
A Vivid Dream

Have you ever had a dream so vivid that it seemed like reality? Or faced a reality you wanted to be a dream? People often talk about how things they saw in a dream felt real. And there are also experiences that people don't believe were real. I am sure you've had some sort of similar experience at least once.

I've had many experiences like these, but I'd like to share the one that changed my life, literally. I prefer to think it was a dream as much as my memories tell me it wasn't. It was something unusual, I saw it all, felt things that happened there, heard voices, it all seemed so real. All those things, washed away in the instant I woke up. I often think it would have been better to never have woken up, so I'd feel less guilty.

The other instance was of the opposite kind. It was a reality that I preferred to be a dream. But that was something that I got over pretty quickly. The universe kind of forces you to deal with these kinds of problems, so I can't say I had a choice. It's not a story I like to tell at a later time, so let me start from there.

What was the dream, you ask? Please be patient, it's a really long story and I don't want you to get bored so early. I don't remember how long has it been since I last told this to any other person. I can say the main story starts a few decades back, although I don't remember much of it until the later parts.

Let's just start with the reality first, shall we?
