
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · แฟนตาซี
139 Chs


Zaiden and Hunter's orb began to grow. Fang, Doctor V and Nurse V turned into orbs as well and other villains followed into orbs. A helicopter with a megaphone flew low.

" HEROES-" it went

Other villains from the units changed revealing the underwent they fabled third evolution and the rare Plant race. A flame covered venus flytrap grow out snapping at helicopters, a giant beetle creating boulder and even tiger whose ever paw print exploded.

" When you thought you reached the peak of crazy and it would get better." Executive Tigre went

The Executives were in a safe lounge without Multi Mask's knowledge watching the situation with many types of popcorn and sliders. The saw the megaphone helicopter flew even lower.


" What?" Opal wondered


Two orbs broke open and the world was still. A mermaid and merman locked fingers with devious smiles as another storm joined the mixture. A flame griffon came out of another orb and one had an entire minotaur. Some orbs grew bigger and more colored. From Zander's orb a claw pushed out and Zaiden's orb a tail broke out. The Bosses orbs stated becoming blob-like.

' Hold it....Pause...cool down the madness.

So Extinct race is in the word. My variant isn't supposed to be alive. Question: So how the HECK are we alive. Although the form of the extinct race died, the genes we present and rewinding to a few chapters, I said the crack will change the world as we now it. But I never spoke of the changes developing the crack already had, it would take to long and the chapter was getting good.

The changes of developing the crack reawaken the dormant genes. Extinct race can't be inherited from families since we're special creatures. The orb envelopes the body in a special coating that allows us to take on our form without issues of our chemistry and make-up.

I was told to explain this. Third evolution and so forth isn't my forte.'

The was a rubble, Ryder used magic to support the building the were on and the was silence as crack developed on the husk of the biggest orbs in the country.

Pyro Lady and the Strong family fell backwards. The word fell of their chairs as Zaiden and Zander's orbs smashed open. Not only were the extinct race but a rare beyond third evolution type what more must the world fear.

" Ryder come here?" Pyro Lady panicked

His sclera of his eye turned yellow and joined at vertical slit shaped pupil. Similar eyes were as Zaiden and Zander's eyes.

" World we are seeing the turn of the century. The first ever 13-HEADED HYDRA! HEAVENS HELP US ALL"

The twenty-six heads let out a roar. Fang broke out revealing a beyond-third evolver basilisk shocking them more. Mist of poison formed and more snakes came out larger than the previous ones. Some were krakens, banshees and more.

" This..This..How?" Franklin stuttered

A telepathic link went to all the villains: Prepare yourselves, all weak villains return to base. GADGET TOWERS!!"

" Don't yell in my mind!" Gadget groaned making another tower

A ladder came down for Thunder and the Strongs. Pyro Lady looked at Mask on a head on Zander's hydra form.


Zaiden and Zander looked beyond the heroes and helicopter to the coast. The skies cleared up as everyone saw a crack in the air getting larger. Something shot out and dropped a gargantuan beast. It let out a growl with acid drool spilling everywhere.

[ Hidden Mission: Do or Die activated

The invasion has started and it is identified the land you are on is the best for their species. The self defense has yet to be operated and their battling slaves of the Vortexion-the invaders. Your level is insignificant to theirs. The next is up to you.]

" Insignificant?!" they thought

Some more battling slaves landed. One was at Ixtal's area and she jumped forward as its tail swung in front of Michael.

" Navaeh!" he went

" Come in Nava." voice in her communicator went

She responded," Yeah, what's the plan."

" Tag-team. We have to handle them. Vance went to place the Zeta Field by the coasts with Yasmin." Shadow Hound went " We've got to put all of in on the line."

" You can't." Michael frowned looking at the blood running down from her back.

Michael couldn't explain the feeling in his chest on whether it was heartburn or shock. Although he didn't like the sight of Navaeh hurt. She smiled," I have to to this."

In front of the hunter Navaeh evolved. Her two pairs of wings sprung out, veil-like tail and her talons. Feathers feel everywhere as she looked down with a smile.

" I'm a villain: one-I do what I want when I what to do it and two- I save myself even if it means I save others. I am not a hero." she went flying upwards

" Why do I feel like I lost something." he frowned

Dominic was in a similar situation with Ivan. A tail stabbed into his gut but the man stood tall over him.

" Why'd you save me?" Dominic asked

Ivan smiled," I'm a good owner, naturally I'd make sure you don't die. Didn't you know what you got yourself into?"

Dominic had always know he had dug his own grave but now it seem more diabolical. Ivan grabbed his hand and pulled him on his feet.

" This is what you signed up for Dominic. Don't complicate it in your mind: Owner( Me) and Pet( You). We're you told nothing can run away from me when it peaks my interest." He grinned

Dominic swallowed," If I lose your interest?"

Ivan slid his index finger over his throat with a ghastly look on his face before laughing. He went to his communicator," Oi Frankenstein's Sister. I hat e to say it but we work well together"

" I agree, Blood for Brain. I'm on my way." Kali went

He removed the tail and looked back at Dominic," See ya around, Kitsune."

Ivan sunk into the tar like it was water and a large shark rose. Its scarred body told a million tales of its life. Its teeth were Tungsten and its odd pink eyes were dazzling. Ivan bit into the slave and pulled a chunk of meat before reverting to human form. He swiped his lip as complimenting the taste of the meat and went to his communicator.

" Weakness- A spherical object within their body about 4.5 pi meters, able to move freely. Poor IQ but no sense of pain or fear" he told

[ Three Authorities are in your body: < Mad Dog>, < Tyrant of the Battlefield> and < Hider of Brilliance>. Do you wish to go beyond you capacity?"]

" Why not? Death doesn't seek those who seek it right?" Ivan thought

Zaiden and Zander rose their upper bodies as The Strongs got on the ladder.

" Don't worry. Hydra are water creatures according to records." Thunder told

They saw them push forward and pull themselves on air. Four pairs of strong, wide and with a tore-like appearance at the bottom stung out. They flapped upwards and gained flight.

" What did you say?" a Zaiden head laughed

The two Hydra's had front and back legs and a powerful tail. They pasted the helicopter to a battling slave. The three beasts roared at each other.

" Let's stick around a little longer." Thunder told