
Welcome to the World of Rappelz

"Young master, are you ready?" said an old man in a butler uniform. This was Gerard. The person who raised Miles from the moment he was born.

Miles' family was rich. Actually, that might be an understatement. They were CRAZY rich! Miles' parents were the Co-CEO of the world's third-biggest company Greysteed. They had started out as a tech company years ago but thanks to the genius of his parents now the company had shares in almost every business venture. The family was very happy to get an heir like William, Miles' father, who made them one of the richest families on earth instead of just an ordinary rich family. They were even happier when he had married another rising star of the business world, Ailsa. She was a little foul-mouthed thanks to the Scottish blood running through her veins but as long as she could make money they could tolerate it. So when the two of them came together the Greysteed Conglomerate was born.

That didn't come without a cost, however. Even though they made so much money, they didn't have enough time to spend with their son. That didn't mean, they didn't love him or ignored him. Actually, to them, Miles was the most important thing in the world. That was why they had worked so hard to earn this much money. It was all for him!

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Miles asked as he tightened his arm around Gerard's. He didn't want to get his hopes up over nothing. He didn't want to end up disappointed like all the other times.

"Don't worry young master. This old servant can assure you that it will work. According to old master, it has already been tested before and it worked. They are actually waiting for you on the other side" said Gerard as he laid Miles into the capsule.

This was a new product one of the Subsidiaries of Greysteed Conglomerate created. It was a new gaming device. After the fail of Oculus Rift or the VR in general, people had lost hope that it was just a dream. People would not be able to actually feel like they were inside the game. However, they had actually done it. They had even gone beyond just VR. They were able to create a capsule that was able to transfer the consciousness of its user to the game itself. Basically, they would be able to feel everything their character felt, even smell it!

This was way beyond of their time, at least by a century. Even the world's medical science was not that advanced and there were so many ways they could utilize it!

When William and Aisla saw the fund application for this project they didn't even hesitate before sinking in hundreds of billions of dollars into it. Nothing came out of it for five long years and the board of directors were doubting the decision of this married couple. They had already invested close to half a trillion and they wanted to shut down the project. They just weren't able to see the bigger picture. Of course, if the research had shown some results they wouldn't be this sceptic but there was nothing on the horizon at all! Most importantly the researchers kept on asking for more funds and the married couple just gave it to them without any questions.

Finally, in the sixth year after funding them they had come out with this technology. They weren't even any complications with the tech. There were so many ways they could use this. So many ways to make money out of it. However, the decision of the couple baffled them once more. Instead, they had learnt that they already had an idea about what they were going to use this piece of magnificent technology and it was a game! A game! Were they crazy? Who knows? But the board of directors certainly didn't have the guts to object them. They were already wrong once. So how could they claim that their decision was wrong? To their bafflement, they had learnt that the game was already completed. They just needed to release it immediately. Without any advertisement or anything.

When asked why they just answered the tech itself was already good attractive enough and currently it was the only game of its sort. Even if they didn't advertise it themselves, others would do it for them. So they had decided to release both the 'gaming capsule' and the game tomorrow.Yes, this discussion was going on the same day Miles was getting ready to get into the game. Because his parents were the founders of this project Miles and his family was given an Early Access. They could have started even earlier if they wanted but their purpose was not to get all the good stuff and dominate the game. It was just to spend a single day together without any disturbance from the outside world. They were going to have a whole world to themselves just for today.

Gerard closed the capsule and the machine started to give out light indicating that it started to work.

"Welcome to the World of Rappelz!"

A gentle female sound announced to his arrivial into this new world. There were bright lights everywhere and Miles' eyes hurt. Miles' furiously blinked his eyes to get used to the light. He was in a library-like room. But Miles did not pay any attention to any of them. He was actually crying. No, he was not sad. These were his tears of joy.

"I can see!" shouted Miles towards the sky.

He was born blind. His parents took him to all sort of doctors around the world but none of them was able to cure him. They had even tried to give him an eye transplant but there was no such thing. Basically, you could not transplant the optic nerves connecting to the brain. So he was destined to be blind his whole life. This was the reason his parents had funded this project upon lying their eyes onto it. They had seen a hope for their son to see. Since it was sending their consciousness directly into the game they had bet onto the possibility that it would work and it did. Not just for blindness, this technology could actually temporarily cure other disabilities like being deaf or mute. Of course, they would still be disabled outside the game but those people at least had a place where they could feel normal now.

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