
Warhammer X League of Legends

The story of a Warhammer and League of Legends fan who took the system to the mighty world of Warhammer, and brought a group of friends to fight on the battlefield. (I really can't find a fanfic of 40k i like that I can read so just don't mine the book grammar because im not proficient in English and this book is just my hobby)

PAIN_0501 · ไซไฟ
25 Chs


Boom~dong~dong~dong~" The rumbling sound followed the huge  Titan walking towards Garen position. As the ground shook, Garen expression changed as the  Titan approached. Turned blue a little.

  The  Titan suddenly stopped, and then it raised the  cannon on its arm. "Boom boom boom boom~~~" The  titan was shaken by the recoil, and a series of shells smashed into the position in the firelight. The boiling ground was like a pot of boiling water, and the swirling mud buried the trenches. Garen, who was hiding inside, was also buried alive inside. However, Garen also escaped, and was not killed by the explosion of the cannonball.

  "Boom!!!" A shell just landed near the trench where Garen was buried alive, and the violent explosion blew Garen out of the soil, "Whoops!" Garen, who fell to the ground, quickly pulled out the power sword behind him The great sword activated the skill: "Deadly Strike!" "Buzz!!!" Galen, holding the power sword, fled in the explosion in embarrassment.

  While Garen was busy escaping for his life, the " system interface popped up again in front of everyone, "The Titan has arrived on the battlefield, and the recruits have two choices. One: Destroy the Titan! ! Two: In the joint pursuit of the Mechanicus' Titans and the Defense Forces, the more people who escape the battlefield and reach the evacuation point alive, the higher the mission completion degree."

  Taric, who has always been stable and gentle, saw the conditions for completing this task, and after a dozen failures, he was also full of anger. Taric scolded: "#@#¥%, I bought a watch last year! Now let's not talk about the first impossible condition, just the second condition for evacuation, without armored vehicles and powerful weapons. , was chased and killed by the  Titans and the Defense Forces! Are you kidding me? Now, I have run out of bolts and bullets, and  fighting with a captured laser heavy machine gun! Just these light weapons, How to fight!!! How to escape!!!"

  Others began to vent their anger with swear words after Taric swears.

  "Stop scolding, save me now, I'm escaping for my life in the cannonball, that eldest brother can lend a helping hand!" Garen, who was fleeing, sent a distress signal through the communicator. Little by little is very conspicuous.

  Robert said in a heavy tone: "Everyone, now we have been forced to  by systematic recruit training, retreat! Under the pursuit of so many defenders, we must not be able to escape! Now we have only one thing to do. That's it! That is, we have to teach the enemy a lesson when we die!!! Anyway, we are dead, we might as well attack that titan directly! No matter whether we win or lose, we will all have to face the -

level titan the next time we continue. Experience."

  "That's right! Dog-day-of! We fought it!"

  "Same as above!"

  "Very good! Now that everyone agreed to fight hard, let's spread the attack! After all, the Cannon of the Titan is too powerful, and we can easily be shot down by the cannon when we gather together! Moreover, because it is recruit training. Only one of the Titans that has never been left alone appears on the battlefield, this might be our chance!" Robert boosted  morale while analyzing the possibility of everyone completing the mission. And everyone who heard Robert analysis, whether they believed it or not, all nodded in agreement with Robert opinion.

  "Okay! Time is running out. Let's spread out various means to attack the Titans!" Robert said seriously, and then stretched out their palms. The others also stretched out their palms and placed them on Robert palm Above, "Watcher! Fearless!!!" With a low roar, several big hands waved down together, and then, several people dispersed.

  After Robert separated from the crowd, he chose to walk outside the position. After all, the  Titan was continuously firing at the position, and the Defence Force seemed to have full confidence in Titan and launched an attack on the  Titan. After that, they didn't launch a charge, they all formed an encirclement in the distance, preventing this group of difficult enemies from escaping the battlefield. Therefore, Robert who ran  on the position, was temporarily safe.

  Robert, who was running on the ruins of the battlefield, suddenly tumbled and hid in a gun pit. 100 meters in front of Robert, a company of defenders was bending over and sneaking towards the hillside position. In the process of Robert more than a dozen mission failures, these Defence Force soldiers wearing green and thin bulletproof armor are simply not worth mentioning to the Space Marines in terms of individual strength. After more than a dozen failures, These inconspicuous Defence Force soldiers can be said to be the biggest obstacle to Robert to complete his mission. Even the bombers roaring from the sky, or the overwhelming rain of shells, will not contribute much to the small Defence Force soldiers.

These fearless Defence Force soldiers broke through the battery formation under Heimerdinger again and again with human sea tactics. Although they left a mountain of corpses and bloody casualties on the charge, these humble Defence Force soldiers, Under the guns of the political commissar, he unswervingly launched one charge after another, forcing Robert and his group to become masters of melee combat in one fell swoop. Even Ryze and Heimerdinger, who belong to long range , can play a beautiful chain saw sword.

  Robert stuck his head out and looked at it. It seemed that the soldiers of the Defense Forces of the company had not found any trace of Robert . The Defence Force soldiers of this company should be here to conduct reconnaissance or approach the position to guide the Titans to carry out shelling operations. They do not carry a heavy weapon, but  few carry grenade launchers. The rest of the soldiers are all holding a laser gun The gun is also commonly known as the Lasgun

  Robert calculated in his heart and felt that he should be able to kill them all without injury. Robert lay quietly in the cannon pit, waiting for the soldiers of the defense army to approach violently enough.

  "Ha!!!" Robert held the drakebane in front of him, shouted angrily, and rushed out of the cannon pit, in order to prevent the guard soldiers from rushing into their formation at a speed that they couldn't react to.

  As Robert swung the spear, all the soldiers of the Defence Force who were slashed by the  spear were all smashed to pieces under the attack of Robert innate talent, and the blood and minced flesh scattered in the air with the waving of the drakebane

  In the confusion that Robert caused the defense army, a company commander began to pray loudly.

  "The Emperor of Man, who oversees the workings of all things,

  His power is unmatched,

  we beg you,

  from the hands of our enemies,

  save us, inspire us,

  help us to surpass our enemies,

  Show us the way to victory,

  Let us triumph in your eternal name!


  In the voice of the company commander, the soldiers of the Defense Forces who were in chaos gradually reacted. After they separated half of their companions to entangle Robert, the other side planned to use the lasgun to focus on shooting under the command of the company commander. You must know that the power of a lasgun can only burn a finger-sized hole in a stone, which is insignificant damage to the space marine power armor. However, concentrating a sufficient number of lasgun is Enough to give the Space Marine a color look.

  "Dragon Clash!" Robert quickly used his skills when he saw the action of the defense army. With the extension of the drakebane, Robert twisted the Drakebane and swept it fiercely. With the help of the elongated spear body, Robert sweep cut off dozens of entangled veterans of the Defense Forces, breaking the encirclement in one fell swoop.

  Robert suddenly increased the power output of the power armor's legs, and broke through the siege with one step. Robert continuously used a drakebane to kill more than a dozen Defence Army soldiers who came forward and entangled, and came to the front of the Defence Army company commander.

  "I'm not afraid of evil, I'm not afraid of death, because the emperor is coming to pick me up." The company commander roared and prayed to the emperor's death. He raised the chainsaw sword in his hand and rushed towards Robert ready to use his flesh to stop Robert. , to buy time for his subordinates to attack.

  Robert also raised the drakebane and slashed at the company commander. The two weapons collided in the air. It was just a normal-level chainsaw sword. Compete under attack.

Tear!!!" The sound of drakebane tearing the flesh sounded. After the drakebane severed the chainsword, it split him in half from the shoulder of the company commander, and blood splattered all over the ground.

  After seeing the death of their company commander, not only did the remaining soldiers of the Defense Forces have no fear, they instead shouted and shouted battle slogans, and rushed towards Robert.

  After a bloody battle, Robert finally killed the last defending soldier. After resting for a while while leaning on the drakebane, he continued to advance towards the Titan.

  Suddenly, Robert attention was drawn to the back of a body of a soldier of the Defense Forces. A familiar bomb bag was tied behind the soldiers of the Defense Forces. Robert walked over to take it off and inspected it carefully.

  "Hey, isn't this a melta bomb pack?" Robert picked up the melta bomb pack and carefully searched his mind, and finally recognized the melta bomb pack. Robert thought about putting the melta bomb behind his back. Although this bomb was a bit heavy for space marine, it should be useful to deal with  titans.

  As Robert got closer and closer to the Titan, the intense artillery fire gradually became more violent. In the communicator, Robert already knew that Heimerdinger, who had no one else's movements, had been hit by the artillery shell and was blown to pieces. , Garen managed to get close to the Titan with a fatal strike, but Garen asked that there was no weapon that could threaten the Titan the Titan stomp on Garen and become.  a mass of meat sauce, Taric, Alistar and Ryze were all suppressed by the fierce artillery fire on the top of the position. When they wanted to charge several times, they were all driven back.

  "Did it fail like this! Damn it!!!" As the cannonballs blew up the positions on the hillside bit by bit, continuing to hide is nothing but suicide. The artillery fire of the Titan will eventually wipe out everyone. . However, if you want to charge, not to mention that Robert and the others have no weapons that can destroy the Titan. Just approaching the Titan requires you to ask the soldiers of the Defense Forces in front of the Titan whether they agree.

  Robert  on the  bush far away from the position and observing the Titan with binoculars, trying to find a way, "Auntie! What is that!!!" Robert suddenly noticed a few holes on the armor of the Titan's ankle. , a power sword is inserted on it. "It's Garen great sword! Wait, why can Titan's armor got penetrate by power sword! It make no sense a weapon produced by the system! Could it be..." Thinking of this, Robert hurriedly turned on the communicator Contact Ryze and the others.