
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · แฟนตาซี
139 Chs

Coming up next!

 Zaiden was in his hydra form and healers were surrounding him. They chanted various spells to push out the order energy in Zaiden's system.

Zyder and Zander were going through the system and discussing any new updates or changes.

"So we should kill this batch of players while we're at it," Zander said casually

The Game Guides were silent as windows from various sponsors appeared. One of Zaiden's heads opened his eyes with interest.

"You disagree?" Zyder frowned at the screens with various people shown

Caesar opened his eyes to a body that wasn't his. He was looking at the Hydra being healed and heightened his eyes to listen to the conversation.

"So you disagree with killing the current batch of villains because?" Zyder smiled

The sponsors had sweat on their foreheads and faced Zyder's cold gaze and chose their words carefully.

"Hmm? The Player from that dimension slipped into Havoc and entered some random choasian body?" A Game Guide Informed

"If they survive."

They looked at one of Zaiden's heads raised with a weak smile.

"You need to rest, Zai." Zander frowned

Zaiden smiled weakly, "What can I say? I'm a reasonable man...so I can give the players a redeeming mission and what will you give me?" 

There was silence in the room as the head swayed side to side as if thinking.

 He groaned, "If they survive in Chaos and complete the mission while I'm in this awful state, we will return them to their dimension and keep them as our Players."

 [ Sponsors are grateful and offer Zaiden their best wishes for a quick recovery.]

"Tha...that's sweet." Zaiden coughed "But not convincing enough."

[Sponsors offer to become vassals of J. Family or their favorite player.]

Zaiden coughed up blood, "Don't surprise me like this. It's not good for my health."

"Are you serious?" Zyder exclaimed

A screen with a contract appeared in front of the J. brothers and the smile on their faces was bright.

"Why not?" Zyder smiled "But what if they lose?"

[Sponsors will send information if they lose.]

"So confident." Zander smirked "I'll agree to a live-death mission."

"I agree too." Zyder beamed

Zaiden nodded his head in agreement.

Caesar was surprised by the development but a head appeared in front of him. No, but he could see it.

"You're so cruel." the ghost sighed, "Trying to kill me again?"

Caesar looked at the ghost of Anthony, a close friend of Zaiden, and was still unsure of his decision. Unlike others he had two new missions, one from Anthony's ghost.

"At least before you die please reveal me to Zaiden so he can get me a body to possess." Anthony sighed "Shouldn't have agreed to you but at least I'll watch something interesting."

"I'll complete both missions!" Caesar thought to Anthony

"Confident?" Anthony mocked "In Havoc? This I must see."

[New Mission: Unnamed.

You have taken over a chaosian's body. You will have 12 hours in this realm per day and will return to your normal realm.

In this Realm where the strong live and the weak die. Survive and prove yourself worthy of yourself and safeguard your status as a Player of the Villain System.... or die.]

We usually show you a preview but my guy in the time department had to quit. They caught on to him that he wasn't only providing us with the future of this book. Maniacal laugh

Ah, sorry. Isn't it funny how they won but still lost?

Despite my admiration for their effort...the Great System's effort...my plan remains on track. They have an idea of what I'm doing but...I'm doing something far worse.

The ball's in your court now Great System and I truly hope, for your sake that your cards are better than mine. That makes it more fun as the curtain call draws closer.

Moving on

As you know, ahem.... I was betrayed. The shoe is now on the other foot, it happens. However it didn't stop me from breaking Xenos out of prison and restarting recruitment for the revolution I'm not part of. But hey, you win some and you lose some.

The Players have to figure out how to stay alive in a realm where everyone wants to kill you. Isn't that the best place to test their limits? Will they win or lose?

And join me in the fight for my life.

Everything was setting off a chain of events that would cause irreversible damage, and I couldn't have been more proud. A smile spread over Zaiden's Hydra heads. His red eyes glowed with accomplishment as he let out a laugh that echoed throughout his Palace

"See you around, villains."

[End of Volume 3]