
Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

The era of the decline and fall of the galaxy has arrived, and the power to destroy the world has gathered unprecedentedly. The minions of the four evil gods are wreaking havoc in the real universe. The terrifying monsters and demon legions in the night of old have brought destruction and despair to countless human worlds. In the darkness, a ray of light emerged. Carrying countless human technologies, the soul from another world returned to life with the help of the body of the thirteenth parent and child of the imperial emperor. The battle between humans and evil gods is rekindled. In the name of the Emperor, countless human heroes gather again. Blood and corpses will pave the way for the glory of mankind. “As soon as I opened my eyes, you told me that human beings are about to die??”

Almighty_flex · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
297 Chs

Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter 248: It's all

  Both parties have their own reasons for their concerns.

  The orcs are already a serious threat to the empire.

  If there is an orc emperor, maybe there will really be a terrifying force comparable to the human empire.

   After thinking for a while, Dante decided to set his target on Magnus.

  He has never experienced the era of the orc emperor.

   At most, they also fought with those orc warlords.

  Compared to the incomprehensible chaos, Dante believes that the behavior pattern of orcs is predictable and easier to deal with.

   What's more, the empire is no longer what it used to be, even if there is a wild beast war again, it may not suffer losses.

  The Battle of Barr, Dante also had a deep understanding of how terrifying the military strength of the empire is today.

  The extremely powerful imperial fleet, the terrifying firepower can be described as brutal and unreasonable.

   On the void battlefield, Dante felt that even the Necrons couldn't take advantage of it.

   Besides, humans once defeated the orc empire with an emperor.

   Never defeated the Chaos Gods.

   It is clear at a glance who is the greater threat.

  Dante firmly believes that even if the orc warlord evolves into an orc emperor, humans can defeat him.

   Magnus is a far greater threat.

  Behind him is a Chaos God who is too powerful to understand.

   Those terrifying existences cannot be understood from any common sense perspective.

  If the other party is allowed to enter the real universe, who knows what kind of storm will be set off.

  Perhaps, the entire galaxy will be dragged into the subspace and become a paradise for Chaos monsters.

   "Let's attack Magnus." Dante looked around the crowd and said, "We can't let the Lord of Changes come to the real universe. Those terrifying existences will drag the entire galaxy into the abyss."

   Mephiston smiled, which was exactly what he wanted.

   Several company commanders who wanted to support the Armageddon battlefield sighed, but they didn't express any anger. This is Dante's order, and they must obey it.

   "Go and prepare, bring new recruits and various new weapons and equipment. This is the first battle of the Blood Angels' reorganization. I don't want any mistakes. We want to defeat Magnus and destroy his conspiracy."

  Dante's voice overwhelmed the humming mechanical sound, and passed to everyone's ears.

  Many company commanders, priests, and think tanks of the Blood Angels Chapter saluted him.

   Then, they left the palace, leaving Dante himself.

  Dante closed his eyes and took a deep breath, staring at the sculpture of Sanguinius.

  The noble face carved in stone became more melancholy and sad under the candlelight.

   "When will we be able to reunite with you, Archangel." Dante said in his heart.

   Guilliman promised to bring back the Archangel.

  But he didn't tell the exact time.

  Dante also knew that it would not be easy to accomplish this, but he still felt that time passed very slowly.

  If Guilliman hadn't promised, he wouldn't have had so many thoughts.

  Dante sighed, turned and walked out.

  The City of Angels stands on the surface of Baal, where the plants are lush and the people live and work in peace.

   Outside the City of Angels, many places are still uninhabited wilderness.

   Many technicians of the Mechanic Order have made changes to the environment of the entire Baal star, trying to make Baal a planet suitable for human survival.

   However, Barr's desertification is so serious.

   It is not that simple to completely govern this planet.

  Even though a lot of resources have been invested, there are still many places that remain desertified.

  Tils and others are performing tasks on a desolate red Gobi.

   No one knows how the next door got there.

   All I know is that before humans took control of this planet, those strangely shaped pillars of weathered rock next door had already stood there.

  At first glance, the empty cloudless sky meets the red Gobi horizon, and the two are clearly distinct.

   There are abandoned old buildings everywhere in the Gobi, exuding a kind of sadness washed and defeated by time.

  Tiers' team is cleaning up the remaining Tyranid creatures in this area.

   The Zerg invasion has been foiled.

  Under the multi-dimensional attack of the empire, the shadow caused by the will of the hive also collapsed, and the will also receded with the fleeing Zerg.

  But there are still some Tyranid creatures remaining in the Baal galaxy, active in the harsh environment, waiting for another counterattack by the hive will.

  Those Tyranid creatures have extremely strong survivability and terrible reproductive ability, and they also have a strong autonomous ability.

   Even without the will of the hive, these Tyranid creatures are a huge threat.

  The Blood Angels must kill them.

   Otherwise, after a while, the surface will be full of minions of Tyranid creatures.

   This kind of task is naturally given to a team with newcomers like Tiers.

   Grind them with this fight.

   "Separate and use the No. 1 battle formation to move forward." Surens shouted.

  Tiers started to run, and the servo system burst out with powerful force driven by his will, making his actions as fast as the wind.

  The mask in front of him displayed various messy details and target information, guiding his actions.

  Accompanied by the roaring sound, the explosive bomb burst out of the gun barrel with flames, and the air was stirred up into ripples.

  They hit the target and explode.

  Yellow dust was engulfed by the explosion airflow and surged up.

  Among the smoke and dust, there were screams of unknown creatures.

  Tiers' tactical data board shows a pale yellow outline.

   Reveals that the target is a monster with six limbs and a huge crown.

  A monster fell in its own corrosive blood.

   After struggling for a while, it became completely silent.

  Kill confirmation.

  A prompt pops up on the tactics screen.

  Another warrior let out a roar, he threw away the bomb in his hand, and was holding a chainsaw sword in melee with a Tyranid creature.

   Tyranid creatures are very fast, but they are still a bit inferior to Primaris warriors.

  After a fierce battle, the warrior used the chainsaw sword in his hand to break through the opponent's biological carapace, splitting the opponent's life in half.

  Tiers fired two shots at the place where the tactical radar indicated that there was an enemy. One shot hit the enemy, and the other shot did not give any feedback.

   "Damn bug." He said angrily, his red eyes showing anger.

   Feeling a sense of crisis in his heart, Tiers jumped to the side.

  A stream of burning liquid hissed at the position where he was just now, and the sandstone showed scorched black and corroded marks.

   Followed by a piercing alarm.

  A sharp claw like a sickle suddenly swung out, cutting off a rock directly.

  The Zerg warrior failed to succeed in a blow, and let out a roar.

  Tiers drew out his weapon, and after pressing the switch, the monomolecular teeth of the chainsaw sword spun at high speed.

   The weapons in the hands of the Zerg warriors are very weird. Tiers is no stranger to them. They are symbiote weapons.

  The weapons in their hands are also another Tyranid creature, growing together with the Tyranid creature.

   It has its own eyes, and its mouth is a wriggling opening that can be closed.

   There is a long, retractable mouthpart with sharp spikes inside.

  As long as you are hit, the consequences will be disastrous

   Tiers had not yet become an angel, but when he participated in the defense of Barr, he had seen these monsters killing people.

  The mouthpart stabbed out suddenly, and took the life of a soldier in an instant.

  Symbiont weapons like this are very difficult to deal with. Not only do you have to deal with the slashing of the Zerg warriors, but you also have to deal with the attacks of the symbiote weapons.

   The Zerg warrior let out a roar, with hatred for Tiers in his eyes.

  The biological carapace on its chest has been broken, and bright green liquid is continuously flowing out from the damaged place.

  The shoulder on the left upper shoulder was also blown off.

  Tils knew that it was his masterpiece.

  Although the two explosive bombs just now did not kill the Tyranid creature, they also severely injured it.

  The Tyranid warrior launched an attack, and the sound of heavy footsteps shook the ground.

  Tiers gritted his teeth and went forward. Taking advantage of the short gap, he pulled the trigger, fired the only three remaining bombs at the opponent, and then threw the bolt gun away.

  The explosive bomb hit the pouch of the Tyranid warrior's weapon, blowing away a large mass of flesh and blood, and corrosive liquid flowed out from the wound, corroding the ground in an instant.

  The sand was dissolved, and white steam billowed out.

  The symbiote weapon in the hands of the Tyranid warrior made a painful sound.

   The wriggling mouth opened, and the slimy mouthparts stretched out, with a spike at the tip.

  Following the slashing of the Tyrann warrior, attack Tiers together.

  Tiers dodged an attack from the opponent, and the chainsaw sword slammed down.

  Cut off the heavy biological symbiosis weapon alive, making it let out a piercing scream.

  The Tyran warrior's other sharp claw was extremely fast, and it changed direction in an instant, attacking Tiers.

  A layer of transparent mask emerged, and the sharp claws of the Tyrann warriors bounced away.

  The opponent's attack left only faint ripples on it.

  Tiers didn't hesitate at all, his powerful nervous system made his reaction speed as fast as milliseconds.

  He swung the chainsword in his hand and slashed at the Tyrann warrior.

  Chop off the opponent's claws, and then stab the opponent's chest with a sword.

  The creature's carapace was broken, and the high-speed rotating chainsaw sword caused the Tyrann warrior to scream.

  Tiers pulled out from the opponent's chest, and then chopped off the huge head with a sword.

   "I thought I had to help you." Su Luns came over, bent down on one knee, picked up Tiers' gun, and handed it to Tiers.

   "This body is very powerful, and Tyranid creatures are no match for me." Tiers said.

"It's natural. The power armor on your body, the tactical radar, and the original casting surgery you received are all much better than before." Su Luns said with a smile: "In the previous surgery to become an angel, there were a lot of failures. Risk. Your batch has a 100% success rate, just for this, you are already much luckier than the previous brothers."

  Tils loaded the ammunition of the bolter while listening to the other party's words.

  The sound of the engine of the suspended gunboat came from the air, and accompanied by the roar of heavy artillery, the Tyranid creature lair that was marked just now was covered by intensive artillery fire.

  A huge explosion shook the desert, and the remaining Tyranids died under the might of the Imperial guns.

  A communication was suddenly transmitted into Sullens' personal database, interrupting his words.

   "After finishing this lair, we have to go back." Su Luns glanced at the information in the communication and said.

  Tiers looked puzzled, "Is it so fast this time?"

   "There are new instructions. We have to report to the airport. The Blood Angels are preparing for an expedition." Su Luns said.

   "What about the Tyranids in Nabar?" Tiers asked.

"They are no longer a threat, so let's leave it to the newcomers. They also need the first battle to sharpen themselves." Su Luns said with a smile: "Just like you, mature in the battle. In that case, When you join a bigger war, you won't feel fear and timidity. The battle you fought is just a small test, Tiers, and soon, you will face the real enemy."

   "Let's go, go back, it's time to enjoy the food and wine, maybe you can listen to the battleship of Ariel, and the story about the imperial regent's sword beheading the orc warlord. He was there at that time and witnessed it with his own eyes."

   "That is his favorite story. As a witness, he will repeat this story to us every banquet. We have already heard the calluses, but you should be very interested."

  Tiers also smiled, "Then I really have to listen."

   "Where is this?"

   Standing on the bridge, Jaghatai looked at the void filled with spears and shells, turning into a deadly zone, showing a trace of worry.

   Two fleets are at war.

   It is clear at a glance who is the friend and who is the enemy.

  The ships of the empire have golden double eagles etched on the side of the hull and the position of the bow, shining brightly under the flashes of battlefield shells and light spears.

  The ships of the Chaos side are the materialization of terror and nightmares, and the huge hulls are full of wriggling living tissues and tentacles.

   Chagatai didn't know how depraved those ships were.

   But he still felt a trace of grief in his heart.

  The Emperor's dream is shattered.

   Now, Chagatai is also in a state of confusion.

  He knew that the Emperor's humanity was running low, and that another crisis was imminent for humanity.

  A crisis capable of exterminating an entire race.

   At that time, where will mankind go? ?

  The wild laughter of the gods echoed in this world, as if mocking that human beings could not get rid of the established destiny.

  The long battle made Chagatai feel a little palpitation and fatigue.

  No matter what I do, I feel that there is no way to defeat those original gods.

  The battleship he is on is feeding back information on the battlefield to him, and is updating the star map database.

  A purple scar runs through the galaxy.

   Before he left, this scar didn't exist.

   Obviously, mankind has encountered an unprecedented crisis.

  In that scar, Chagatai felt endless malice.

   It destroys the galaxy and increases the influence of the gods in the real world.

  Chagatai couldn't help but feel worried about the current empire.

   He has been away for ten thousand years.

  What does the empire look like today? ?

  rotten, depraved, unbearable.

  Chagatai does not doubt how bad human nature can be. It is very dangerous to entrust such a huge empire to the control of mortals.

   Their short-sightedness and stupidity doom the race to repeat its mistakes.

"Who are you?"

  A piece of information in the imperial standard format entered the database of the Chagatai battleship.

  Several imperial ships are turning, heading towards the warship where Jaghatai is located.

  The warships owned by Jaghatai and his followers have been in the Warp for far too long.

  Even with the protection of a strong will, the ship will inevitably be distorted.

   Their warships are like ghost ships from the age of great voyages.

   exudes a strange breath.

  White flames blazed from the huge hull, and the speed was astonishingly fast, as swift as a falcon.

  If it weren't for the golden double-headed eagle on the hull still shining brightly, I'm afraid it would have been attacked by the imperial fleet long ago.

   "I am your ally." Jaghatai replied to the inquiring ship.

   "Report your number, or do something to prove your words?" The other party sent another question.

   After thinking for a while, Chagatai turned on the communication, and said: "I am Chagatai Khan, one of the Primarchs of the Empire, and your ally. Open your communication and verify my identity."

   No one believed this to be true.

   But it really happened.

  The return of a Primarch was so sudden.

  Many naval commanders who were in charge of the Panduor Galaxy Void Battle watched Chagatai board the ship's landing deck surrounded by many flaming warriors, with only horror and shock in their eyes.

  Those burning warriors are like the cursed warriors they have encountered, covered in flames, but they don't burn anything.

  Those flames will only damage demons or warp creatures.

   "You guys, who is the supreme commander?" Chagatai didn't care about the surprise in the eyes of those people, and he asked the people in front of him relyingly.

   "I, in the name of Guilliman, the Regent of the Empire, command this naval force, and I have a document signed by him in my hand." A sturdy officer with metal prosthetics and electronic eyes came out.

  Chagatai was stunned for a moment, the imperial regent - Guilliman? ?

   Could it be that he has also returned? ?

   It seems that after so many years, many things have happened in the empire.

  But now, is not the time to think about this.

   Repel the Chaos army first, and then ask what happened to the empire in the past ten thousand years.

   "Very well, what's your name?" Jaghatai asked, "I need your help in the name of my brother Guilliman."

   "Taga, Lord Primarch." said the admiral, "Admiral of the Imperial Navy, serving in the Ultramar Admiralty."

   "Very well, Taja, can you tell me about the current battle situation?" Chagatai asked.

   "It is my honor, Lord Primarch." Taja stretched out his hand, making a gesture of leading the way: "Please follow me, Lord Primarch."

  The landing deck is not far from the Supreme Command Strategy Room.

   After spending some time, Jaghatai and Taja entered the strategy room.

  A holographic projection also appears.

"Currently, we are in the fringe world of Ultramar, the Pandor galaxy. It is very close to the Ghoul Stars, which is the headquarters of the Plague God. Many planets have been corrupted by the Plague God, and the residents there have become The minion of the plague god."

"More importantly, our destroyed ships will be transformed into their biological ships by the opponent. The longer the war lasts, the greater the number of enemies will make us very passive. We will have to withdraw for repairs if there is any damage. After the completion, we can continue to fight. The ground troops are also miserable, the plague rain, poisonous fog, and various walking corpses. The dead are continuously infected by the plague and become one of them. The more they fight, the more we can't If you dare to attack, you can only defend and fight the enemy in a war of attrition."

   "Who are they in command?" Chagatai asked, "How much do you know about them?"

"It is said to be a demon primarch named Mortarion, a cursed name." Taja said: "We can only suppress their attack with strong firepower, and any attempt to frustrate their gang battles will fail. Already, the poisonous gas on the Perseverance and the power of the demon primarch make it impossible for us to break through, if it weren't for the complete defense system of the Panduo Galaxy, I'm afraid we would have lost this galaxy long ago."

   Chagatai frowned slightly, and repeated the name of the enemy commander.


   "Yes, Mortarion," said Targa.

   "Leave him to me to deal with, and you are ready to fight back." Chagatai Khan stroked the hilt of his sword, and said firmly: "Trust me, this time, I will definitely be able to repel them."


   When Mortarion heard the news that another attack had failed, he felt a sudden irritability.

  The human empire's firepower, whether it is the void defense or the ground troops, is too fierce.

  In addition, there are several Primaris wargroups taking turns to sit in the Panduo galaxy.

  And those guys don't talk about Wude.

  As soon as you see yourself, call the Titan Mech and Knight Mech for support.

   Playing Perturabo's disgusting stuff.

  It is to use firepower to pile up people, not to play close combat at all.

   That **** Guilliman has led people to hell.

   Do not fight in close combat, but play fire coverage.

   Mortarion thought he was a Primarch, he was ascended, and he was blessed by the God of Plague.

   But facing the siege of Titans and knights, he couldn't stand it.

   It made him unable to break through.

   Even though there are a large number of walking corpses, the battle is very aggrieved.

  I can't even jump to help.

  The ship shields of the corpse emperor's subordinates are so hard that they can't make a gap at all.

  Even if a gap is made, the opponent retreats extremely fast, and will soon retreat into his own camp, relying on a powerful void defense system to repair.

  If he can't break through the Panduo galaxy, he won't be able to complete the established plan.

   There is no way to corrupt the entire Ultramar.

   "I can lead a team of sharp knives to break through." Mortarion said: "We can't delay any longer, we must open the situation as soon as possible, otherwise, I will become the laughing stock of Typhus."

   "Would that be too dangerous?" said the adjutant on the side. "Not long ago, we detected an abnormal subspace fluctuation, which is likely to be the cursed army of the corpse emperor. If you act rashly, it is very likely to attract people"

"Hmph, what's so dangerous, as long as Guilliman doesn't come over in person, who would be my opponent to those lackeys of the corpse emperor? Relying on those **** living saints?" Mortarion said a little displeased: " If Guilliman doesn't come out, who is my opponent? They are all rubbish, let me find a chance, and I can blow them up with one hand."