
Want to go back.

If I can go back in time

I can change current affairs of mine! 

It's not possible to do that

Just like time can't flow back! 


Time, I want it to make it flow back

But I know I can't do something like that! 

I'm ready to give a hefty sum

If someone can make me return! 

I want to correct all of my mistakes

Even if my life will be at stake! 

I want to go back, back to that place

Where I feel secure in his embrace ! 

I don't want to feel lonely again

I don't want my life to be so plain! 

I want to go back where sunlight grace me and you 

I want to start everything anew! 

But I know, it's not possible because I lost you

How can you leave me when your promise is still due! 

I want to go back so that I can meet you

Don't you remember, Our promise is still due

When you come back, Let's start everything anew!