
Warhammer X League of Legends

The story of a Warhammer and League of Legends fan who took the system to the mighty world of Warhammer, and brought a group of friends to fight on the battlefield. (I really can't find a fanfic of 40k i like that I can read so just don't mine the book grammar because im not proficient in English and this book is just my hobby)

PAIN_0501 · ไซไฟ
25 Chs

chapter 21 BANQUET 2

Kacha~kacha~kacha" In the bright, uninhabited corridor, a giant in steel armor led the way, Emilia and the others followed behind the giant.

  On the way to the banquet hall, Emilia curiously looked at the murals on the walls of the corridor with the help of bright lights. A giant in steel armor was holding a huge weapon in  posture doing a dying Charged in front of hundreds of thousands of enemies, that kind of heroic death was vividly displayed on the murals, making the watching Emilia and 10 subordinates see the blood boil, they seemed to enter the world of the murals, side by side with the Watchers of these empires Fighting, that kind of heroic attitude of fighting bravely under the Emperor will for the sake of the empire, knowing that they are defeated, is just like what Emilia and the others have seen with their own eyes, "The creator of this mural is definitely a master of art! This is so lifelike. Murals make people feel like an immersive mood!"

  However, what puzzled Emilia and the others was that the enemy charged by these heroic Space Marines was not some physical enemy, but a black mist, and this black mist was separated by a layer of The mural, Emilia can also feel the frightening and disturbing atmosphere, and even Emilia wants to take a closer look. When staring at the black mist, a kind of pain in the body of an invisible big hand pinching the heart flooded my mind.

  "Ah~ Huchihuchi~~" Emilia exclaimed in a low voice, and quickly looked away, the feeling of being held in her heart disappeared immediately. In the violent gasp, Emilia dared to Surely the pain she just felt wasn't an illusion.

  And the Space Marine who turned around when she heard Emilia's exclamation asked with concern: "Miss Emilia! What's the matter with you, is there anything uncomfortable?"

  "It's nothing, just a little amazed at the exquisite murals on the walls of the corridor!" Emilia forced herself to calm down and replied in a light tone.

  "Really!" The Space Marine Sergeant looked at Emilia, and after confirming that she was fine, he continued to turn around and lead the way.

  "Miss Emilia, the mural on the wall was created by a master of our chapter to record a major battle of our watchmen chapter. You can see the history of our watchmen through the pictures in the mural, but , It is best not to stare at the black fog of the mural. When the master created the mural, he also painted his feelings of facing the enemy. For us Space Marines, this feeling is only a small part of the will to suffer. means, but it is not a good feeling for mortals."

  "Thank you for the reminder!" Emilia thanked earnestly.

  After walking for a while, Emilia curiously pointed to a werewolf wearing power armor on a mural and asked, "Who is the warrior on this mural? Why does he have a wolf head?"

  The Space Marine Sergeant glanced at him, and continued to lead the way while replying: "That's a veteran of our Watchmen - Commander Warwick! He is a worthy warrior, when Commander Warwick charged on the battlefield. At that time, there was no line of defense to stop it! Wherever it went, the enemy was afraid. Commander Warwick once defeated a rebel infantry regiment head-on!"

  "Then it's really brave!" Emilia exclaimed from the heart!

  "Miss Emilia!" The Space Marine Sergeant stopped in front of a towering steel gate full of runes. "The banquet hall is here!"

  When the Space Marines said, he pushed the door with force, "Zi Touri ~~~~" With the opening of the steel door, a barbecue and wine fragrance come from the open door.

  , This banquet hall is obviously set in a restaurant, rows of neat steel seats are arranged in the hall, groups of Space Marines and Scout  and serf  are sitting together, the voices are full of people, and the heat is rising. In the hall, the first thing that caught Emilia's eyes was a pile of meat mountains, mammoths, bison, cows and wild boars piled up in the center of the banquet hall. There are several tons of weight, and there are barrels of wooden wine barrels stacked on Continuous crowds come to these two mountains and pick up barrels of wine or a pile of meat.

Huge barbecue grills made of steel are placed on the open space, and pieces of meat weighing dozens of kilograms are grilled on the fire. The fire from the fire will spread out the appetizing aroma.

  Space marines tore the barbecue with their hands, drinking with huge wine glasses, and several giant Fenrir wolves lay beside their masters and devoured the whole beast. Some Space Marines boasted loudly. Looking at his past honorable achievements, such as the representative figure, Captain Gallren, he grabbed the barbecue leg in one hand and carried a barrel of wine in the other, while showing the decorations on his armor, he followed loudly. Beside a werewolf, he kept boasting and talking about his heroic deeds.

  Emilia foolishly carried her noble lady's long dress and looked at the scene in front of her. In her fantasy, wasn't the banquet of the Watchers Chapter some polite noble warriors and some ladies dancing gracefully? ? Then in the high atmosphere of the banquet, two powerful warriors will stand up. will cheer up the banquet with a wonderful performance and battle, and some ladies will cheer and cheer for their sweethearts.

  "But, who can tell me what's going on with the scene of the barbarian party in front of me!!!" Emilia seemed to see the rupture of her inner fantasy, pieces peeled off from above, and then fell off and fell. Gotta smash.

  "Miss Emilia! Now, the banquet has begun, and I'm ready to join it, please start enjoying it as you please!" The Space Marines sergeant who led the way nodded and said goodbye to Emilia, and Emilia returned a reply. Thank you asked: "This esteemed  Astarte, I would like to know, where is your head now?"

  "The head and main leaders of our chapter are all in this banquet. As for their specific location, then I don't know. The only thing I can confirm is that they should be in the banquet now! If there is nothing, Then I'll take my leave."

  "Thank you! !" After Emilia said goodbye to the Space Marine sergeant, she turned her head and said to her subordinates: "You guys also spread out to the banquet! Remember to be careful, don't break the rules of others! "

  "Yes!" The subordinates, who were also disillusioned, answered weakly, and then dispersed on their own. "Even if there is no beautiful young lady, it is not in vain to eat a full meal." At the same time, all the dispersed subordinates dispersed. Have had similar thoughts.

  Emilia slapped her face hard, forced a  sweet smiles, and slowly walked into the crowd.

  "I must not miss the opportunity for the rise of this family!"