
Void lord journey

Ryan, an world-class famous actor, and the fastest actor to become an A-class actor was killed by his female stalker. Reason? because he sleeps with other women and not with her. After death he finds himself to be a candidate to become a void lord. Follow Ryan on his journey as he travels to anime, manga, movies, and various other realities while building a harem of his wives. First world: Stranger things Second world: ??? ****** Author: Except for the OC, Ryan. Other characters' right writing in the novel belongs to their original authors. This is my first time writing a novel so please help me to become a better novelist with your help. ****** Update days: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

21_Legend_lotter · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
46 Chs

12. A 'normal' breakfast**

Mike "Good morning mom"

Mike hugged his mother and give her neck a kiss. His hands roamed around her almost naked body as she was wearing a sexy black nightgown.

Ava "Hahaha good morning baby. You know that Nancy has a presentation right?"

Ava giggled as she felt her son's hand all over her body.

Mike "She was the asking for it"

Mike said. He looked at her making simple bread and omelet for the breakfast, he looked at the table only to see 2 glasses of milk while his glass was empty.

Mike "Mom you didn't get my milk till now"

Ava "If you want your milk you have to work for it"

Ava said while moving his hands to her huge cow-like tits, which were D-size. Mike didn't waste any time and pushed her apron and nightgown exposing her massive tits. He began to squish her boobs and tease her nipples.

Mike "Mom your so naught"

Mike said. Ava smiled hearing his words she also want him to be with her all the time which was impossible because of his multiple girlfriends.

Ava "Aaaa~mmuuumm~aaaaa~oohhh~hhhhmmm~"

Mike roughly handled her boobs while stimulating her boobs to secrete her milk. After a few seconds, her nipples got wet indicating that her milk has been released. Mike made Ava sit on the kitchen platform to have easy access to her chest.

Mike "Thanks for the milk"

Saying he put one of her nipples in his mouth sucking her milk out while his hand was on her other nipple filling his glass for milk.

Ava "Aaaa~yyesss~suck them baby~aaaaa~hmmmm~"

Ava was biting her lips to suppress her moans but couldn't because of Mike. He keeps stimulating her nipples making her scream his name, and marking her boobs.

Soon the glass was filled and Mike removed his mouth from her nipples. Ava who was breathing heavily looked at Mike who had a small drop of her milk on his cheek and gave a smile.

Mike put the glass on the table and bent to the level of her pussy, he put his finger and opened it wide to see inside.

Ava "Aaaa~Mike wait~oohhh~sshiitt~"

He didn't give her a chance to speak and licked her pussy. Pushing his long tongue inside he licked her pussy.

Ava "Aaaaa~yyessss~aaaaa~yyesss Mmmikkeee~aaaa~"


Ava felt her son's tongue moving inside her pussy while she pussy's walls were contracting. Suddenly she feel something inside her asshole, looking down she saw her son's fingers inside her ass while his eyes meet her eyes.

Ava "Aaaaa~Mike! Mike!! I am getting close~aaaaa~"

Seeing his own mother screaming his name Mike felt some kind of achievement. He increased his effort and soon her pussy began to tremble, he knew that she was about to cum.


Ava caught Mike's hair and pulled him closer to her pussy and interlock her legs to let him drink her cum. Mike put his mouth on her whole pussy so nothing escape from him, soon a liquid entered his mouth and he drank it.


After drinking her cum he stood up and saw Ava was still dazed from her orgasm, he lovingly rubbed her cheeks. Ava fell in love again with Mike looking at his lovely eyes. Both saw love for each other in their eyes and moved closer only for their lips to lock on each other.

The passionate kiss lasted for one minute before it was interrupted by someone.

Nancy "Guys we should have our breakfast or we don't want to be late for school"

Nancy said with narrowed eyes showing how serious she was but her mischievous smile gave out her inner thoughts. Ava glared at her while Mike just chuckled.

Ava "Well if there was a slut who keep my son awake till late at night maybe you wouldn't be seeing us like that"

Ava said while Mike covered all of the body parts with her nightgown as if they weren't removed in the first place. Nancy blushed at her words, nowadays she cannot control her impulse to have sex maybe due to her adolescent age.

Mike "Okay chill down a bit both of you, why don't we first have our breakfast"

Mike said while putting his hand on Ava's waist. All of them sat and ate their breakfast happily and talked about their today's schedule. Ava is at home like always but nowadays she goes to [Paradise] to look after the crops. Nancy will be a bit late today as she got a presentation to show with her friend Barbara and her boyfriend Jonathan Byers.

While Mike is going to one of his friend's house, all of his friends have decided to bring him to their house after one the other. So today he is going to visit the house of the Asian twins who had been his friend from last year.

After having their breakfast, Mike give both of them a peck on their lips and got on his modified bicycle to go to school. Nancy and Ava both looked at him for a few minutes, soon Nancy got into her car, Lincoln Mark VI Continental, which was given to her by Mike.

Ava watched her son/ husband go to school and walked inside the house.


Mike who was riding his bicycle decided to call his girlfriends, yes all of them agreed to be his girlfriend and marry him in the future.

Mike ["Girls are you ready?"]

He sends a telepathic message in his research about unlocking their mental powers, even of the Asian twins.

??? ["I am riding my bicycle now"]

??? ["I am getting out of my house"]

??? ["We are near Mrs. Shelly's house"]

??? ["Right behind you baby"]

The first voice was of my shy girlfriend, Gal Byers. The second belongs to my studious girlfriend, Emma Henderson. The third sentence was spoken by two voices of my twin girlfriends, Deepika Chopra and Priyanka Chopra.

Hearing the last voice, he stopped his bicycle and looked at the figure approaching him rapidly, his tomboy girlfriend, Zoe Sinclair.

Mike ["Okay girls let's meet in front of the school"]

All ["Okay"]

Zoe stopped her bicycle beside Mike, she wore a hoodie and black pants which showed her sexy legs. Zoe glared at Mike but he didn't seem to be bothered by her glare.

Mike "Good morning baby"

Zoe "Fuck you good morning give a kiss instead"

She pulled him into a lip-to-lip kiss, Mike had put an illusion around them so no one could see them.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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