
Warcaster Of Misfortune

In a world where reality intertwines with a virtual realm, a man finds himself thrust into a game he once dismissed—an intricate web of challenges, quests of extreme difficulty, and encounters with creatures of overwhelming power. Fate, it seems, has a mischievous sense of humor, as our protagonist becomes the unwilling pawn in a cosmic game of chance. Will he find the peace he so desperately desires, or is he destined to navigate the realms of life and death in an eternal dance orchestrated by unseen hands? In this story, where even death may not be the end, the quest for serenity becomes a thrilling odyssey through the uncharted territories of fate. ------- Writer's note: If you guys are reading this story then I must confess that I am both proud and embarrassed. As long as I can remember, I have had this great love for the litrpg and virtual reality genre (yes, sadly the motivation is lit by Sword Art Online). Still, over the years I find myself reading more and more about real fantasy, with a logical plot and realistically written characters, this story is my sole attempt to get back to my old book taste, a webnovel of non-stop fighting, lots of rpg numbers, less descriptive graph, mostly conversation and sound effect.

WanderingInnkeeper · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Some Explanations Needed Here!

Warlic had me sit down on a chair and proceeded to examine my body using some sort of magic. Several magic circles appeared around me and Warlic started to say "I see" several times when he looked at one. After several painless minutes passed by, Warlic started to talk.

"Eden do you know the state of your body right now?"

Um.....no. My body seems alright to me, I have no idea what your talking about.

"Judging by your confused look right now, I say you don't. llyfr's seal has been undone to a certain extent and his power is influencing your body. This influence will both benefit and harm you at the same time. I have no idea what will happen in the foreseeable future but accounts from the past all point at you dying a horrible death."

Eh? I was still shocked at the part that this llyfr thing was influencing me. What is this llyfr?

"Um...before all of that, can you explain what is llyfr?" I asked timidly since I still have the thought of Warlic doing something evil to me.

Warlic chapped his hands and said, "Oh I forgot about that. I sometimes forget that people of this world don't know a thing on what llyfr is. Even though most people of my world don't either."

[Well considering that these events happened so long ago, I'm not surprised.]

Again where is this voice coming from?

[Look down Brat]

I looked down on llyfr's suggestion and saw nothing out of the ordinary.

[Right now I'm in your chest area. That's why I can communicate directly to you and vis versa]

Um...that makes some sense I guess.

"And if llyfr desires it, he can talk to other people near you as well though they can't see or rather feel him in the first place unless they have some special conditions."

I see. Well at least I don't have to worry about talking aloud and people thinking I'm talking to myself like a madman. 

"Anyway back to the story Eden. Llyfr is a being of great power, one capable of facing the Gods of my world and most likely the Gods in this one was well."

That's amazing! Many beings have submitted themselves to the Gods because they wish to gain some power off them. To think there was such a being that could challenge the Gods in me right now.

"A long times ago before I was born which wasn't that far back mind you, llyfr challenged the directly Elemental Lords like my stupid apprentice. Basically the Elemental Lords sent down their Avatars to deal with llyfr but they were destroyed in the battle that was llyfr's victory. Seeing this, the Elemental Lords set foot on the world which itself strain it massively. The reason why, even though their presence disrupted the balance of the world would do this is that llyfr's presence also caused the same effect due to his abilities."

"And what abilities would llyfr have to do so much damaged?"

Was llyfr THAT powerful?

"llyfr had two abilities that are both basic but very powerful. The power to absorb anything and the power to create anything. I believe you are familiar with this power Eden."

Ah! The mana absorption and creation magic. So it was llyfr's power.

"llyfr gain so much power during the fight with the Avatars that he was at the same level of the Elemental Lords though never suppressing them in raw power. Long story short, the Elemental Lords were unable to destroy llyfr and sealed him in the form of a book that contains all the powers he gathered in his life."

[Well that sums it up. I already had a considerable amount of power before the fight with the Avatars. But man the Elemental Lords were strong. Well they did rule over the concepts that make up the world. Nothing worked on them]

Well I really don't have any thoughts on this story besides how overpowered the Elemental Lords are....though it'll probably be the same if you face a God.

"Anyway now that we got that done, we can discuss what happened to your body. First check your status window."

Okay...it seems the first thing you would check if something happens to your body is the status window not your actual body.

"Status Window."

Status Window








Darllenydd o'r holl




Awdur Dim























Fighting Spirit










Magic Resistance



+10 magic resistance

+50 to all physical related stats

+100 to all magic related stats

Mana will replace Health

Skills will require half the experience to level up

Hmm? There doesn't seem to be any kind of change. I think I gained three levels from killing the rabbit but I lost one when I died so I have 10 points to spend. I quickly placed them all in intelliect before saying to Warlic, "There doesn't seem to be any change."

With my comment on the status of my character in general, Warlic scratched his chin and said, "I see." before thinking about something. I wonder what's going on in his head.

[He's probably trying to determine what change happened in you when I fully awakened.]

So there could be some other change that could occur besides on my stats?

[An example would be the skills you have. Perhaps some of them were altered a bit]

Okay then, let me check.

"Skill Window."

Skill Window

Magic Mastery Beginner Level 7 (76%)

The ability to manipulate mana. It serves to increase the ability to cast and learn magic of all kinds.

Increase casting speed by 21%

Increase magic strength by 70%

Magic Control Beginner Level 5(12%) (Passive)

Allows you to manipulate and control magic more easily. It does not affect the speed of the magic but it'll increase your ability to control it properly. As this skill increase you will be able to control the range and trajectory of your magic more easily.

Increase success rate of all spells hitting the target

Sword Mastery Beginner Level 3 (59%)

Increase sword speed by 9%

Increase sword attack by 30%

Elemental Mastery Beginner Level 6 (13%)

The ability to master all elements. You can create spells or imitate ones you see if you want. The ultimate ability in magic that was lost long ago. As this skill increase in level you can manipulate the elements more easily and your resistance to the element will increase as well.

Increases Elemental damage by 60%

Increase Elemental resistance by 6%

Mediation Beginner Level 1 (57%)

Regain your mana by focusing on yourself.

Regain 50 mana per minute.

Mana Absorption Beginner Level 1 (7%) (Passive)

The ability to use the force of the enemy and everything around you as fuel. Does not require direct contact and range cannot be controlled. As the skill increases the power of the drain and its strength increases.

Absorb 1 mana per second passively

Range: 10 metres

Mana Shield Beginner Level 5 (14%)

To create a shell to protect the user form all harm big and small. Also known as a borg in some places, magicians of the past often used this in battle to protect themselves from physical and magical attacks. Only one shell can be produced at a time but as the skill levels up the number of shells produced and the strength of each shell will increase.

Shield Health per use: 900

Number of Shields can create at one time: 5

Creation Magic Beginner Level 2(11%)

The power that rivals gods themselves. To create matter requires energy. This comes from any source in exchange to bypass the laws set at the beginning of time. Anything can be create as long as there is enough energy or mana to make it. The strength of the object made and the length at which it lasts will increase with the level.

Mana used per square metre: 1000


Umm....llyfr was it....nothing seems to have changed in my skill window as well.

[Hmm...that's strange. Usually there's some change. Perhaps its because your body is still too weak to handle my full power]

"That may be true llyfr. The solution could be more training but we don't exactly have that much time to leisurely do it."

So...in the end the problem is that I'm too weak AGAIN! I'm much stronger compared to other people playing this game at my level!

[Well your kinda weak compared to those we know in our world or universe]

"Also this level system you have is different from the level system is our world." Warlic added on, throwing more salt on my mental wounds. It wasn't nice of them to pick on me.

Trying to stop them form further picking on me I said in desperation, "Anyway what do we with the other mana fragments now. I have no idea where the first one when after the battle."

Warlic widened his eyes for a split second and then took out a small shiny shard of some sort. He added, "This is the mana fragment you collected."

Wait WHAT!? The mana fragment I tried so hard to get was CASUALLY with Warlic the whole time?!

[To be more precise I gave it to him after you died. If I didn't then the mana fragment would be left where you died and you didn't want to hunt for it again right?]

That...that makes sense but still.....

Tears came out of my eyes. All that hard work and this man in front of me had it without me knowing.

"Anyway you can become stronger as you collect the other mana fragments. Now check where the nearest one is."

I took out the mana detector from my inventory. I immediately noticed that there was one less arrow now. The other six arrows were all pointing at different directions...the closest one was 200 no 300 kilometres away...this is going to be a long journey. I looked to my right and found Warlic staring at the mana detector as well.

"Well it seems to be a waste of time for you to walk the whole way to the next mana fragment so I'll help you a bit."

"Wait wait wait, are you going to teleport me into some forest again?" I remembered the previous experience I had but this time there was no Crysero around to mess things up.

[Why are you so worried?]

"Yeah I've been studying the continent while you were having fun in that tomb a while back. I'll make sure you land near a large city to help you out. Also I'll increase the amount of mana you can use to 10000. Don't overdo it Eden."

A teleport magic circle appeared under me.

"Wait how did you know that I was in a Tomb-"

I was teleported before I could finish my sentence.