
Voice of Longing

Despite being born with a complicated past, Adam soon finds himself at the top, becoming the sole guide to global prosperity. He was history's greatest, acknowledged by the world for his unrivaled talents yet many wondered- What drove him this far? Was it for power? fame? or solely for his satisfaction? It was initially, but soon became a dedication to use as a mean for a person's purpose. A person that became the world's sole source of bloom yet despite all his efforts in keeping this, he was soon reminded of his past when he found himself staring at the eyes of his purpose slowly falling alongside of what would be known as a world that bloomed. ... Knowing full well of his life and deeds, a voice told that his life doesn't end here as another chance to once again hear the voice of whom he saw fall came. A chance that gave him a renewed purpose to not see what dreaded him once more through a much clearer view. =================================== First time writing here, I hope you would like it. Coming soon~ Cover not mine.

WorldOfFiction · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Unknown Dread

<p>On the outer surface of an unknown planet, a group of 13 pod-like objects can be viewed floating in the middle of nowhere, acting like an unknown group of pebbles being blown aimlessly. <br/><br/>More accurately, like marbles. As they are seemingly made of glasses with neither a reflection outside nor could be discernable within.<br/><br/>At the helm of these pod objects came a pod that particularly stood out from the rest with its crimson hue rather than the cyan hue that is exuding from the rest.<br/><br/>Inside this crimson pod came a variety of advanced technological instruments and interfaces. Surrounding an entity.<br/><br/>An entity that have a physique of human origins, wearing a sort of interstellar suit that is tightly attached to its body.<br/><br/>Suddenly, it spoke. Claiming itself to be of male.<br/><br/>"..Is the data gathered enough to be of use" <br/>He asked impatiently.<br/><br/>"Unfortunately no, Sir. It's progress is still in display to your left." came a dull voice from above. <br/><br/>Sighing, the man thought 'I wont make it if this goes on..' <br/><br/>'I promised her that I'll be back by at least the upcoming four months. Her project's success would be held by then. Though, i did say it would be uncertain, and got her agreement-<br/><br/>'..I still want to see her happiness myself..'<br/><br/>Coming out of his thoughts. <br/><br/>His absentminded head was suddenly assaulted by a heavy throbbed, and soon started hearing a constant sound of alarm.<br/><br/>Amidst this assault came an interface that sprouted out of nowhere.<br/><br/>CAUTION! CAUTION! CAUTION!<br/> PRIORITY CAUTION!!<br/>CHARACTER: YUUKI<br/>CONDITION: EXPERIENCING A RISE IN CAUTION AND APPREHENSION<br/>ORIGINS: CANNOT BE DISCERNED.<br/><br/>Staring stiffly at the interface in front of him. The man muttered quite shakily "H-How is this possible.. I made it so it wouldn't happen again."<br/><br/>Looking into it deeper, thinking further would only enhance this situation's uncertainty. So, after quickly recollecting himself, the man decisively made a decision.<br/><br/>With his voice raised slightly, he urgently ordered "Activate the Fused Energy Core and infuse all of it to the helm pod."<br/><br/>"H-Huh??"<br/><br/>"A-Am i hearing wrong..?" <br/><br/>"Why now? This is too sudden!"<br/><br/>As voices of disbelief resounded, the individual leading the pod responsible for managing the pods energy supply warily responded "D-Did something happened, Sir?"<br/><br/>Hearing no sort of response, it then persuaded the man "Please reconsider! The project is in near completion, by doing this, years of effort would be wasted. The association woul-<br/><br/>Cutting the words off, The man then responded, as he coldly muttered "Do you think I'd care, just do as I say or the association won't hear of you all anymore." <br/><br/>In fear of losing his livelihood's position, and also possibly his life. The Leader urged his crew frantically "Y-You heard him, immediately!" <br/><br/>"S-Sir, all of us would be stranded if we do so" A person from the crew worriedly complained what all of them wishes to express. <br/><br/>Soon after, another voice came. A person that led the pod that came after the main pod.<br/><br/>As someone that is second in command, almost all of them had their hopes kindled when they heard him speak.<br/><br/>"It is as they say, Sir. Excluding the technicality thereafter, all of us would not last by even a week with the excess energy left in each pod.." <br/><br/>The second in command then finished at a much graver tone "We will all die a slow and suffocating demise without the accumulated core energy that had been supporting our pods. Please reconsider!"<br/><br/>Following this, more and more voices came, "Please reconsider!"<br/><br/>"Please reconsider"<br/><br/>"Please reconsi-<br/><br/>Losing his cool. The man shouted.<br/>"SHUT UP!" <br/><br/>Silencing the complaints instantly.<br/><br/>Directing his attention, he spoke at a much heartless tone "If you won't do it.. I will do it myself. The main system is always at my reach. By then, don't even hope of lasting a single day with the pods instability."<br/><br/>His words ringing true for all to hear. As all pods are connected through tunnel-like channels with the main system as the origin. Forcibly entering it will surely severe this connecting bond.<br/><br/>It was designed to work as a whole after all, and separating any of the pods from it's origin, or rather the source would drain and cause it's instability.<br/><br/>Though quite reliant, it was known to be nigh-impossible in actually bypassing it.<br/><br/>Unless the actual person that designed it decided on doing adjustments, of which it now currently plans to.<br/><br/>Knowing full well of the person before them, most of the voices retracted, and did not took another step in testing the male's patience.<br/><br/>But some unavoidably had different says to it, a few even breaking down in tears.<br/><br/>"YOU MIGHT AS WELL JUST KILL US ALREADY!"<br/><br/>"D-D-Dead... We're doomed.."<br/><br/>"My daughter...."<br/><br/>Still their pleas remained unheard. They could only despair and pray for a better outcome to their now dimmed fate.<br/><br/>Thereafter, the person that had previously urged his crew hurriedly did it once more and followed through his previous response "R-Right away, Sir"<br/><br/>INITIATING ENERGY INFUSION!<br/><br/>WARNING! <br/><br/>HELM POD IS OVERWHELMED WITH ENERGY.<br/><br/>EXPENDITURE OR DISTRIBUTION <br/>OF ENERGY IS NEEDED!<br/><br/>Voicing out a command, The Man spoke with no sort of hesitation "Expend and infuse through Void Leap. Return to Earth.."<br/><br/>INITIATING VOID LEAP!<br/>Destination: Earth.<br/>Time of Travel: 1hour:2minutes:32seconds.<br/><br/>'Even if all of it is consumed, it still takes an hour, huh. Thousands of light years is indeed incomparable to being simply far' <br/><br/>Although somewhat blaming himself, The Man could do nothing but wait and seemingly stare unblinkingly at the time that counted his return, albeit growing more and more reckless as seconds passes by.<br/><br/>Sighing heavily, The Man only hope for a better outcome to this unknown feel of dread.<br/> <br/>'Pls.. Make it in time..'<br/><br/>...<br/><br/>....<br/><br/>Meanwhile on Earth, somewhere in the geography of Japan.<br/><br/>The stars glistened as darkness looms above 5 black vehicles that hovers silently inside a tunnel.<br/><br/>4 of these surrounding a particular vehicle in the middle that looks much more comfortable to reside on due to the former 4 being built heavily, more so like that of military.<br/><br/>Inside the vehicle in the middle sat a woman of grace with short hair, and features seen as someone of asian descent within her late 20's.<br/><br/>Her age being more evident from the gray dress that she wears which perfectly complimented her bearing.<br/><br/>Leaning against the window, she rest her head onto one of her palm as she gazes through the tunnel's interior. It's metallic feature passing by her eye.<br/><br/>The vehicles around them being reflected seemingly to it, as it's appearance was more like that of glass instead of metal.<br/><br/>Seating quietly at the front of her, two black suited men could be seen with one of their hands resting somewhere around their pockets.<br/><br/>The bulkier person that was driving then glanced at her, and suddenly said "Miss, we're 3 hours away from our destination."<br/><br/>Humming in response, she did not avert her gaze and had her head still leaned on her palm, but instead of seeing the usual metallic glass.<br/><br/>A sky full of flickering stars greeted her that seemed still as they move.<br/><br/>Even so, she didn't feel any sort of repetition, every part of the sky was in someway different for her.<br/><br/>Engrossing her more and more as her stare longers, without having any mind as to when she plans on averting this engrossment of hers.<br/><br/>Remembering something. <br/><br/>Rather, someone in particular that is somewhere above. She muttered softly to herself. "I'll be here.. as always."<br/><br/>After a few more moments. The woman removed her palm, her head instead leaned on the actual glass that separated her engrossment.<br/><br/>Having no plan yet on leaving it.<br/><br/>After a couple more minutes, her drowsiness poked her. Showing itself further through the heavy yawn she eventually released.<br/><br/>'I guess, I'll take a quick nap..' <br/><br/>Only then did her gaze somehow leave, when her eyes closed.<br/><br/>Her head still leaned though.<br/><br/>Having closed her eyes, she then briefly said to whichever heard her in front "Wake me up when we arrive.."<br/><br/>To which both have heard, but was responded to by whom had initially informed her.<br/>"Will do, Miss" <br/><br/>Placing herself at a more comfortable posture, her drowsiness was about to commit itself when a loud whistle came that quickly opened her eyes again.<br/><br/>Following it was a bright flash, enveloping their view of an explosion that abruptly blinded and overwhelmed their hearings.<br/><br/>Feeling her vehicle slightly moved. She exclaimed "Are you guys alright?!"<br/><br/>After hearing their response, she was reassured further when she saw them perfectly fine.<br/><br/>Recollecting herself. The woman then confirmed "An ambush, Johnson?"<br/><br/>Looking in front with a grim gaze, her vehicle's driver that was named Johnson spoke.<br/>"It seems so. Though the shock was quite tremendous, our vehicle's barrier survived.. fortunately."<br/><br/>Not long after the explosion, the occupants that surrounded her vehicle began to pour out.<br/><br/>Reacting decisively as they surround her vehicle once more, albeit this time. They surrounded the vehicle personally, while holding a variety of technological items. It's purpose being either that of attacking, and defending.<br/><br/>As they organize themselves at an orderly fashion, what they wear had long since turned. <br/><br/>Their former suit having turned, rather- having been enveloped of gears that radiated most of their bodies in a reddish hue.<br/><br/>Which although numbering at half a hundred, each of them was at a place that is appropriate for the safety behind them.<br/><br/>As they stare infront where the explosion came, a figure could be seen approaching them. It's appearance being dimmed through the still heavily visible smoke.<br/><br/>Following behind it's steps are a dozen more figures that is more so farther with the leading figure's approaching steps.<br/><br/>Eventually, a faint clap came that gradually intensified, yet it wasn't as loud as it seems so.<br/><br/>It was lone, a lone sound within the silence that divided them.<br/><br/>Being known further, the leading figure became more and more visible.<br/><br/>Visibly showing that it was the only one clapping.<br/><br/>Only then did it stop, when it fully emerged. <br/><br/>Following it was a group of black suited men with gears seemingly hiding behind their suits as it radiates sparingly out of their bodies.<br/><br/>Making his appearance, the leading figure is seen as a man of western origins that further accentuated itself by the sharp features he has. <br/><br/>It then opened his mouth "Bravo. I expected no less from the world's best, your gaze alone gives me those chills.."<br/><br/>Hugging himself out of his non existent shiver, he squatted down thereafter. Looking as if what he'd done had produced quite the effort out of him.<br/><br/>"Though as you could see, no matter how great you all are. You couldn't possibly kill thousands of trained men, right?" Although the western man's words were light. <br/><br/>The content was not.<br/><br/>After this moment of 'rest', he raised himself, and started nearing forward.<br/><br/>His approach being the same as his grin, It was relaxed.<br/><br/>Rather, carefree.<br/><br/>Seeing him approach them alone, the team of mercenaries was instead alarmed further.<br/><br/>It's visibility becoming deeper from their frowns, as they notice and observe their surroundings being creeped of figures that came along his approach.<br/><br/>Accompanying these figures were a variety of fatal weapons being pointed to at least each of them.<br/><br/>"Yuukiii~ won't you come out and greet me. It tires me to perform this situation especially at this time where we should be having our beauty sleeps, you know~" The Man hummed and sighingly said.<br/><br/>"What do you want, Daniel" a cold voice came from the middle vehicle as it slowly reveals its origin staring from the now gapped window.<br/><br/>"There you are~ As you can see by what i presented to you. I've come to accomplish what you know i came here for" <br/><br/>Speaking with a tinge of excitement, his comical mouth soon froze and took on a serious turn. <br/><br/>"That is.. if you'd let me accompany you willingly" More and more figures soon revealed themselves thereafter.<br/><br/>Revealing the deathly gazes they hold within the dimmed night.<br/><br/>"Miss, this looks like it was planned a long time ago, all our networks were jammed, and seeing where we are and their numbers. Leaving with our heads intact would be quite the difficulty." Speaking direly. Johnson's grip tightened, as he stand tall besides her outside.<br/><br/>"My patience is thin, Yuuki. 5 seconds. I'll give you 5 seconds. This isn't that hard of a choice after all. 5..<br/><br/>..4<br/><br/>3..<br/><br/>..2<br/><br/>1..<br/><br/><br/>Seeing the vehicle's entrance about to open, Daniel smiled, and spoke quite excitedly "It looks like, you've chose correctly. The vehicle i brought is much more comfortable, we should hurr- <br/><br/>Before he could even finish, the mercenary team decisively acted.<br/><br/>Immediately activating their defensive barriers, which blocked the projectiles that came the moment their muscles tensed and acted.<br/><br/>With some of their defense still in place, the ones remaining had long since activated their weapons instead, that precisely beamed towards the dozen of figures hidden around the trees besides them.<br/><br/>Making them fall with a thud and silently bathe within their own blood.<br/><br/>Realizing what just happened, Daniel's face froze for a moment, but soon reacted quite loudly for all his men to hear "Bring me their heads!"<br/><br/>Seeing the heads he wanted already breaking through his encirclement. Daniel muttered, his frown being etched for a different reason though. "This fast, huh. I may have had underestimate you all, but it wasn't out of what I expected.." <br/><br/>'Nonetheless, with that ravine up ahead and the forest's entirety within my control. It'll all be pointless.' Thinking about it. He smiled, replacing his previous frown.<br/><br/>"Well, run all you want.. It would still be a timely hunt until I have you, Yuuki." His eyes glinted, as he soon followed his men's chase.<br/><br/>At a much more leisure pace.<br/><br/>.....<br/><br/>....<br/><br/>Several figures could be seen quickly passing through a forest. <br/><br/>Though darkness surrounded them, their vision remained unimpeded, passing by with a clear view of what's ahead.<br/><br/>Which seems to be possible with the crimson aura radiating infront of their eyes, connecting it's leak through an object attached to their temples.<br/><br/>The miss they're guarding for having about the same amount of equipments as they do.<br/><br/>Her dress having long since been torn, and covered by these. It was light when worn, and quite minimal in space, making it easy for her and the rest of them to move with no sort of hinder.<br/><br/>Although not having the same amount of experience, Yuuki could be seen to be somewhat keeping up alongside the several other figures around her on their pace of travel.<br/><br/>Showing prior trainings that seems to be almost on par with what they've gone through. <br/><br/>It was mostly in regard for this kind of situations which she has quite the experience on. Albeit, the scale this time is the most troublesome she had ever encountered. It was quite uncertain as well, at a high degree.<br/><br/>About half an hour or so, they began to notice of signs that something is approaching them<br/><br/>Rather, heard of noises behind them.<br/><br/>Suddenly one of them spoke, a member initiated their worries. "Miss, they're catching up to us!"<br/><br/>With their surroundings becoming noticably bothered by it's presence, the member spoke once more to her "Miss, some of us will hold them off, and hopefully chip away most of them."<br/><br/>It then warmly said, loud enough for all of them to hear clearly "Our only hope is for you to survive, and be in good health alongside him.."<br/><br/>Reaching a tacit understanding, the some formerly mentioned showed themselves by whim. <br/><br/>It wasn't that much of a coincidence either, seeing as how each of them particularly specializes a field which the situation speaks for.<br/><br/>"Trust me, miss. Heh, this is not the <br/>last of us, it's the last of them rather."<br/><br/>"I'll definitely kill a hundred more than you. Bet?"<br/><br/>"I'll be chopping away my third kill by the time you even start to obliterate them HAHAHAHAHAHA"<br/><br/>Despite being clear that their lives would certainly meet their ends. They didn't fear the though of it, but took pride in it instead.<br/><br/>Seeing as how their mood didn't change, and maintained the bond they had alongside one another. <br/><br/>Which was deeper than just being the same subordinates that served the same figures, they were the same companions that resided way further back that founded, and built their companionship up to now. <br/><br/>They were mercenaries, for a moment.<br/><br/>Rather, a family that had once commissioned to almost anyone, most of the world knew them as so. They were exceptional for it.<br/><br/>Yuuki wanted to at least try and think of another way, but ultimately holding it in.<br/><br/>She just wasn't allowed the chance to, their pursuers were getting closer. As reluctant as she was, their resolve wasn't the like to just shatter either.<br/><br/>Suppressing her rise of emotions. Yuuki took a deep breath, and said "..I understand-<br/><br/>"Thank you.."<br/><br/>Feeling her nigh faltering tone, they smiled warmly. Their resolve having tripled already.<br/><br/>Soon, almost a third of them began to slow down while those that remained pushed themselves faster, their expressions trying it's best to be in acceptance to their resolve's reality.<br/><br/>"May all of you be in good health."<br/><br/>"Don't even think of letting a hair of our miss get touch. I'll bald you all if you do so."<br/><br/>"I'll see you soon, everyone.."<br/><br/>Thereafter, they began to scatter. <br/><br/>They then began to position themselves at the most optimal spot, and make full use of all the means available to them. <br/><br/>A delay is what they need, but taking the lives of their pursuer is what they wanted.<br/><br/>At the very least, 6 more bodies for each of them to take would suffice, they supposed.<br/><br/>As the remaining group gathers distance, they heard the cry of battle behind them. It's reach becoming dimmer which eventually died out. They've reached a fair distance than previously already.<br/><br/>Being too much to some, they couldn't help but shed a tear or more.<br/><br/>Tears that instantly blended itself to the ground where their comrades 'may have' fell. <br/><br/>After running for about an hour, they began to slow down and reorganize their thoughts. <br/><br/>"I think we've briefly lost them.." Johnson spoke as he observe the conditions of those around.<br/><br/>The rest of the team having done the same thing while also making sure that their own<br/>really is fine. <br/><br/>"Miss, i think we should take a brief rest.. I've scattered alot of Movement Detector 15 minutes away from us when we were advancing.. also, considering how fast we were advancing, they would probably take 10 or less more minutes depending on their means for them to reach us" <br/><br/>"I think so as well.. This is after all, a situation that exceeded our previous encounters. I never thought his obsession would not die out after what happened 6 years ago.. Maybe... I should have never been fooled by that terrified gaze and placed that blade through him.." Thinking about it, Yuuki's tone becomes colder and more regretful as she goes deeper within her thoughts.<br/><br/>"Maybe.. This wouldn't have happened.. Jane and everyone else- they had so much things they wanted to fulfill.. They could have still been with us.." Becoming too deep within her thoughts, she couldn't help but indulge within the emotions brought by her thoughts.<br/><br/>Sitting down on a fallen trunk across her, she hugged both of her legs as she buried her face in between her legs, an action that hope to momentary forget and not let the hopes that was left unfulfilled to forever be buried alongside those they hope to fulfill theirs.<br/><br/>Finding a tree that was nearby to her. Johnson began stretching his bulky body excessively then sat down beside it, moving his gaze at her, a glint passed in his eyes as his face beamed of a seemingly fulfilled smiled. <br/><br/>"Miss" Johnson called but soon noticed no response, he then removed his gaze from her and began looking at the sky whose flickering night seemed to look brighter than usual.<br/><br/>"The boss is somewhere up there huh.. Now that i remember, Jake always dreamed of becoming a space pirate since he was a kid, it only grew more stupid when he became an adult, saying he would be the first to build an intergalactic harem" Letting out a laugh after that nostalgic humour.<br/><br/>Johnson's face became further indulged within nostalgia when his mouth let out a pained smile "It was so stupid... to the point of it becoming a widespread joke to every member"<br/><br/>"I still can't believe, he made a bet with the boss in exchange of him coming along within his next expedition" His lying hands soon trembled subconsciously.<br/><br/>"Thinking about it, his persistence to hold onto his dream was quite admirable.." Noticing his hand's abnormality, he clenched and continued<br/><br/>"Though, he could no longer fulfill it. The memory brought by it still exists and so does it's hope of fulfillment that no matter how inconceivable- this hope drives us to live another and maybe see if we could take a step further towards it" <br/><br/>Noticing movements from Yuuki,<br/>"Mis- Yuuki.." Johnson called out, but soon changed his form of address when he saw her eyes trembling with noticable tears threatening to fall out. <br/><br/>"Mr. Johnson.. D-did i made the right choice?.." Yuuki's voice trembled as she asked the question that constantly bothered her consciousness.<br/><br/>"..What choice you made needed an immediate answer for the situation we were in didn't allow us to think more.. it was a painful outcome yet it brought us a better chance to fulfill their will that they pave for us.." Johnson leaned comfortably from behind as he speak. <br/><br/>"So.. We cannot say that it was the right choice but it was definitely the most optimal choice.. besides the rest of us wouldn't hesitate as well to make such a choice" Johnson then looked at her softly before standing.<br/><br/>"I'll take a quick look around.. I'll see you later, miss" Johnson said but before he was about to take a step, he heard a soft voice.<br/><br/>"Thank you, I needed that.." Yuuki spoke in a much eased tone.<br/><br/>"No problem, miss" Seeing her looking better than before, Johnson smiled and responded before walking away.<br/><br/>Staring at the sky at a few more minutes, Yuuki's mind soon drifted to dreamland.<br/><br/>A dreamland that lasted for about an hour and a half when some of the mercenary members including Johnson suddenly woke up and became alerted.<br/><br/>"This tingling sensation.. Quick inform everyone while i erase our trace of being here"<br/>Johnson muttered and ordered to the rest whom also felt the same sensation.<br/><br/>A sensation in which is only felt by a few of specific conditions when movements are detected by the device that was scattered at a radius of one meter.<br/><br/>They then began waking everyone else which naturally woke up quite immediately, coupling with both experience and the current situation made it possible to regain consciousness within that deep of a rest.<br/><br/>"They're here huh.. We need to find an area which range is not influenced by Daniel.." Yuuki lightly spoke while slightly rubbing her eyes.<br/><br/>After a few moments, seeing that all of them seems to be ready.<br/><br/>"Let's go.. to somewhere farther" <br/><br/>Hearing Yuuki's voice, they immediately departed, quickly achieving their previous pace of travel.<br/><br/>"It still won't working.. We've been traveling for almost an hour yet our network is still jammed" Johnson frowned as he stared at the device he is holding which could indicate a network's resonance.<br/><br/>After traveling for almost an hour, they occasionally stop and briefly check if they have came out of the other's influence yet it is still unsuccessful.<br/><br/>'He couldn't possibly had the resources to jam our network unless.. he had that device, even so it's range is limited and extremely hard to obtain..' Yuuki's frown becoming deeper; the more her thoughts escalated.<br/><br/>"Of course it wouldn't work, you idiots.. " a voice of mockery suddenly came, startling all of them.<br/><br/>"..Daniel- you bastard" Johnson cursed with hatred in his tone.<br/><br/>"Oh, you missed me quite fast huh.. Im sure most of your other comrades also misses you all quite dearly... from the afterlife's embrace.." Speaking further, Daniel's voice couldn't help but put out a loud unrestrained laughter<br/><br/>Daniel whose voice came out of nowhere is now seen coming out alongside the previously following groups of men.<br/><br/>'..We were sure there was no kind of surveillance within the path we've taken..,' Yuuki's frown soon became enlightened when she heard the answer she was finding for<br/><br/>"It was quite the hassle, you know.. This forest was quite huge, i had to anticipate where all of you would come but moving at a steady pace to surround you all took quite the effort.." Daniel sighed as he complained his recent complications.<br/><br/>'A plan that took quite long to make and initiate really has the best capability..' Hearing his words, Yuuki's thoughts became much clearer of what occured. <br/><br/>The rest of the mercenary members thinking more or less the same, making their deep rooted hatred to now be something inseparable to them.<br/><br/>"Now now.. Im sure all of you must be feeling quite tired. So, allow me to guide you all towards rest.. eternally, that is.." Daniel grinned as he loudly clapped, signalling the emergence of all the men he has gathered for this plan to come to light.<br/><br/>"But, your miss would be coming in late so.. Bid your farewells!" Daniel giggled, slowly making his way towards them.<br/><br/>In response, the mercenary team set up a defensive barrier and withdrew all of their arsenals whilst making sure that Yuuki is in the safest position.<br/><br/>Knowing full well of their stubbornness, Daniel wasted no time and transmitted his order to all of his men "Get her.." <br/><br/>Before Daniel's voice fell, Yuuki subconsciously looked above and noticed something special that briefly catched her attention.<br/><br/>'a comet..?' her thoughts soon being overwhelmed by her current predicament.<br/><br/>Within the span of a moment, a variety of sounds emerged- from a whistle up to something heavy that was soon intertwined by the clash of both parties.<br/><br/>A pitiful sight it was if viewed generally, seeing how the mercenary team is being overwhelmed with numbers more than a hundred times their size. <br/><br/>Despite the huge differences, the mercenary team still manages to handle their predicament quite well and even had the pace to drastically diminish their surrounding foes.<br/><br/>Yet no matter how strong and coordinated they may be- everything at some point would meet their own limitations. <br/><br/>Lasting for more than an hour, the mercenary team's pace began to slow down, beginning to feel the weight of a seemingly unlimited numbers of men.<br/><br/>It was at this time, a mercenary member's part of the barrier suddenly got breached and stabbed countlessly, it's imbued blade reaching deep within his body, entirely removing it's defensive measures.<br/><br/>As if to say- it wasn't fatal enough. Countless bullets of various kinds also sought his body and some even wandered off inside, heading towards the other members but was soon repelled by them with their body's defense.<br/><br/>Knowing of his inevitable demise, the stabbed mercenary member pulled out from the blade's piercement and rushed outside.<br/><br/>Before rushing to what distance he could possibly reach, The bloodied mercenary member looked back, his face briefly beamed whilst his mouth seemingly murmuring something.<br/><br/>Goodbye-<br/><br/>Boom! <br/><br/>The mercenary member detonated all of his remaining explosives alongside him and everything around.<br/><br/>Looking at the dent left behind, the rest of the mercenaries couldn't help but tighten their grips.<br/><br/>Noticing the gap, the surrounding men quickly pushed and swarmed the space left behind, intending to take advantage of this fortunate event.<br/><br/>"D-Damn it.."<br/><br/>"Impatient bastards.."<br/><br/>The rest of the mercenaries soon reacted by slightly minimizing their area, the nearest mercenary immediately filling in the void left behind.<br/><br/>"M-Miss, I dont think we could hold on any longer.. We could only retreat further towards the ravine.." Johnson exhaustedly said, struggling to maintain his part of the barrier.<br/><br/>Being forced with no escape, they were left with no other choice but to retreat and possibly delay their advance by making them contemplate of what outcome it would bring when their target is near danger.<br/><br/>"I understand.." Yuuki responded whilst still bombarding bullets. <br/><br/>Yuuki and the mercenaries involved in long range combat soon shifted their attention towards a specific attention, moving everytime a space is made for them to advance.<br/><br/>Noticing their movements, Daniel couldn't help but sneer.<br/><br/>'Don't tell me you'd rather die, but sorry to disappoint you, Yuuki.. Only a cushion would await your fall' <br/><br/>Patiently awaiting the end of this show, Daniel's imagination couldn't help but rin wild as he witness himself making a toy out of Yuuki, his excitement flaring further.<br/><br/>After reaching near the edge of the ravine, the mercenary team stood before the groups of men that held a variety of expressions, mostly ridiculing them.<br/><br/>The mercenary team showing a grim expression that was caused by the heavy breathing they exude and their numbers being less of what they were as it further dwindled alongside their advance.<br/><br/>Appearing on the path made by his men, Daniel smiled and spoke amusingly <br/>"You know, I could forgive your stubbornness and spare the one's remaining.. How about it, yuuki? A good offer, right?" <br/><br/>Raising her middle finger, Yuuki did not even looked at him and only pointed her raised finger at him in response.<br/><br/>Showing a vein on his temple, Daniel's face contorted into a horrible smile<br/>"..Stubborn til the end huh. You all know what to do, i want everyone except her- lifeless."<br/><br/>"Motherfucker.."<br/><br/>"At least let us catch our breath.."<br/><br/>"I'll haunt you after death, disgusting bastard.."<br/><br/>Slowly but surely, the groups of men finally saw a significant result towards their own bombardment.<br/><br/>Seeing as how much energy was drained by the sacrifices of their men, they naturally did not feel any sort of resentment.<br/><br/>It was after all their own foolishness by being overwhelmed with greed, each of the mercenaries head was quite the temptation after all, seeing as how much it is valued by Daniel.<br/><br/>Surely enough, one of the mercenary member gave in and met their end, as if being ignited. The mens bombardment became fiercer and more relentless.<br/><br/>After a few moments, the mercenary team numbers began to dwindle one by one to the point of leaving only a heavily injured Johnson and a slightly wounded Yuuki.<br/><br/>Appearing once more, Daniel's excitement could no longer be contained and began to laugh with glee.<br/><br/>"You're mine now, Yuuki. You'll never leave my grasp!" Speaking with pure excitement like a kid who've got gifted with the finest toy there is. <br/><br/>But before he could near and think of grabbing her, a huge sound of explosion occured from below the ravine with smoke appearing thereafter.<br/><br/>"Y-You knew??.. How???" Horrified, Daniel spoke with pure bewilderment, his movements now being more cautious.<br/><br/>"Of course I'd know, you were too into it despite knowing that I'm beside a ravine. Knowing your disgusting personality, I'd naturally be suspicious. Seeing how you reacted to the explosives i threw, you've only confirmed my suspicion" Yuuki spoke with disgust laced in her tone, taking little steps alongside and further neared the edge of the ravine with only but a step away through falling.<br/><br/>Seeing her action, Johnson couldn't help but show a pained expression that was soon replaced by pure contentment and resentment.<br/><br/>'In the end, you were left with no other choice.. I've sure have led quite the adventurous life.. Sadly, I didn't get the chance to tell these things to my grandkids.. Don't worry. miss. I'll make sure to do my best to blow as much bastards as i could in smithereens with that bastard at the center of it..' <br/><br/>"W-We can talk this out, Yuuki.. Don't take any unnecessary movement, ok?" Daniel said nervously to the point of his face becoming stiff, but before he could even think of reaching out to her.<br/><br/>Yuuki leaned, slowly falling on the endless space of nothingness from behind, as her body lie further, her vision gradually became slightly obstructed from the smoke coming from below which was still covered in darkness, looking as if the smoke is a natural part of it.<br/><br/>Before closing her eyes, she looked at Johnson with softness, an expression that say's all her share of gratitude would not end here.<br/><br/>Looking through it, her face should have contorted with that of pure hatred when her gazed passed by Daniel yet it became quite the opposite when her face beamed and showed disbelief.<br/><br/>Though not having the chance to further examine, her face still beamed nonetheless and her mouth soon murmured something before being brought alongside her downfall. <br/><br/>"Adam.."</p>