
Chapter 286 - Questions from Everyone

Broken attempted to articulate his final words as clearly as he could, and his voice softened as he inquired, "Would you be willing to join me?"

Elincia stood up calmly, a slight smile on her face.

"Broken, I really appreciate your honesty and your bold invitation to join your guild. I'm sure you have high self-confidence and the quality you can offer with this offer you are making.

In fact, we have already discussed this matter with all the members of the Ass Guild, and while some of them are doubtful, I'm sure everyone has inquiries they want to ask prior to making their ultimate decision."

Broken nodded slowly in acknowledgment. "Thank you, Elincia."

"So, I'm sure it's getting late, and the party will start soon. Let's not prolong this discussion any further, shall we?" She smiled.

The members of the Ass of Guild had their final questions for Broken to help those who were still wavering in their decision.
