

As I was looking back and forth watching my sister and her enemy quarrel, the rages of war happening in the background of this scene. With a small smirk I continue writing notes as to what happened in the fray of battle, obviously only the important notes though. Such as, the war chieftain trying to catch my sister off guard, It was a bit funny seeing the beast being launched by her. It angered me that my sister decided to launch the beast in my direction "sister watch where you are throwing these beasts," I screamed making damned sure she heard me. As I did my sisters eye's darted to me, I began to notice all the enemy corralling around me. With a short lived sigh I joined the battle, drawing my rapier, fighting till they all went after my sister once more. I began writing more..and more....more...m.


~I still haven't stopped.

It's supposed to be very vague, I kinda suck at writing but the story is good and I'm gonna try and improve my writing style but for now, I'm gonna suffer through it :'(

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