
Class A

The next morning, I woke up feeling refreshed after having slept soundly throughout the night. After eating a nutritious breakfast, I readied myself for the upcoming day.

The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a golden glow over everything in sight. The crisp morning air filled my lungs as I walked towards the academy, my heart pounding with excitement.

This is really happening. I still can't fully believe that I am inside this novel. Everything feels so surreal, so familiar yet so new.

The hallways were bustling with students rushing to get to their classes. I could see students from all walks of life, each with their own unique talents and abilities.

It was a hub of activity, and I couldn't help but be swept up in the infectious energy. Students of all backgrounds were eager to learn, grow and reach their full potential.

Soon enough, I arrived at my destination: the classroom labeled Class A. Decorated in golden and silver hues, it exuded an aura of prestige and elegance.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the doors.

Curious gazes turned to look at me; some of them were surprised whilst others held slight disdain or contempt. Still, most of them returned to whatever they were doing beforehand.

Walking along the many rows, I heard some whisper about me. My reputation isn't exactly favorable among the people. An heir from the Hazecrest dukedom who abuses his power and neglects training.

Whilst I was contemplating how to fix this, I saw none other than him and immediately stood rooted in place.

He sat alone, staring straight ahead, completely unaware of everyone else present. His hair was pitch black and shined under the lights.

Of course, the one I'm talking about is Kayn Cinderash.

Scars covered his face, giving him a rugged appearance. He stood out with them and seemed to have garnered quite a bit of attention amongst the others.

His eyes met mine, and for a moment, time stood still. The world faded away, and all that was left was the two of us. We stared at one another without speaking a single word.

I could see pain and suffering reflected in his eyes. No matter how much he tried to hide it behind a blank expression, I knew what lay beneath those dark eyes.

He was forced to endure greatly due to circumstances beyond his control and that left its mark.

Shock was evident on his face upon seeing me. But soon enough, a smile formed across his lips. In spite of everything, his joyous demeanor shone through.

"Thanks for what you did yesterday. Those icicles really helped my growth." He said before gazing back into the distance.

I gave him a quick nod before taking a seat in the back of the class. There was still alot of time since I didn't want to risk coming late.

With nothing better to do, I pulled out a random book which was one of the former body's possessions and started reading.

It was about human psychology and the effect of emotions. I used to read books similar to this during my spare time before I found myself in this world. Interesting stuff.

As I delved into the book, I found myself fascinated by the intricacies of the human mind. I lost track of time while I was absorbed in the contents.

However, I couldn't help but keep getting distracted by a certain stare. At first, I thought after ignoring it for a while that the person would give up, but apparently not.

Eventually, I got fed up and looked directly into the culprit's eyes. A girl with long red hair glared right back at me, hatred and malice clearly in her eyes.

I remember seeing her in the entrance test. She is one of the heroines, Isabella Glorydrifter. I wonder what I did for her to show such animosity towards me?

Her glare grew even colder when she noticed my gaze.

Now that I think about it, didn't Adelio Hazecrest say something about me blackmailing the only daughter of the Glorydrifter Dukedom?

That would explain her attitude. I should clear up this misunderstanding sometime...

With a sigh, I decided to ignore her for now and continue reading. Unfortunately, I couldn't finish the chapter in time before our teacher who was also the supervisor of the entrance test entered the room.

Dressed in bright colors, Professor Erosius beamed at us with a cheerful smile.

"Good morning new students! I hope you had a good rest last night." He paused to look around the classroom before continuing. "As you all should already know, my name is Professor Erosius and I have the honor to pave a path for you to achieve greatness."

"Before we begin this year with boring theoretical knowledge, I'm sure some of you are interested in what sets you apart from those in Class B or lower. Well, the academy spared no expense to let you experience firsthand what makes you special."

Murmurs went throughout the room as the students wondered what he meant by that. Some were excited while others remained quiet and confused.

"Orion's Ring, the grand colosseum. All of you have probably heard of it, haven't you? It has been here for centuries serving the purpose of bringing glory and fame to everyone who steps foot inside its walls!"

"Today, the academy rented the ring exclusively for you. You, as a Class will have the chance to fight against every other Class. Prove them that the entrance test wasn't a fluke but a testament to your abilities."

A silence descended after he finished his short speech. Most of the students were dumbfounded and impressed by the academy's generosity.

It doesn't occur every day that you can step into the most famous arena of the kingdom and prove yourself.

Cheers erupted and the atmosphere turned into excitement and anticipation. Students began discussing amongst themselves, asking questions regarding the rules and regulations or already making strategies for the upcoming match.

The professor smiled broadly at the reaction of the students.

This is going to be fun indeed. I'm still only high F-Rank but that only makes things more interesting. If anything, I'll use this opportunity to grow accustomed to fighting stronger opponents.

"Now then, we shall proceed to the actual event itself?" Professor Erosius asked.

Everyone replied with a loud 'Yes!'.

Excitement fueled our every action as we marched through the academy and city streets toward the Colosseum. Whilst walking, our Class tried to intimidate other students which I found quite amusing.

It did not take long before we approached a majestic-looking ring. Its sheer size dwarfed any structure within the capital.

Even if there were many other buildings standing tall among the crowd of structures, they wouldn't come close to comparing.

White marble gleamed in the sunlight and enhanced its beauty. The exterior was decorated with intricate carvings and statues depicting ancient battles and warriors.

The entrance was guarded by a pair of colossal bronze doors adorned with gold engravings.

Even the noble kids that live in wealth beyond imagination couldn't help but be mesmerized by it. They stood transfixed upon their feet staring wide-eyed at the magnificent sight.

The inside of the colosseum was just as impressive as its exterior. The seating area was built in a circular fashion, rising up high into the sky with tier after tier of seats.

The walls were lined with flags and banners representing each of the competing classes. The center of the arena was a large circular pit, surrounded by a high wall that was lined with various weapons and armor.

The other classes were already waiting for us, some of them sizing us up and making snide remarks. One group of boys was laughing loudly and pointing at us, calling out names like 'weaklings' and worse.

Of course, the nobles with an ego higher than even this building weren't going to sit idly by and let them insult us. They rushed over and started shouting obscenities at the offenders.

A bit childish but whatever. Rather than that, I'm interested in the rankings of previous fighters in this ring.

At the very top was someone named Jax, Exarch of the Sands. His record was truly incredible; having defeated numerous high B or low A Ranked individuals.

A giant screen also showed other impressive records and a special list for talented individuals under 18. It did not surprise me that Kayn was also on that list. This is his second home after all.

He should already be familiar with the layout and how the fights work. That would definitely give him an advantage during the battle. Not that our class needs one since we got Onyx.

As I skimmed through the list, one by one, the remaining classes began to arrive. Their cheers grew louder and more boisterous until we were all escorted into the ring.

Each class, consisting of 30 students, took its own section of the arena. One in the north of the arena, one in the east, another in the south, and one in the west.

The fifth Class was placed in the center, right where the main battle will probably be.

And of course, the unlucky Class was none other than our; Class A


Author note: Picture of Kayn Cinderash in the comments
