
Warcaster Of Misfortune

In a world where reality intertwines with a virtual realm, a man finds himself thrust into a game he once dismissed—an intricate web of challenges, quests of extreme difficulty, and encounters with creatures of overwhelming power. Fate, it seems, has a mischievous sense of humor, as our protagonist becomes the unwilling pawn in a cosmic game of chance. Will he find the peace he so desperately desires, or is he destined to navigate the realms of life and death in an eternal dance orchestrated by unseen hands? In this story, where even death may not be the end, the quest for serenity becomes a thrilling odyssey through the uncharted territories of fate. ------- Writer's note: If you guys are reading this story then I must confess that I am both proud and embarrassed. As long as I can remember, I have had this great love for the litrpg and virtual reality genre (yes, sadly the motivation is lit by Sword Art Online). Still, over the years I find myself reading more and more about real fantasy, with a logical plot and realistically written characters, this story is my sole attempt to get back to my old book taste, a webnovel of non-stop fighting, lots of rpg numbers, less descriptive graph, mostly conversation and sound effect.

WanderingInnkeeper · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Unfriendly Terms

We got to the church of Thor that was the main religion in this city. Like many churches, their buildings were very expensive to make. If I recall the church of Thor was known to attack evil existences no matter the circumstances which makes me nervous. I hope that I won't get attacked immediately.

"Alexandra do I have to go with you?" I asked trying to get as far away from that church as possible.

If things happen the way I think it would then I'll probably be burnt to death on a stake. We were still in the process of walking to the place though I had thoughts of running away when she was not looking.

"Don't even try to escape" threatened Alexandra.

She gave me a sharp look and continued walking next to me.

[I have a feeling that she will use her influence to order a hunt for us if you escape now]

Yeah I have that feeling as well.

A couple of minutes later and finally deciding to not escape from the crutches of this person because it would end up with me worse than if I followed her, we arrived at the church of Thor which unlike most other churches does not use gold as their primary colours. Instead they prefer blue and as evident, most of Thor's paladins had blue painted armor instead of gold which more than often make people mistake them as common knights or soldiers.

In front of the main church gates was a guard wearing the blue paladin uniform. He was a tall bluff man. Man I see a lot of bluff people these days for some reason. I think the ability to change your appearance cause an influx of many people making themselves appear more attractive. Females often have more attractive faces and bodies, man are either more attractive in the same way and often have more muscle than needed.

I think once I saw a fully bluff mage which was very disturbing. The moment the guard saw Alexandra he had a happy expression on his face which was a good thing....then he saw me and had an angry expression which was very bad for me.


The man unsheathe his sword and pointed it at me. He was about to cut me down and I prepared to fight him. I rather not get killed compared to being hunted down. I imagined the man being pushed back to the wall behind him. Just when we were about to kill each other Alexandra jumped between us.

"Hey hey hey, don't fight!" pleaded Alexandra.

It seems she knew this would happen and was prepared to stop it. That wasn't necessary since I can easily kill them all.

[If you killed them then they'll hunt you down which would greatly interfere with our job]

Right Right but I'm not backing down until he does.

"Alexandra explain why this...thing...is with you" said the man while still staring at me.

"He's a friend" said Alexandra quickly.

The man was taken back a bit and said, "A man? I see. So that's how you trick people. DIE!"


You took 488 damage

When the man was about to strike me and I was about to attack as well I could've sworn that Alexandra drew her sword used Sword Wave on both of us in an instant.

I was blasted away onto the other side of the street. Thankfully I managed to stop myself before I hit the wall. The same couldn't be said for the other guy. He hit the wall with a lot of momentum and was trying to recover.

"Now stop fighting before I'll really kill you two." said Alexandra in a commanding voice. Hey I was just defending myself!

Mumble mumble mumble

"Hey what happened?"

"That person there was fighting the guard"

"A sinner? Who is stupid enough to enter the city as one."

"Not that person doesn't have a murderer mark on her. I fell like I know that person though..."

"The Cyclops Slayer!"

"You mean the one that killed 5 people without warning?"

"Damn run away!"

A crowd started to form due to the conflict and quickly disappeared as well when they knew it was 'me'. I quickly got myself up and went to Alexandra hoping that she doesn't attack me for the second time.

"Well now he's knocked out lets go in" said Alexandra cheerfully.

Was this a good thing? Man I feel for this guy even though he tried to kill me moments ago. Alexandra opened the door and walked in prompting me to follow. The inside of the church was pretty much what I expected it would be. Eventually we met a old man whom I presume to be the head priest here. He did have that air of authory.

"Alexandra, what pleasure do I have to meet you today?" said the old man.

I think there was some shuttering when he was talking and he was trying to avoid eye contact with Alexandra. I winder why?

"Is there anything I can do for you?" asked Alexandra with the expectation that we'll get a quest.

The old man pondered a bit trying to think of one. Eventually he tried to change the topic after seeing me.

"Why did you bring such an existence in our church? You know our church has a policy to kill any evil in sight." The old man said that but he didn't have any evil intentions towards me or at least that was what I felt.

"Do you have a problem with that?" said Alexandra.

She had a bright smile on her face. Normally I would think this person was asking nicely but since I know her true nature....ah it seems the old man agrees with me. He was begging for his life in front of someone whose suppose to be his ally.

"There has been recent reports that there has been a rise in the number of undead in several area. Our church and several others have already dispatch troops to deal with them but they keep on increasing. Our investigation led us to the source of this chaos. A necromancer. I want you two to kill the necromancer to stop these events." said the old man.


Kill the Necromancer that Plagues the Kingdom

Investigation from the church of Thor has shown that a necromancer is solely responsible for the rapid increase in undead in the Kingdom. Several platoons of paladins have been dispatched to kill the necromancer but none have returned. After this act the fallen paladins were seen as part of the undead forces. The head priest request you to deal with this problem

Rank: C

Restriction: Given by the head Priest

Reward: 500 gold and unknown

I have a feeling that this unknown reward is them not trying to kill me.

"Yay a new quest~"

Alexandra was very cheerful and immediately left for the quest. I stayed back and asked the head priest, "So where exactly is the necromancer?"

"I'll give you a map." he replied with a lot of empathy. He wished me luck on my journey not on actually killing the necromancer.

I wish myself luck as well for the journey...