
Warcaster Of Misfortune

In a world where reality intertwines with a virtual realm, a man finds himself thrust into a game he once dismissed—an intricate web of challenges, quests of extreme difficulty, and encounters with creatures of overwhelming power. Fate, it seems, has a mischievous sense of humor, as our protagonist becomes the unwilling pawn in a cosmic game of chance. Will he find the peace he so desperately desires, or is he destined to navigate the realms of life and death in an eternal dance orchestrated by unseen hands? In this story, where even death may not be the end, the quest for serenity becomes a thrilling odyssey through the uncharted territories of fate. ------- Writer's note: If you guys are reading this story then I must confess that I am both proud and embarrassed. As long as I can remember, I have had this great love for the litrpg and virtual reality genre (yes, sadly the motivation is lit by Sword Art Online). Still, over the years I find myself reading more and more about real fantasy, with a logical plot and realistically written characters, this story is my sole attempt to get back to my old book taste, a webnovel of non-stop fighting, lots of rpg numbers, less descriptive graph, mostly conversation and sound effect.

WanderingInnkeeper · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

The Return

I opened my eyes and found myself in a very familiar place. It was the mage tower that I was in for a period of time training. The place hasn't changed at all, not that it would considering how little time pasted when I left forcefully by a teleport. Well I should find Warlic somewhere since I did kill the rabbit monster that had the mana fragment.

[OI, you're finally back eh]

Wait what?

[What, you don't recognise my voice?]

Wait wait wait. What the hell am I listening to?


What the hell is that disappointed tone?

[Hurry up and find Warlic. He'll explain everything for your tiny brain]

That pissed me off a lot.

"Just wait a minute here. Why the hell are you insulting ME in the first place?! I have no fucking IDEA what you are and there you are saying whatever you want to me! And what's with your voice going inside of my head for no REASON?! You can probably read my mind right, where the hell is my privacy here? I don't know....MAYBE IT DISPPEARED WITH YOU you SHITTY VOICE!"

I looked around the place I was in, trying to locate where this shitty voice was while I was insulting the thing.

"Eden watch your mouth."

I heard another voice. This time it was very familiar to me. I turned around to see Warlic sighing at my usage of words in his home. I could do nothing but stare in shock on how fast he found me considering that I just logged in again.

"I could hear your voice on the other side of the tower."

Oh. Sorry.

[He gets a apology and I don't? Damn Brat]

The voice just insulted me again.

"Fuck off." I said to the very annoying voice.

Then a sudden force pushed me to the wall making a small dent in the highly reinforced stone.

You lost 120 mana

"Eden watch your mouth. This is my last warning." From Warlic's mouth there was a voice full of malice coming out.

Shit this is bad. I pissed him off. Hopefully I won't get killed later, hell being killed is fine with me since he'll be torturing me if he's this angry.

[Brat your thinking the right thing right now. Never. Ever. Make that man angry. Trust me, I know the worse things that could happen.]

Eh? The voice is telling me that Warlic is THAT dangerous.

"Now now llyfr. I didn't cause you THAT much harm." Warlic had a smile on his face.

I never seen him like this. Its almost like he's getting out of character right now.

[Oh so ripping apart my body and regenerating it constantly wasn't much harm to me? Wait, you boiled me in lava before if I recall then proceeded to deep fry me and fed me to a dragon to see what will happen. Man that stuff didn't even scratch the surface of what evil things you did to me. You really fooled almost everyone with your act of kindness. Even I thought of you as a good person until you started doing THAT to me]

Wait what was THAT? Was it really that bad?

"What are you talking about llyfr? That was Crysero." Warlic still had that frightening smile on his face as he said it.

So he's still blaming it all on Crysero eh. Even in the past....well I don't blame him Crysero IS that crazy that you can probably blame almost everything on him.

[Really? Man my memories are still messed up. Sorry about that]

Wait?! Are you just letting it go just like that!? Was this another trick!? I don't know anymore.

As I was being confused about what just happened Warlic drew his attention to me and said, "Eden come with me now. I have some things I need to check with you."

I hope that nothing bad will happen.


It seems I earned some sympathy with the voice now.