
Chapter One: Wanted Seals


*Wanted Seals**

An unknown human opened a box that was told centuries that mustn't opened at risk, it was a paradox box.

People thought it was a box that contains gift of the gods because it was told that gods left there gifts but it wasn't. Instead things that they expect, things the didn't expect escapes, it wasn't god's gift, it was just demons that gods left. They left there scraps or in other word there trash.

People peace didn't last long as the demons roam around the world forming as seal and gave powers to normal human to become candidate as a demon king. People  harmony was destroyed .

But one day, a guy showed up. He let people saw his seal, a seal look like an angel wing.. he was the gift that god left with the demons. Soon after,  the demons seals vanish in instant as the god seal stay for long and live as a king. He save the world and he left the paradox opened.

In this day, nobody is afraid at demon seals, why? With all advance technology that humans have and science experiments, god seal isn't only one anymore but instead people who have demon seals will have no choice but to die.

But just what if, just what if I really don't wanna die but I have to because of this stupid seal, I didn't wish for this seal to come so why do I have to be force execution??

Well in this generation, demon seals are now wanted, more exactly we are now the victims. Over the past years, people don't care if we are nice or evil, what they care was that we die. But I wouldn't let that happened, I won't just surrender just because I'm a freaking wanted or I have this powers, I will live a normal life.

Or that what I thought.


I jumped over the trash can as fast as I can making a loud noise and throwing off the balance of the trash can.

Damn it. I mumbled.

But still that didn't stop me to run quickly as I can, finding a place where they won't find me. Seriously why did my seal suddenly show when I was just getting my save up money-! I touch my right part neck.

"Come on, come on! Disappear already" but the glowing blue light won't disappear.

I ran at the dark alley, seeing some beggars surprise as I go fast, but the light still won't stop following me. Stupid police with there helicopters that have light!!  Why can't I have peace??

As I ran, still in the dark alley, I saw a beggar coming closer to me. He turned towards me and smiled. "We got you! Number 01! You're--" I thrown a garbage bag on his face.

Even police will go through disguising as a beggar. But the garbage bag isn't enough as I heard a loud noise of something blowing up. Damn it, seriously damn it. He got a god seal.

After an instant the beggar already close at my face. He smirk "Gotcha" I shoved my hands on his face. He can't see my face.

"What the?! Get off your hands on my face" He struggled. This is not good. I activated my powers, my eyes glowed like the color of moon mix with light bluish as a black mask from my pocket float till it cover my eyes.

"Stop" I said as he suddenly crushed on the ground. My seal turned into number, in there was a color black number 01 written in block styles.

I stared at him as I crush him more in the ground "Leave me alone" I said to him but instead he smiled again.

Now I heard a wall collapsing from a strong impact. I look at right side, seeing a wall really collapse as I see a huge man with his hands covered in a metallic. As his eyes roam around he found me still crushing his friend. His facial expression changed into angry one. Every step he made, giving me almost unbalance myself because how big he is.

"Die" He zoom on me and ready a punch on my face but I stopped it as I commanded "Freeze" his hand freeze almost on my face. He struggles too.

"Stop fckin with me, I know you use command seal" the one on the ground said making me added his pressure on the ground.

Yeah right, command seal. What a nice name they made.

I only show no expression, I stared at those two still struggling at my power "Fly" I said as they float in the mid air. I clench my hand into fist "Choke" they are starting not to breath. As they struggled hard, a mark from there fingers trying to remove what binding there neck is getting imprinted on there neck, almost getting bleed from it.

Soon later, they starting to cough. I can't kill them.

"Stop" I said and they were set free. I used this chance to jump out of this dark alley up to the roof. I glance left and right and said the words.

"Restrain, Lucifer" My eyes turned back to my hazel brown eyes as my seal in my neck fade away.

I sighed "It this going to be my life till I go to New York??" I look at the sky as the helicopter retreat from the attack they made. I see so they track me when my powers activated. If my power don't go malfunction I would already lived a normal life.

I jumped down the roof to the dark alley and walk like nothing happened in that place.

How am I going to live now?


"So after ten years, the country got united into one country. Isn't that amazing?!" I lady in the tv sit on the right said saying something exciting

"Of course it is! After that great domination of the demon seals ten years ago, we learned how to get a god seal and made the world so peaceful that we don't have to fight" the old guy in left laughing out the thing he said.

So stupid. My thought said as I left that area where the tv are showing suddenly getting static and lost connection.

With all there life, they smiled, have love, family and look down at us. Why do "us" who hold the demon seals have to experience this stuff.

We don't plan to attack or anything but instead, they gave us hardship to live in this world.

I look at the dark sky, I saw a moon already in half and forever will be, and cloud mostly wanting to cover the beauty of the moon.

"Great Seals" I murmured as I go through all the people in this street.

Great Seals or more exactly ten years ago, the great domination of demon seals. We already be living a normal life if ain't those stupid previous demon seals did something horrible.

At that time, peace is still there and people would not to try kill us seals if we did something wrong. But one night, suddenly the moon blew up in the sky as we slowly look at the half, vanishing quickly.

A figure stand above that moon, as they look at those horns long and evil. It was a demon seal, with a name of "Satan". He look down at people and gave an evil smirk.

He gave a words "From this day on, we demons will rule the world again, as we kill the angel that been thrown with us"

Eight figures appeared beside "Satan". One who talks "If you wanna live, bow to us" the other talk "You are all going to worship our new demon king"

"Satan" smiled as people look at it so terrifying. "Down" He said but no one heard of it, as the humans saw a huge fireball slowly exploded at the ground, giving a huge impact and the world shaken.

Well then, when do you think the god seal appeared??


"Chris, say hi to your daddy" Mom warm smile gave me confident.

"Hey dad" I said

"Mommy!"  My little me said

"What?!" Mom laughed "I said to your daddy! Not me!"

I chuckled, as I watch this old film of my family when they were alive when I was a kid.

"So what your wish, Chris?" My dad light the candle on the cake and take it for tiny me to blow it

"That I'll live a normal life" A tear fall down.

"To get a god seal!!" I stopped the film and turn off the TV.

Why did I wanted a god seal? It because of this god damn seals that ruined my life!! Why would me, wish for this kind of stupid thing?!

"Hey, your watching again that video" I turned around and saw Chase as I look at him with a discomfort look "What did I do??" He continued

I rushed over at his side and pulled his collar almost close to me "You said, you'll bring me in New York" I made my words are serious as possible I can.

He was sweating but his facial expression was different, he was smiling for a scaredy cat. "Chill bro, I got a mission for you"

"Don't make me use my power because of you" I let him go "Tell" I stared at him.

Chase first, fix his collar that I'm trying to destroyed after that he was finally ready to say. His smiled go widely as I heard a creepy sound of giggle "You're going to High School"

I punched his stomach "I'll kill you right now if it weren't for those tracking devices they have"

Chase cough insanely as he look up, looking at my face almost tearing up "Listen to me!!"

I turned away for a seconds and look at him "Shut up, I believe I don't need to listen at what you are going to say"

As I slowly walk away from him, he said something.. something interesting, fascinating.

"I heard there some demon seal in that school" I look at him, smiling all the way that the fact he knows I was intrigue.

"If I remember, you were looking for the other seals to make a group that they'll change the view of the demon seals" Chase stand up slowly still have that smiling look plastered on his face.

I glare at him. "So your telling me, you'll use me on your own mission by using that info you got"


I sighed, close my eyes to make me think a little bit. "Argh, what was your mission?" I groaned. I was forced to say this words.ll

Chase trying to hide his chuckled as he look at me still holding the stomach I was trying to kill.

"Well someone filed a report about 10 students went missing on there school, so the "police" who were still busy about the demon seals. They basicallg put there work at my table and made it my mission"

"So what was that school called?"

"Clark High" Chase smirk "And don't worry, all you need to do is attend the school and bring the culprit who kidnap the kids" he just shrug it off.

I sighed again. Trying to make myself calm and preserve yet, I can't get rid of the excitement to attend a normal school while finding the other demon seals.

"But.." Chase talk again. "You haven't attend any school right? Chris??"

"Say that one more time and I'll kill you" I said sternly

"But seriously, you haven't been to any school since you were a kid" I punched his face while controlling my skill as I saw him slowly fall into the ground with his small pieces of teeth going to the same direction.

"Be careful next time, I will really kill you" I look down seeing a dead body with some of his tooth fell apart and still twitching.

Look like I'm going to High School as this guy dog and a student who practically first time going to school.

Again Depending on the result. This is a trial not sure to publish more chapters. If you see typos because it's been so long. Hope you guys enjoy and support for coffees xd

Foodchancreators' thoughts