
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · แฟนตาซี
139 Chs

Beyond Kronos

Chronos froze Ink but he started moving again and Executive Usagi was on his back. Usagi jumped of beside Chronos.

" No worries, Bud." Usagi grinned

Ink was a beautiful Chinese dragon of black, white and silver and gleaming claws. For a moment the news aircrafts zoomed in on the painting for a beast. Refined anthers of pure sapphires with a lush black and blue mane matching with his neat whiskers.

" Stop staring." Ink frowned spraying black fluid over everything " Beauty is a trap."

There was a rumbling as a claw came out of the fluid on a building. The fluid was carried by the waters through the country. Those who saw Ink were mesmerized in frozen statues.

" Bud, I think your friend's stuck." Usagi laughed although Ink grinned


A pair of wings came out and a monster broke out. More winged beasts came out of the fluids like a spill over. Ink perched himself on a building and shut his eyes. Usagi and Chrono were in front of one another.

" Shall we see who has better time?" Usagi teased

Chrono sped up and punched Usagi into a building. He began to proceed to Ink but Usagi held onto his shoulders.

" I'll be lonely." the villain whispered and Chrono felt the surrounds distort

More Usagi popped up in the blended world. Their mask seem to come alive and bite into him like starved wolves. Chrono screamed in the rising water and Usagi simply gave a thumbs up to Ink. Ink rose his head to sparks in the sky. A wyvern, Chester I-rank hero, perched the roof in front of Ink and spread his wing boastfully. He was a lightning dragon and a proud one at that.

" What dragon has ink as a medium?" Chester laughed

Ink got on his legs and split the building in quarters and flew upwards, " What a young dragon, you are."

The buildings suddenly were overflowing with black ink. The villain let out a burst of black flames and Chester reacted blowing his own lightning imbued fire.

" When the heavens fight the mortals suffer." Usagi sighed disappearing

Executives were being confronted by Heroes. Kiki looked angrily at Executive Krysa eating a chocolate coned ice cream.

" Ah, the little girl from before. Brings back memories...but you're not here for for justice. How unheroic of you." he grinned

Kiki frowned at the truth and Krysa laughed at her before dodging her attacks as he finished of his cone. Someone bashed him from the right into a window. The man looked at Kiki and than to Krysa coming out looking pretty irritated about his limited premium chocolate ice cream that he stood in line for a day and twenty-two hours.

" It seems their is something you don't understand about us Executives." Krysa began removing his jacket

The executives flaunted watches over various kinds from pocket watches, analogue and digital even the hourglass. Columns of various lights formed and picked up the ground they encircled and transformed it drastically into zones not bound by time.

Ryder made a lightning whip to pull down Multi Mask in the middle of a heated conversation with the other villains. He stood in front of the Strong Family and the mask hid the distorted expression over the 'reunion'

" What a cruel father? Weren't only four of you children heroes?" he laughed hysterically

Ryder felt an odd feeling and heard faint whispering as he was trying to concentrate on the fight Multi Mask that was to unfold. The Game Guides were present and Neko noticed Ryder.

" Could it be?" she wondered" There might be hope for those two."

The chunks of land were fragments of zones that were specifically designed for the Executives. Kiki and the man looked at Krysa on a tree. The world outside his fragment was moving in slow motion.

" Who do I owe the pleasure ?" Krysa grinned

The man frowned and ran behind Krysa as Kiki attacked from the front.

" Kids these days." The villain laughed


The man and Kiki were pushed back by the blast. Krysa stretched himself and in a breathe her threw Kiki at the man. Then he was behind them and kicked them into a boulder.

" Why aren't you using your true power!" the man yelled

Krysa grinned," Cause I have the time."

They noticed the outside world began slow down even further and although Krysa was smiled he was still upset over his ice cream and his 2.5 million dollars lost.

Executive Gris' fragment were the outside was in fast forward. She was beside an SSS-rank hero, Greg on a rotating disc.

" Such a young girl is fighting." Greg went

Gris was emotionless," Life is truly a cruel, Mistress."

Greg hit his staff into Gris high punch. Energy flowed to her ponytails and blades were flung to the senior hero.

" Is this you ability?" Greg went

Gris chuckled," Boss, knows many things. I just use it."

The girl jumped up at an unimaginable height before crashing down her with a kick. The hole made by her heel was like an explosion of a nuclear weapon. The dust cleared up because she dashed forward like a bull but Greg used his staff to fling her up into the sky.

Gris couldn't increase her size too much else her weight would crumble her fragment. She suddenly saw the man above her and hit her to the ground. She gritted her teeth and collected energy in her fists to hit a wave to Greg. He maintained his balance and swept Gris into a trees.

" Since you are an enemy but a child, I will end it quickly." he told thrusting his staff

Blood splattered and a teenage boy to the hit to the shoulder. Greg pulled the staff and flicked the blood off.

" Life's a cruel Mistress." Greg repeated

Tears ran down her cheeks stained red and froze. The ball of energy in her abdomen reached every area of her and an orb surrounded the boy.

" Yes. Life has been cruel to my brother and I, it's unfair truly. Why must life be distributed so unequal to people." Gris began

The fragment to changed and creak as Gris emotions weren't in check. The air was choking and the plant life wilted.

" Abandoned, neglected and humiliated. Mother suffered to death in silence waiting and I couldn't help! I won't let you have your way, I will curse on this world that let me down!-"

Greg suddenly remembered a girl and a lost promise of many sweet long ago memories. He was petrified as he looked at Gris lose control of her emotions. The fragment imploded and Greg began to lose altitude. He looked up at his daughter and son," Life, are you punishing me?"

Word of Executive Gris leaving was quickly carried along the villains and a response was already carried out. Multi Mask had a flamed sword in his back held by Pyro Lady.

" Making and nurturing Villains is a long process of hardships to be perfect so....from the deepest part of my heart thank all the heroes for sacrificing so much time." Multi Mask whispered into Pyro Lady's ear

The moon turned the color of Multi Mask's blood red eyes and the scent filled the country like strong perfume. The war had only began as more enemies were made and perhaps allies.