish, a hefty compensation in magic crystals would be required for the handlers awaiting their return on the other side of the Grand Canyon.

"We can't proceed any further. The Kary Vultures will undoubtedly spot us from the air," the elder warned, surveying the surroundings. "We need to conceal the wolves as well."

"I might be able to assist with that," Leylin offered, a faint smile playing on his lips as he gestured towards the shadow of a sand dune.

Under Leylin's command, the shadow twisted and contorted, swallowing the entire sand dune like a monstrous beast lurking in the shadows. "Darkness is the natural ally of concealment," Leylin whispered, as the wolves disappeared into the shadowy veil he had conjured.

"Well done, Leylin! Thank you!" Lancey praised, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. She felt fortunate to have him as a companion on this journey.

To her, Leylin was more than just a budding Magus. She admired his quick thinking and proficiency in practical spells. However, this was merely a facade crafted by him. Leylin's true prowess lay in destructive magic, making these spells seem like child's play.

Upon hearing Lancey's compliment, the burly man snorted dismissively, "If it were up to me…"

"We're a team, there's no need for such remarks," the elder interjected, "Our current adversaries are the Kary Vultures and their King… Lancey, please brief the team on the situation."

Stepping into the center of the group, Lancey produced a blue gem from a small pocket in her chest region. "This magical artifact serves as a spying eye, capable of examining images within a ten-kilometer radius. With it, we may scout the area safely, and gather information on the vultures without putting ourselves at risk."

Lancey concluded her explanation, cradling the gem in her hands. She moistened it with a few droplets from her water pouch and began to chant incantations. A beam of azure light radiated from the gem, warping and stretching until it resembled the surface of a mirror. Reflected on this mirror-like surface was a picturesque lake, surrounded by verdant shrubbery and coconut trees. Large, red birds could occasionally be seen taking flight or descending into the forest.

As the mirror's vision zoomed in, Leylin could discern the true appearance of the Kary Vultures. With a wingspan of five meters, these creatures were adorned with scarlet feathers. Their talons were icy and sharp, and their heads bore pink, bald patches that were rather unsightly. A tumor-like muscle protruded from their curved, completely bald heads.

Over a hundred of these Kary Vultures inhabited the oasis. If they were all mature and led by a Kary Vulture King, akin to an official Magus, the band of Magi would stand no chance.

"More than a hundred? That's overwhelming! Can we get a glimpse of the Kary Vulture King?" The elder queried hastily.

"I'll do my best," Lancey replied, uncertainty tingeing her voice. She continued to guide the mirror towards the flock of Kary Vultures. In the distance, a colossal tree stood with a peculiar hollow resembling a den. Nestled within was an extraordinarily large Kary Vulture.

As Lancey attempted to zoom in for a closer look, the massive Kary Vulture seemed to sense her presence. It let out an irate screech, akin to a crow but distinctively different. This caused the surrounding Kary Vultures to become agitated.

Following the enraged cry, a horrifying sonic wave swept in all directions.

"It's detected me!" Lancey's face paled. The mirror shattered like fractured crystal, transforming into a blue glow before falling to the floor.

The Kary Vulture King's screech reverberated from afar. The Kary Vultures flapped their large red wings, splitting up into sections like disciplined soldiers. They spread out, beginning to cover the sky like a carpet. As it appeared, they would leave no stone unturned in their hunt.

"I'm sorry, everyone! I didn't expect this to happen…" Lancey apologized, embarrassment etched on her face.

"No worries, Lancey. We did get a clear view of the situation, didn't we?" Leylin comforted her with a warm smile, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

She savored his touch and returned a bitter smile. Her failure, especially in comparison to Leylin's consistent success, filled her with shame. His supportive demeanor only made her feel more undeserving.

"He's right. Besides, it could've happened to any of us," the night shift Magus chimed in quickly.

"Indeed…" The elder echoed, a fleeting look of guilt crossing his face. He had been the one to suggest Lancey scout for the Kary Vulture King.


The large Kary Vultures patrolled the sky for an extended period, but their search for the Magi was fruitless. The group had concealed themselves well as soon as the King had detected Lancey, and had remained undetected. Eventually, the Kary Vultures attacked some of the local fauna, seizing what appeared to be large lizards, and retreated back to the oasis.

For Leylin and the official Magi, evading the Kary Vultures' pursuit had been a simple task.

"Alright, team. Let's strategize on how to handle this damned flock of birds," the elder grumbled.

Beneath the sandy ground, in a makeshift hut conjured by magic, the six Magi reconvened.

"We're dealing with a hundred Kary Vultures, each with power levels akin to level 2 or 3 acolytes, and a Vulture King whose power surpasses our expectations," the elder informed the other Magi.

"So, what's our next move?" The burly man asked, seemingly unfazed as he gestured dismissively with his hands. "I propose we stick to the initial plan: observe their hunting routes and patterns. We'll eliminate the smaller packs first, then launch an assault on the oasis."

This was the strategy they had agreed upon earlier — straightforward and effective. However, their encounter with the Golden Giant had instilled a sense of urgency within the group, making them reluctant to spend time on such meticulous plans.

Moreover, they were in the Golden Desert, the Golden Giant's territory, and they had no desire for another encounter.

"Agreed," the old man reluctantly conceded after seeing Leylin and the others nod in approval. "But we must intensify our attacks and expedite our journey through this place."


In the cover of darkness, a black scorpion-like creature stealthily navigated the desert floor. Its tail, adorned with a striking red hue indicative of its venomous nature, swayed rhythmically as it moved.

Suddenly, a sand-colored tongue shot out at an almost invisible speed, pulling the scorpion into a sand dune. The dune parted, revealing a sand-colored lizard adorned with fragmented fish scales and a prominent crest on its head.

With a swift gulp, the lizard devoured the scorpion. After its meal, the lizard burrowed into the sand, disappearing almost as quickly as it had appeared.

No sooner had the lizard concealed itself than the harsh cry of a vulture echoed through the night, followed by a gust of wind.

A large Kary Vulture descended from the sky, its black talons tearing through the sand dune and sinking into the lizard's flesh. The lizard writhed in pain, but the vulture merely cawed in delight, pecking at the lizard with its hooked beak. The lizard's skull split open, staining the sand with brain matter and blood. The vulture then took flight, carrying its prey back to its nest.

Unlike typical vultures that prefer carrion, Kary Vultures favored fresh, living prey. Despite the lizard's two-meter length, it seemed no more than a small fish in the vulture's grasp.

"Latent Fireball."

From the shadows, a small black fireball emerged, striking the Kary Vulture mid-flight. In an instant, the vulture and its prey were engulfed in black flames, reduced to ashes without a sound.

More fireballs followed, each as potent as the last, shooting into the sky and eliminating the remaining Kary Vultures that had not even reacted.

After the attack, the sand shifted, revealing a cross-armed Leylin. He had been patrolling the area for days, hunting Kary Vultures that had descended in search of food.

Leylin had been testing a Rank 1 spell that Aralis had helped him develop. As a level 3 acolyte, he had tasked her with optimizing a Rank 1 defensive spell model he had earned for his performance in the Bloodbath.

However, after studying under the esteemed Magus Serholm and advancing to a Warlock, this task had been postponed. His venture into the Golden Desert had made him realize the inadequacy of his offensive techniques.

Despite Leylin's unconventional attack techniques, he resolved to revisit his strategy. Armed with a new spell, he felt better equipped to confront opponents at the Magus level, without the sole dependence on spells that heavily taxed his mana. His Latent Fireball, notable for its cost-efficiency, could be deployed repeatedly.

Leylin had initially sought to optimize a defensive spell intended for magicians aiming for a breakthrough with Grine Water. However, having transitioned into a Warlock, he no longer required it.

As if struck by inspiration, Leylin incorporated several Rank 1 spell models from the Book of the Giant Serpent. He allowed Aralis to modify and optimize these models, resulting in a Rank 1 spell tailored to his elemental affinity.

Upon becoming a Warlock, Leylin experienced a significant increase in his Spiritual Force. Aralis, bound to his soul, also reaped numerous benefits. Just two days prior, she had successfully simulated a Rank 1 spell model.

[Latent Fireball. Classification: Rank 1 spell. Elements: Darkness and Fire. Degree of attack: 30.3. Added elemental bonus: 0.3 degrees,] Aralis provided data regarding his use of the new spell.

Currently, Leylin's Elemental Essence Conversion stood at 1%, granting an equivalent boost to his Darkness element spells. While this increase might seem negligible, once his EEC exceeded 50%, every Darkness element spell would surpass the strength of regular Magi by more than half.

Leylin analyzed the data, his face reflecting satisfaction. 'This power is sufficient to counter most Magi's innate defensive force fields,' he thought.

The strength of a Magi's defensive force field isn't constant. Typically, newly advanced Magi possessed a defensive force field with a capability of 20 degrees. However, as their Spiritual Force progressed and they acquired precious resources to enhance their magic spells, their defensive force fields were often upgraded.

The range varied among individuals, especially true for magicians who practice high-grade meditation techniques. As a Warlock with an ancient bloodline, Leylin's defense power of his Kemoyin's Scales would continue to strengthen.

A magic spell exceeding 30 degrees could breach most regular Rank 1 Magi's defensive force fields. This meant that Leylin had another potent method to confront other Magi in the future, in addition to his defensive force field.

Ideally, Leylin would have Aralis custom-create a powerful Rank 1 spell encompassing speed, strength, defense, detection, and various other aspects. Unfortunately, she could only simulate the Latent Fireball spell due to Leylin's extensive knowledge of fireball-type models and the contributions of Darkness and Fire spells from the Book of the Giant Serpent.

The few Rank 1 spells in the Book of the Giant Serpent were from the Great Magus Serholm, a Warlock with the Kemoyin bloodline. His elemental affinity naturally leaned towards Darkness and Fire, allowing Leylin to greatly benefit from the spells he collected.

Alas, such conditions are unlikely to recur in the near future. Therefore, unless Leylin discovered a new Darkness and Fire element spell model, Aralis wouldn't be able to simulate any new spells during this period.

As Leylin pondered over the Book of the Giant Serpent, his hand instinctively rested on his black satchel, revealing a glimpse of a sturdy black notebook.

This was the Book of the Giant Serpent, a treasure he had secured from the Dylan Gardens. The book, always within Leylin's reach, was crafted from an unusual material that gave its pages a peculiar feel, reminiscent of an animal's hide, capable of storing vast amounts of information.

The book was a repository of knowledge, housing not only a dozen Rank 1 spell models but also three Rank 2 spell models. It also contained the travel experiences and laboratory experiments of the Great Magus Serholm. This wealth of information made it Leylin's most prized possession, second only to his high-grade meditation technique.

Suddenly, a pocket-sized diary hanging from his satchel like a key chain began to quiver.

Leylin opened the diary to the trembling page. The diary, small enough to fit in a child's palm, revealed a faint yellow page where a secret imprint resembling three stacked rocks emitted a soft glow. Leylin gently touched the imprint.

A boisterous voice echoed from the imprint, "Hahaha! Leylin, you actually managed to survive this long on your own? Who would've thought! I told Lancey you were probably dead, but it seems you're not that much of a weakling. Anyway, the Vulture King and all of its minions are inbound to your location..."

This pocket-sized diary served as a collection of secret imprints from friends, professors, colleagues, and others with whom Leylin wished to maintain contact.

It was common practice for Magi to inscribe these imprints directly onto their bodies in the form of tattoos. One example was the huge bloke. Leylin saw that his arms entirely covered with these imprints.

Those densely packed imprints left Leylin feeling rather disgusted. He found tattoos of any kind to be unbecoming of a noble Magus, and instead belonged to the worthless humans. Despite the added care required, he preferred to use the diary for collecting his contacts' secret imprints.

"Thank you for the warning," Leylin responded to the imprint. He then closed the diary and swiftly vacated the area, paying no heed to the man's taunts. He found the man neither annoying nor threatening, considering him too insignificant and foolish to pose any real danger.

Before long, Leylin spotted dark silhouettes soaring across the distant horizon. These were the shadows of the enraged Vulture King, who had rallied his entire flock.

However, compared to a few days prior when they could blanket the sky, the flock was now noticeably sparse. Their numbers had plummeted from over a hundred to less than half, roughly forty or fifty. This was the result of Leylin and his companions' relentless efforts over the past few days.

Even from this distance, Leylin could feel the violent energy waves pulsating from the irate Vulture King.

With the Vulture King at the epicenter, the massive energy waves continued to ripple into the surroundings. This regal figure was expressing its frustration and fury over the continuous loss of its subordinates.

[Judging from the energy waves emitted by the Vulture King, I'd estimate its Vitality to be over 20, while its Strength is likely between 17 and 19. Regrettably, more specific data is unavailable. I suggest you retreat for now, Doctor.] Aralis commented.

Creatures that had reached the stage of an official Magus, like this one, often had a defensive force field enveloping them. Aralis was still unable to penetrate this field and obtain any concrete stats. She could only analyze the strength that the target exhibited and provide a rough estimate.

However, these stats alone were enough to transform Leylin's expression from cool indifference to a playful smirk.

Creatures of this caliber often boasted immense Strength and Vitality and even possessed innate spells that were incredibly challenging to counter. As the Vulture King snarled above a few piles of ashes, the other Kary Vultures in the vicinity also cried out in distress.

Leylin studied the Vulture King intently before departing the area.


Deep into the night, in a makeshift underground chamber.

"Today we have eliminated another nine Kary Vultures, excellent work," the elderly man commended with a smile. Leylin had actually killed 12 vultures on his own, but he reported an inferior number so that his true power could not be determined by his group.

"Currently, those blasted birds only have around 50 left in their flock!" The burly man exclaimed excitedly.

The materials from a Vulture King, a creature on par with a Rank 1 Magus, were incredibly valuable. Furthermore, if they managed to slay the King, the group could also reap rewards from both sides governing the Great Canyon Margaret.

"However, the remaining Kary Vultures rarely hunt in the areas where we've set up. There are also indications of them preparing to relocate soon," one of the reclusive Magi pointed out.

"We need to act swiftly and devise a plan. Otherwise, we could miss out on the bounty reward…" Lancey, who was standing off to the side, interjected, dampening the mood.

The families governing both sides of the Great Canyon Margaret did mention that they could traverse the Golden Oasis once the vulture flock had relocated. However, faced with a weakened Vulture King and a lucrative reward on its head, Lancey and the others were naturally reluctant to let the Vulture King escape.

"Perhaps we could…" After a moment of silence, the elderly man proposed an idea.