
Void Horizon

Ares is a young man from the ruins of the third city. The world he lives in is still recovering from the Demon war which has left its mark throughout the continent. A chance encounter with a round sphere plunges him into a world of magic and adventure. He will delve into the mysteries of magic whilst also exploring his own unknown beginning. In doing so perhaps he will discover the secret of his black eyes. The story may be a bit of a slow start but from chapter 6 in its magic and spells, please be patient with it.

Lost_void · แฟนตาซี
57 Chs


It didn't matter if Carl knew about his plans it would change nothing. Ares planned to go to the shack tonight; he may never get another chance.

Ares looked around the carriage picking up the items he thought he may need. Ares knew with his newly acquired magic spells he could defend himself but he didn't want to publicise this as it wouldn't last long and there were many more powerful people in the city. Among the other items he collected candles, a set of matches and some thin rope. He also changed into all black clothing. Luckily Ares had brought his gauntlets too and upon putting them on his long black top covered them to his wrist. As he glanced into a mirror, he noticed his black hair and clothing instantly made his already pale complexion look as white as a ghost.

He bit his tongue to punish himself; It was no time to dawdle. Alex needed rescuing and glaring at a mirror wasn't helping her. He stalked off out the carriage and planned the journey by the campfire. The Slums were on the other side of the city. He had to cross some of the most dangerous areas in the entire city. He shuddered to think what would happen if he was caught by some of the people who lived in those places magic or no magic it wouldn't help there.

He mapped out the route in his head; having lived his entire life he was easily familiar with the best route. He would have to travel through Main Street. Cut down past the hospital district go over the bridge of the homeless and finally through dead man's alley. The journey itself would be very dangerous. Getting back through that would be almost impossible especially with Alex. With his loose preparations in place, he set off.

As Ares stalked off into the dark, a patch of black in the night blinked before Mars stepped into a dim light. Mars had a casual grin on his face and his hands in his pockets. He thought to himself this would be an interesting night and he disappeared into the dark following after Ares.

Ares walked with ease out of the Station and began down Main Street. He normally had no issues with walking the street due to the lack of valuables he carried. Today Ares carried all the money he had earned. As he walked the street he was ever wary of people bumping into him, a lifetime of caution kept him suspicious. As he neared the edge of the street he heard a faint knife slice. Spinning around he saw a child in red running away; in his hand Ares's purse.

Anger welled inside of him. It had been many months since he had to deal with this sort of situation. He thought to himself he would not let this pipsqueak escape. He gave chase following the child and sprinting as fast as he could. The child was nimble and wove in-between others dodging his grasps. After a short chase the child disappeared behind a group of people and Ares momentarily lost sight of the child he then saw him later disappearing into a side street. Still overcome by rage Ares followed into the side street.

The side street was dark; the busy bustle of Main Street was now behind him. Ares realised he had made a mistake coming into the side street as it looked like a trap. As he turned to look at the exit a huge brute of a man stepped into the alley blocking the light out. The rage Ares felt quickly bled away and now a frightening realisation and fear set in.

"It's too late for you sonny, come easy now" the man commanded spittle dripping from his jaw. In his hands dangled a pair of grey slave chains.

Without talking Ares got into a fighting position; his gauntlets were still hidden by his sleeves. Alex would not be safe if he couldn't protect her, this dumb muscle would not stop him from seeing her.

"It really would be easier for you" the brute's mouth curved into a sneer and he drew his knife a huge thing, more a machete then a knife.

Ares had worried about this situation all his life knowing what it would mean. Facing it in reality was different. He had practiced for months with Miles but this remained his first proper fight. He thought back to his training as he calculated the best way to win.

"I will give you three seconds to surrender kid, then things will get dirty" The Brute laughed. Ares then heard another voice.

"Kid give up now!" He spun to see two more men, one an enormous muscled grunt, the other hidden by a hood. This didn't faze him at this point as the amount of people didn't change the situation before him, it was fight or die. Ares took a deep breath and did something he would never have considered in the face of such danger before; he taunted the slavers.

"Guess this is where the little girls keep disappearing to. You should have said; your mums are getting worried!"

The brutes all stood for a couple of seconds contemplating what he had just said. He had less than a split second the react to the knife which flew past his right ear and embedded itself in a deeply in a wall. Instantly everything was moving. Ares's body seemed to be reacting with instinct; dodging and attacking seemed to come naturally. Two of the men advanced on him, one from the front with a machete and another from behind him.

Ares heard a large blade swinging towards him from behind, his right arm lifted and a loud clash of metal on metal resounded in his left ear as his gauntlet met whatever had been swung. He rolled forward straight through the open legs of the man blocking the exit, the man not expecting it leant forwards but was not fast enough to stop Ares. Ares was now at the mouth of the alley, the two men behind him clambering to get to him.

Ares kicked backwards, his foot connecting with the back of the man's knees. He fell forward onto his face in an angry shout. The other man quickly took his place jumping over his crumpled body and swinging his machete at Ares. Ares instinctively turned and lifted his arms to block the blade swinging at his skull. Putting his gauntlets in the shape of a cross it easily stopped the blade mid blow. He grinned and kicked at the man's crouch laughing as he screamed in pain and doubled over.

Despite knowing magic and using it on revenants this was the first time Ares had fought and he had instinctively fought without using it. Now two men now lay on the floor writhing in pain Ares had time to charge a push spell. He imbued it into both his gauntlets at the same time. He took one step forwards and struck both men in the chest with his fists. Their bodies flew through the alley spitting blood and hitting the walls. After they landed both remained in heaps screaming in pain.

The third man stood behind into the alley looking at Ares silently, only his eyes were visible. Despite the fact that so much had happened only seconds had passed. As Ares went to step forward the Man spoke.

"Stop. Take it." He threw Ares familiar purse to his feet and put his hands up in surrender. Ares grabbed the purse and took a long glance at the man he then turned to leave.

"Later girls." He said smiling to himself as he stepped out of the alley and disappeared into the crowds.

Ontop of a building overlooking the alleyway Mars was sat swinging his legs; a sandwich in hand. He was nodding to himself whilst smiling and taking a bite of his snack. This kid is pretty interesting he thought to himself.