
Warhammer X League of Legends

The story of a Warhammer and League of Legends fan who took the system to the mighty world of Warhammer, and brought a group of friends to fight on the battlefield. (I really can't find a fanfic of 40k i like that I can read so just don't mine the book grammar because im not proficient in English and this book is just my hobby)

PAIN_0501 · ไซไฟ
25 Chs

chapter 18 MEETING

Dong dong dong~~~" In the meeting room of the Storm, Robert tapped the solid  conference table with his steel-gloved fingers, "Cough cough~~~ Now the meeting has started, please calm down and stop making trouble. already."

  "Break up! Four 2s, see who can stop me!!!" Garen proudly pinched a few small playing cards with his huge palms and crouched in the corner of the conference room. The iron-blooded Space Marine phenomenon was all lost. And Alistar and Taric, who were squatting in the corner and playing cards together, were not much better, and Alistar, who had sawed off the horns, had a bitter face, pinched the playing cards in his hand, and turned his eyes to the alliance for help. Taric spread his hands and said that he could do nothing.

  "Pa~" Three cards of 5 and 6 were slapped on the ground by Garen, "Ahahahahaha!!! I won, I would like to accept the loss and hand over my things!!!" Garen who won the card was like a Just like the old wealthy landlord who urged the rent, with an ugly face, he grabbed the remaining "surplus grain" from the poor two "peasants".

  Robert looked at the three funny people in front of him with blue veins. As soon as he entered the conference room, he saw them squatting in the corner and playing Poker. Originally, he didn't care about this, but now he already announced that the meeting has started. The three of them still focused their attention on playing cards, and what they didn't expect was that the three of them would be gambling even if they were playing cards in the conference room! ! !

  "Hula~~" Robert stood up abruptly and walked quickly behind Garen, "Huh?" Garen, who felt someone behind him, turned his head, "Hey, it's the head of the regiment! You have something to do with me."

  "You have something to do! Gather a crowd to gamble in the conference room! Now, in the name of the head of the watchmen, I will confiscate the gambling funds! And I will punish the three of you with 1,000 contribution points!" unidentified objects in between.

  "Hey? How do these horns look familiar?" The unknown object that Robert seized was a pair of horns that looked familiar, but there were no cows on the battleship? ? ? Do not! Speaking of bulls, the Watchers Chapter really has a tauren.

  Robert suddenly came to his senses, and he turned his attention to Alistar. Alistar stared straight at the horn in Robert hand and said, "Captain, that's my horn, give it back to me."

  "Hey!!!" Robert sighed and threw the horns to Alistar "Idiot! How did you use your horns for gambling money, and you lost to Garen? Are you a fool?? Okay, stop making trouble, the three of you, I'm so tired right now! It's time for the meeting, and the three of you gambled poker in 

public. The impact was bad, and the three of you were fined and contributed 1,500 points."

  "Don't~~~" Garen suddenly fell to the ground and wailed, "1500 Contribution Points is killing me!!! I only got 3000 Contribution Points after fighting the rebel and leveling up hard, don't take them all at once. Commander, I know I made a mistake, forgive me~~~~ Don't be so cruel~~~"

  "Hehe, Garen, if you continue like this, 1500 will become 2000."

  "Huh~~~" Garen suddenly jumped up from the ground, rushed to the conference table, and sat upright on the stool, as if the wailing just now was just an illusion.

  Garen sudden transformation taught Alistar and Taric a good lesson for the two pure men. What is a shameless example is vividly displayed from Garen, making both of them dumbfounded.

  "Don't squat here stupidly, the meeting has started, hurry back to your position." Robert gently lifted the two of them, signaling them to go back to their positions.

  When the commotion was over, the meeting officially began.

  "Then the first question is: what about the cruiser parked outside, what are we going to do with it!" Robert asked the first question after the meeting started.

  Heimerdinger stood up, "Now, let me tell you my opinion. We need to know that the tyrant-class cruiser we captured requires a lot of  operators at the most basic level, as well as  navigators,  high-level talents such as cruiser captains need to be recruited from the system! Generally, the price of recruiting high-quality talents from the system is very high, not to mention that this cruiser was tattered by us. A single warp engine It's not that we can afford it, so my opinion is that after the loot is clean, let the Serf notify the nearby naval patrols and tell them that there is a rebel cruiser here."

  "Then throw it away!" Garen shrugged and continued, "If we can't afford it, we throw it away."

  "Then does anyone have a different opinion?" Robert glanced at everyone in the conference room. "Since there is none, then it is decided to wait for the end of the meeting to let the Serf inform the naval patrol. The next question..." Robert said while saying Pick up a document, "The next question is, the merchant who was rescued by us wants to apply to meet us,  for this question, my opinion is to meet up. After all, we have traveled through and need to know some basic information, such as the current era and the attitude of the empire to our unidentified chapter.

  "Really!" Garen got excited, he put his head in front of the document, "Wow! It's really a beauty!!!" Robert shook his head when he saw Garen acting like this, "Garen, have you forgotten? The moment you became a Space Marine, you were already mentally castrated, and now you have no way to enjoy the joy of human relationships!"

  "Yeah!!!" Garen froze like a frosted eggplant.

  "Captain, if you want to invite her to our Ship I think you can invite her over in the name of holding a banquet." Heimerdinger suggested, "However, there are still some problems to be solved, then That is, now we lack the Medal that Space Marines should have, and the company-specific battle flags of the Warden Chapter and the Demacian Company are not finish And what identity do we use to contact the merchant?"

  "That's right!" Robert suddenly realized, "We already have the Holy Medal for the various honorary decorations of the Space Marines. Then, Garen is a company commander, and he should be able to put the steel skull worn by a sergeant or above on his chest. On top of the armor, Taric can get a supreme double chain symbolizing the pharmacist with the shoulder armor, and I have to exchange for a gorgeous power armor dedicated to the captain to show the confidence of the watchman."

  "Hmm~~~~ Demacia's company flag uses the Demacia flag in League of Legends as the Demacia company's flag. How about this?" Robert turned his head and asked Garen.

  "Agree, agree, agree~~~" Garen nodded his head as fast as a pile driver.

  "How about a space marines wearing power armor and wolf skin printed on the Warden Banner?" Robert thought about it and asked the people in the conference room for their opinions. They all nodded and said: Captain, You decide for yourself.

   okay! Since everyone has no opinion, let the Serf draw a watchman's battle flag! Let Garen be responsible for the Demacian battle flag." Robert Shrugging his shoulders, he easily decided the issue of the battle flag.

  "As for the question of identity! Didn't we decide when we asked the system before? In the name of the survivors of the Wold Brother, the 20 original chapters of the Empire--the sub-chapter of the Space Wolves-the Wold Brothers? This brothers of wolves It may be because of the genetic mutation that led to the destruction of their own group, and the space wolf does not recognize  the  Wolf Brothers as part of their subgroup. We are now using the name of the survivors of the  Wolf Brothers to pass the review of the Imperial Inquisition. Anyway, we already use Leman Russ as the Primarch, in the Empire, apart from the  Space Wolf , only the  Wolves Brothers has the gene-seed of Leman Russ, and there is no pressure for us to pretend to be the survivors of the Wolf Brothers."

  "Okay!" Ryze said indifferently, "Captain, since you have decided to become a survivor of the Wolves Brothers, then the decoration style of our watchmen must also be closer to the Wolves. I remember the Wold Brothers The decoration style is the same as that of the Space wolf . They are all dressed as barbarians. We don't have all kinds of wolf skin cloaks and wolf tooth necklaces. However, the space warriors of our team don't need to change clothes. They already have dressed up. And the decor on the battleship has to be changed."

  "Don't worry! We just completed a task, plus the 3,000 contribution points just now, this allows us to exchange enough decorations in the system, and there are remaining contribution points and medal points to exchange power armor and Recruit Space Marines to flesh out the Mothership."