
Walking on Destiny

Steam, transcendent, noble, shadow, perfect witch... Sir, would you like to have a supernatural medium given by the gods? This must be very crazy, Aha! I saw it, I saw the pore of fate, this is the arrival of a new era, or another beginning of the war between gods...! Madness is the style of this world, hunger is the daily routine of this world, praise, the hauncontrollable destiny

Chanjan · แฟนตาซี
41 Chs

Chapter 6 The escaped old John


The out-of-control Old John was panting like a wild beast. He had obviously reached his limit. The wound stabbed by the ice-blue sword and the spreading ice had covered Old John's whole body with blue frost, and even the air he exhaled was filled with ice. In the cold mist, his blood seemed to have condensed, and his muscles began to gradually become stiff.

Tesche, who had an ugly face, vowed to purify the degenerate in front of him. He ignored the strange appearance of his abdomen and rushed towards Old John again with his ice-blue sword. Only this time, something appeared in Old John's eyes. Feeling the fear he saw in the beast, the fear of Tesche rushing towards him, he roared, and a trace of fear flashed in his red eyes, yes, fear.

He ran towards Tesche with both hands and feet like a wild beast, still roaring in his mouth. Tesche's long sword slashed open Old John's body, and black blood instantly surged. He came out without paying any attention to the wounds left on his body. Old John's running footsteps did not stop after passing Tesche, but continued running in one direction, intending to escape.

"Fuck him, stop him." Seeing that Old John was attacked, he still did not stop his pace. Instead, he ran in an uninhabited direction, intending to enter the forest ahead. Tesche had already guessed the opponent's plan. , the opponent was about to escape, Tesche, who was holding an ice blue sword, quickly chased after him. The knights standing on the side reacted and planned to stop Old John who was about to escape.

Old John, who had lost the courage to continue fighting, rushed straight towards a knight who was trying to stop him. The knight was startled and quickly covered his sword with fighting spirit and slashed at Old John in order to delay Old John's escape. pace.

When Old John saw the sword coming towards him, he didn't flinch. He rushed towards the knight. The sword struck Old John's body, leaving a deep wound with bone visible and black blood. He fell from Old John's body to the ground, and the knight was pierced through the chest by the bone spurs on Old John's body, flew out, and never got up again.

Watching the bloody battle between the knights and Old John, Buffon, who was lying on the side eating melon, felt the cruelty of the world. Looking at the various abilities displayed by them, "Ice, black mist, tentacles, what on earth is this?" "What a hell!", the helpless Buffon could only shout in his heart. After seeing Old John's escape and the pursuit of several knights, Buffon, who had slowly regained some control over his body, began to move his fingers and toes.

The knight's delay allowed Tesche to gradually close the distance with Old John. When the other party was about to enter the forest, Tesche swung the long sword with purification in his hand towards Old John's back, but there was a disharmony. The sound came from Tesche's lower body, accompanied by bursts of smell, which slowed down his swing by half a minute.

Old John took the opportunity to distance himself, and used his strong legs to jump into the air. The black mist surging in his body formed a pair of illusory wings behind his back. Old John, who had become less human, still looked back. He glanced at the angry Tesche, as if he was making fun of him.

"Damn guy, you will definitely die under the holy light." Tesche saw the anger in Old John's heart getting stronger and stronger when he saw the escaped man.

"Master Deacon, do you need to ask for help from the temple?" a knight asked respectfully.

"No", Tesche quickly refused. If he asked the Holy Church for help because of his failure, his future status would be in jeopardy. Tesche did not want others to be involved in today's matter, which would cause the Holy Church to Dissatisfied with himself, the only way now is to purify that powerful fallen person and let the Holy Church see his value.

"The evil fallen ones will not escape too far under the sanction of the Holy Light. Let's pursue them," Tesche immediately ordered to the few remaining knights, then turned around and went back to ride his own horse.

After hearing the order, several knights glanced at each other hesitantly and did not feel that it was right to continue the pursuit. However, no one dared to question it and followed closely behind Tesche.

Buffon, who had recovered his body, was about to sneak away. He glanced at his bald self and the much smaller Buffon, feeling rather sad. He needed some clothes now. Any clothes would do. Looking at the only cabinet in the wooden house, I opened the cabinet with some anticipation. The smell of inferior laundry detergent came out, and the smell was a bit pungent.

This is something that Buffon saw in Krens's memory. It is extracted from the sap of plants and flowers. It is called laundry liquid, or laundry detergent for short. It was favored by nobles because it can make clothes cleaner and increase fragrance. And welcomed by the common people, and the only thing common people can get is extracted from a common plant called Tianxingcao, which is very cheap but has a pungent smell, while the nobles often use various flowers. The extracted laundry detergent only has a fresh fragrance. This extracted liquid can stay on clothes for a long time. This has become something that noble ladies compare with each other. For example, which noble lady used very rare flowers to make it? of laundry detergent.

There was only a set of shabby gray clothes in the cabinet, and a half-gram sou coin placed next to it. This was the smallest denomination currency of the St. John Empire. The other currencies were, 12-gram sous, miller and sochi. It is equal to 1 miller, and 10 millers is equal to 1 sochi.

The clothes were folded very neatly by the owner of the cabin, Old John. Buffon reached out to pick them up and quickly put them on. The huge clothes completely covered his body without muscles, and the overly long sleeves and trousers made it difficult for him to move. It was a bit inconvenient. The long pants made it impossible to see the position of his feet, and his walking posture was quite weird. Buffon felt that he was a bit like a funny clown, dancing under the gaze of others.

Suddenly there was a burst of rapid footsteps in the distance, and there was also the sound of metal colliding with each other. Buffon immediately pricked up his ears and quickly lay on the ground pretending to be dead. Several knights who had just been chasing Old John appeared in his sight. inside.

"Come back so soon, has Old John been killed?", Buffon thought in his mind with some anticipation. He still clearly remembered what Old John said to him in a deep voice, and the smell of his body made Buffon Some were curious and sniffed the smell several times, while others were disappointed to smell the fishy smell of body sweat instead of the smell described by the other party.

With the corner of his eye, he peeked at the angry expressions on the faces of the knights and the scars on their bodies, which made Buffon give up the idea that Old John had been killed. The other party seemed to have failed, and he was very cautious and did not make any sound. Any sound made some worry that the mysterious smell mentioned by Old John would be discovered by these knights, but Buffon, who had already put on these shabby clothes, still revealed that he could move freely.

Several knights and Tesche didn't pay attention to Buffon, who was wearing clothes in the wooden house. They just glanced at him and then looked back. In their eyes, the young man in the wooden house was just an ordinary person, and his body was bigger than that. Ordinary people were still weak and not worthy of their attention at all. Without any intention of asking Buffon, the knights immediately chased in the direction where Old John escaped.

Buffon quietly exhaled and murmured: "They don't seem to understand what Old John said, but it is a good thing for me. I hope they can solve Old John as soon as possible." Old John, who was worried about losing control, also Will come back to look for him. Buffon watched closely the knights who had gone away, planning to leave here quickly. Before leaving, he did not forget to take away the half-gram coin in the cabinet.

Click, click, click...

"What's the sound?" Buffon, who was about to leave, turned around and heard a slight noise coming from under Old John's dilapidated bed. The sound of the floor gradually cracking echoed in Buffon's ears, as if the next second Something would be about to rush out from the ordinary ground, which made Buffon very careful to stay away.

As the floor under the bed completely cracked, waves of ripples echoed in the dilapidated house, and black mist emerged from the ground. Buffon quickly ran to the side and hid behind the wall to observe the situation in the cabin. Some are worried that the black mist is just like what he has seen before. The strange mist pouring out of Old John's body can easily corrode humans.

The black fog slowly dissipated, leaving only a very ordinary black bowler hat floating in the air.

"Hat", Buffon, who was full of doubts, was ready to run away if the black fog started to spread, but the black fog just disappeared, leaving a hat behind.

Buffon carefully picked up a stone from the side and threw it towards the hat. Then he quickly hid behind the wall and hit the floating hat with a "pop" sound. The dust on the stone was left on the hat. There was an eye-catching mark on the hat, and the hat slowly fell to the ground without any difference.

"That's it, I thought it was something special." Buffon, who couldn't believe it, doubted himself. He cautiously walked towards the hat that fell on the ground, stretched out his finger and touched it, but there was no reaction. , picked it up casually, the pure black color without any decoration is just like what gentlemen in this world often wear, and the weight and feel are no different from ordinary hats.

After carefully observing the hat in his hand, Buffon didn't find anything special. He thought doubtfully in his heart. There must be something special about being hidden under the wooden board by Old John, so he might as well keep it. Even if There was nothing special about the hat, so he put the hat in his hand into his clothes and left the cabin.

The next morning, Buffon spent his first night in this world in an abandoned steel pipe last night. After all, he fell asleep in a very confused state the day before yesterday. He did not expect that what happened in just these two days Things were more exciting and dangerous than what had happened in his more than 20 years, which made him feel inexplicably bored. After all, he was just a homebody.

Because it is summer, the sanitation in Cologne is definitely a nightmare for many people. Because there are not enough toilets, you can see people everywhere in Kakola District who are solving their physical problems by practicing Dharma on the spot. This makes Kakola The area was nicknamed the sewers by the nobles.

Those unpleasant smells and wastewater flow everywhere, and because of the worrying sanitation situation, people in Kakola District have increased many diseases, but no one cares about these, and they don't understand them. In their cognition These things are what the noble masters need to worry about, and what I need to worry about is whether the black bread has become overpriced again today, and whether there are too many sawdust in it, which will affect the taste.