
Vulture of Eternal: the Desire of Future without Duty

"The end of journey means the start of another one." -Book of Felicity "A reliving and experiencing a life that I abandon. What a predicament." That's one of the thoughts she had. Someone who only desires a normal life, yet that desire was not for her to gain. Died once and relive the life that she almost hated. Drown from loneliness, exhausted and bearing all the duty she had never wished for. Unexpectedly between those years, she found such people that she always hoped to protect and watch as they grow. Saving a life she had cherished is a normal thing to do, even sacrificing something she had...is the most treasured moment she could remember. ("Sometimes reaching out and taking someone's hand is the beginning of a journey." -Vera Nazarian) She thought that her journey was once ended, thus another journey is now starting to call her. A journey that she thought she ended but the truth is, it was just an unfinished journey that she tried to abandon. ("Sometimes it's the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination." -Drake) As she was trying to resolve everything, she suddenly found a friend, a companion, and good people-what will be her life now? Can she find the answers to all of her unanswered lingering questions in her heart? For her, this is another journey where a life full of mysteries that are needed to unravel. Like a thread of fate, that binds up her heart.

Arria_Hestia · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs


~Third Person's POV~

For the knights and trainees, it was a lot of work to do all the stated tasks for them from the 5 pages of paper given by Arria. It is a 5 pages of information about the tasks and the things that they should remember, as it was part of their new training style and schedule. Of course, Arriah will be the one to lead them, even Casimir the Commander of the knights was included for the special training.

It was five in the morning, everyone was in the training grounds except for the soldiers who had the tasks of guarding the land territory—Triangulum.

Some of the crowd felt sleepiness, sluggishness, or even felt the cold breeze to their bones as winter was also coming, unexpectedly sooner. The changes of the weather or even the season for changing sooner, is what they usually expected—as it is an evidence that the demonic realm already affecting the environment from making big movements towards their goal. For the empire, it was still unclear for them of what are the deeper motives that the demonic realm had been striving for years. Though, the common goal they had was to dominate the whole map of the Andromeda Empire.

But for Arria, for hundreds of years, for almost 6 centuries maintaining the world (where she is now) through creating magic system—she already knows what is the exact goal of demonic realm.

Even knowing the whole gist of it, Arria tried her very best to maintain this world and took all the duty that some sort of god abandoned. Right, this world where she was, where she spends her life for hundreds of years is the world that has been long abandoned by a god. She didn't even know why would she be reincarnated to a world, where it was already abandoned by its creator. But no answers to avail to satisfy such questions. Hundreds to thousands of questions are multiplying on her mind but all of it just fall and been forgotten to the depths of abyss.

Now, everyone are trying to assemble their respective formation. While holding a wooden sword, she stands on the average size of podium—in front of everyone she stand confidently and instinctively wearing an intense aura, and pointing down the wooden sword holding it infront of her feet.

Everyone lined themselves automatically, organizing themselves by group—by class.

The Commander and Vice-Commander of the knights are standing in front as the first line, second line are the captain and vice-captain in every class—as this is what Arria specifically stated as part of the instructions written on the given sheets from the last meeting.

"Your efforts, your strong will refined like iron, your love for your family and love ones, your love for this land, and serving the empire wholeheartedly—is the main reason that you are called to become knights, soldiers, and became warriors." Arria, starting her speech with an encouraging and appreciative words. She pause for a minute, let out a light breath and smiled, a smile with a hidden meaning.

"You love hearing those words, don't you?" She said in a teasing manner yet still bearing an intense aura. Some of them gulped and some of them stiffened their posture, even more. "But...does all of you already satisfied of those small sweet talks? Those words..."

She raised up her wooden sword and rest it on her right shoulder while her other hand is on her pant's pocket. "...are not enough for you to become strong. Strong enough to fight against the demonic realm. Strong enough to reach your goal towards the future that you wanted. All of it are futile. All of it are useless. Despite your efforts, you are still not enough. That's the truth, no... that's a fact." She added saying it seriously for to those who listened, will have wounded hearts.

Words can hurt, but it can't bring them down. Arria said at the back of her mind. This is the only way to strengthen their moral. Not just to strengthen but to let them realize of what are their shortcomings.

"Despite for the said fact, are you still willing to become knights, soldiers, and become a gallant warrior?" She assertively said as it was a question that bearded with fangs, fangs that could leave a mark on their side. "Some of you here, are innately strong. And I believed that to those who are not strong enough, starting today...you will attain the strength that you've been hoping for." When she brought down the wooden sword and as if back to her position earlier, she added saying, "People of this empire, people of this kingdom, may your desires be fulfilled. Be united! And together, we can win this endless battle!" She said loudly and clear as her voice was like ringing around the whole training grounds, and almost immediately, all men shouted.

"Victory for our land! Victory for the Kingdom of Urania! Victory for the Andromeda Empire!" everyone loudly said while raising their swords and all kinds of weapons. As it was a cheerful declaration bearing the hope for a future with no chaos, no battle, and no bloodshed.

Arria stand there, watching them starting to mold their morale like starting a fire inside them, burning with hope and excitement towards their goal.