
virtual Pangea online

“A world that’s cruel is not worth fighting for, but a world of people with hope and dreams that’s worth fighting for” a adventure full of death, planning strategies, and a whole bunch of trauma watch as a group of people adventure in a world full of cruelty and dive into a rabbit hole of despair.

KoroArt · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

The Selection

As I glance around me at the exited children of the age of around 16. I can only feel pity for the new sacrifices sent to the god games just to be massacred.

Only I know the true extent of the god games. For their boredom can only be cured by humans suffering for their joy. For I am the last regressor that completed the god games. The other regressors quit from the mission set upon us.

Our only goal… is to kill the god games or at least try. As I no longer see myself as a hero who saved 8 god games. This time it's the biblical faction that started this round of games.

As a regressor When ever I die i get sent back to the start of a new god game. This is how I failed to save 235 worlds.

"Yo man you ok" hmm my friend lucky is here he seem to be in a good mood. Tsk why out of every one must he be here. I glanced at a 67 year looking old man sitting on a bench outside of the selection hall.

That's Odin what's he doing here? Hmm doesn't matter as long as i don't attract attention. Uhh I knew he is just here to observe a candidate for the champion title giving to people the gods favor

The only reason I even survived the tutorial 126 out of the 235 times is because he was my sponsor. I must not fall for the same mistake. For I must get the attention of a specific god in order to force Odin's hand.

Yes it's my lucky day Loki is the announcer for the god game this time! Now all I have to do is attract his attention to this will be a breeze.

I looked at Loki as he was saying the introduction speech to the God games. I looked around me for something to piss him off.

That's when i noticed a merchant selling plume fruits nearby ( plum fruits are very watery fruits easy to pop like a balloon filled with water very stick and sweet to the taste) with a plume fruit in hand I chucked it with all my might at the trickster god square in the face.

"Hey who fucking did that! When I find out who did it I'm going to skin him alive!" Hah I knew it. I said as i looked around at the gaping crowd. After a while Loki left the stage when Gabriel an arch angel appeared on stage and snapped her fingers as she said "Enough talk let's get this party started.

As soon as she finished her sentence the bodies of the people in the selection started to fade away while most yelled at her for what was happening to them I simply stayed quiet after all it was not going to kill me.

As most of my lower body faded away a glanced at my long time friend through most of my regression. I saw that he had a panicked expression displayed on his face.

To comfort him i simply gave him a thumb up.

I didn't know if he saw the thumb up I gave him before we fully got transported. As I open

My eyes, the sun's rays shone bright as it stopped me from fully opening my eyes.

I then stood up and glanced around as I tried to locate my friend before the class selection started as I wanted to give him the best odds of survival.

After scanning my surroundings I found lucky waking up near a tree. I walked towards him and gave him a helping hand to get up.

" thanks man I have no idea we were going to transported that way the tutorial guide I bought didn't have that detailed in it."

"Well Lucky I did tell you to not buy it. You wasted 2 silver coins on it. We could have used those to buy us some starting gear."

"Wait really brother Xiao?" "Ye why would Iie to you?" true true but how are we supposed to even get out of this forest?

As he said that I told him to just open his player interface given to us for the tutorial.

I told him there is a map that can be used to find places even if it costs 5 copper every use.

"But brother Xiao I don't have five cooper on me I'm not even wearing the same clothing."

No worry we get ten copper coin at the start of the tutorial stage check your inventory.

"Wow their really is 10 copper there."

Well yes we better get going I already know the place of the class selection area just follow me.

"Um brother Xiao how do you know of such knowledge?" well simply I met a beta tester at groceries market on my way to the selection hall and he gave me some intel about the god game.

" wow that's amazing"

Shhh lucky be quiet we are in the danger zone if we make too much noise we might attract trouble. " Alright big bro" alright listen closely once we get there we have to customize our future avatar for the other world, so when you get to that part pick Gambler as your class and focus all your points on luck I'll pick the mage class. " why gambler" just trust me on this one. Also when you start to pick your sponsor after the tutorial pick (the risk taker) you will need to finish a hidden quest near the spring of fate I'll lead you there after I finish my quest.

"Alright guess I'll be seeing you soon."

Alright bye don't attract too much attention remember use the copper for a warp stone to teleport out of a sticky situation alright?
