
Wait! I'm a King now?!

Jonathan Vuis Sacruiz, the 2nd prince of the empire wants to do nothing but become the most influential figure in the entire world but of course, it is behind the scenes so that no one will know but wait there's more... he is also a reincarnator!!. I put this in the fanfic category so that many people can read this for free. P.S.: I generated the cover from an AI app. P.S. Again: I can't seem to upload the cover damn it.

TBA_01 · อื่นๆ
2 Chs

Chapter 1: Born... Again?!

'I know that not everyone ever feels like being someone who has so much power in their hands that they don't know what to do with it.'


'You may ask, what does that have to do with this story? Well, it's almost what this story is portraying, duh!'


'When I was young, I once dreamed of being someone who has so much power in their hands that they can decide the course of the world they're living in. So much power that even in every form of it, it can affect so many lives if misused... yeah... that kind of power is what I dreamed of...'

Bang! Bang! Brrt!

"SIR! Please wake up! Hey, guards! Call an ambulance! The president has been shot by someone!."

Bang! Ptss!

"Yes, sir! This is alpha 1, we need an ambulance and backup now!."

Boom! Brrrt!

|Bzzt! This is Delta 2, copy that bzzt!|

'Mmm... it's so noisy... Mmm... where was I? Ah, that's right... I...'

"Please hung in there, preside-..."


"Was shot!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah... ?"

As I calm down from the shock, I look around me.

I was confused as to where I was.

A luxurious bed, a room full of luxurious items set in an organized pattern that feels like it was arranged by a world-class architect alongside an interior designer.

As I marveled at the designs of the luxurious room, suddenly the door facing the foot of the bed opened, and in walked a maid wearing an 80s European-style maid uniform, pushing a cart with a steaming soup covered with transparent steel.

As I stare at her and the steel cover, a bewildered expression marks my face.

"Wa- wa-."

Hearing my voice, she looks up at me, then her eyes widen.

"Se- se- Second prince! You're finally awake!"

With sparkling eyes, she walks up to me in a gentle but hurried manner. She then touches my forehead, and her expression changes from excitement to relief.

She steps back a bit and looks me in the eye with a gentle gaze, positioning her hands on her stomach area. She then bends her back and says, "Thank God! You finally recovered from your illness, Your Highness."

Hearing what she said, my eyes widen, and I say, "What illness? Where am I? And who are you?"

Pointing my finger at her, I sit upright, then I try to get up on the bed. Suddenly, my feet wobble like jelly, but before I drop on the floor, the maid catches me.

"Be careful, Your Highness!"

She hugged my body tightly to prevent me from falling down. after that, she pat my legs then she let me stand up on my own. Then I distance my body from her the I say.

"Tha- thank yo-."

That's when I heard my voice, a voice that didn't belong to me.

'Wha-, what was that? I- is that my voice?.'


'What the fuck?! It is my voice. How did this happen? This is not my voice!'

Clutching my head while thinking about my discovery.

'Wait... if... this is my voice then...'

I hurriedly goes to the side of the maid with nervous heart, then I ask.

"Mirror, I need a mirror!"

The maid, startled by my sudden move, she hurriedly brought the mirror to me.

Seeing the mirror, I walk up to it stealing my nerves about my hypothesis about my situation.

'No way...'

■1 year later.■

""His highness, Jonathan Vuis Sacruiz is now entering!.""


As the large door open, what walk in is a child not older than 8 years old, he had a blonde hair that shine and a cute face that can be mistaken for a girl. he frantically run upon entering towards the very center of the ball.

"Mother!, look! look!."

He keep shouting excitedly while running through the crowd. upon arriving in his target, he suddenly stop then smiled happily.

His target, a woman in her 30, blonde hair, a face that look so beautiful that it feels unnatural like a doll.

Upon seeing the boy, she smiled at him then signal him to get close, the boy seeing this obediently follow. When he got close enough she snuggled him towards her arm.

The crowd seeing this scene snickered.

"Mother, stop you are embarrassing me!."

The boy tried to push his mother away from him, seeing his action his mother let him go.

"Now, now, Jonathan my boy, what got you running to me like this, mmm?."

"Ah! That is right, mother! Look!."

Then he showed his arm towards her and the crowd. Suddenly, his hands started to glow then in a second it produce a spark then the spark turn to a fire.

When they saw this, the crowd started to gather towards them. They started to murmuring among themselves among seeing the fire in Jonathan's hand.

Seeing this, Jonathan's mother frown then, she look at his excited face and couldn't help but ask.

"How- no, who taught you this?."

Hearing that, Jonathan expression change from excited to smug.

"No one!"

Hearing this, his mother and the crowd had their jaw drop upon his words. Among the crowd one of them said.

"What! But that's imposs-."

But before the he can finish what he wanted to say, he was interrupted by a loud booming voice

""King Lawrence Vius Sacriuz.""

When this name was heard, the people inside immediately bend their left knee then their right hand on the heart.

"""We greet his Majesty."""