
Villain's Plot Reversal System

I died, and my soul transmigrated inside the body of Lei Yang, a ruthless villain who dies in the early stages of the cultivation novel I was reading. But with my transmigration came a system that will help me reverse the plot of this novel and make me invincible. I was ready to cultivate my way to immortality and face all the difficulties with this system, but after the random draws, I started to wonder if this really was a cultivation novel. [A Certain Chemistry Teachers Crystal Meth Recipe] [An Apple: Liked by a Certain Death God] [Demon Slaying Katana: Masamune] And so began my story for the entertainment of the gods. ************************** 100 Power Stones = Extra Chapter **************************

RealRomanLord · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Chapter 7: Honey Trap (2)

A calm and tranquil feeling was going through my mind. And with that feeling came information on how to use the Mental Sutra.

When everything was done, It felt like my mind, which was in chaos, had finally found peace.

[Name: Yang Lei]

[Body: Demon God(Low-Grade)]

[Cultivation: Heavenly Soul Realm(Mid)]

[Cultivation Techniques: Shadow Demon's Qi Flow(Expert), Shadow Demon's Movement(Expert), Shadow Demon's Eyes(Master), Divine Mental Sutra (Original)(Proficient)]

I check my status and just like the system mentioned, Divine Mental Sutra was at the Proficient level. And at this level, the Divine Mental Sutra had many benefits for me.

It had a passive effect of keeping my mind calm under all circumstances and making my thinking process faster. I could use my mental powers to move things around me (Basically telekinesis). And finally, the thing I needed the most right now, I could pass information in my mind to others.

Since this was the original version of the technique, it was very versatile. I could show others either images of things I had seen or give them information in words. The fun thing about this technique was that the information that I had passed to others, will be permanently stored in their brains and they can recall it whenever they want.

I was really happy that I had solved two of my problems with a single voucher. I felt like I got a buy 1 get 1 free deal.

*knock knock*

"I have gathered everyone that was available, my lord", Qin said after knocking on the door.

"Hmm, let them enter "

5 women of different sizes and physiques entered my room and lined themselves side to side.

They all were wearing tight-fitting black clothing with some light armor on their shoulders, breasts, forearms, and knees.

All of them had the bottom half of their faces covered with a mask.

If I wanted to describe them in a single word, I would use the word 'Ninjas'. They looked just like ninjas.

"Remove your masks", I command

""Yes, My lord"", they say and remove their masks

When I saw their faces, I was inwardly amazed.

Every one of them was good-looking. I know that they are supposed to be honey traps but still, this level of beauty was well above average.

After I had gotten a good look at them, I command,

"Those of you who are still virgins step forward"

3 of them stepped forward.

"Those of you who have good acting skills, step forward"

all 3 girls stepped forwards again.

"Those of you who have done long-term missions before, step forward"

2 of the three girls stepped forward.

"And finally, those of you who are prepared to die, step forward"

One of the two girls stepped forward without hesitation.

I approach the short girl with a cute innocent face and check her out.

A modest chest, with a slim waist and a firm butt. She was not the most beautiful out of all the girls here, but she was beautiful enough.

"What is your name?", I ask her

"Ling, my lord"


"20 years my lord"

"20 and you're already at the Soul Refinement Realm, impressive"

"Thank you, my lord"

"How long have you been here?"

"6 years"

"Any family?"

"I have a little sister, who is a maid here, and a little brother who works as a guard"

"Oh, so you're a big sister, good good".

"Tell me, what kind of missions have you completed?"

"Infiltrating sects, bandit groups, and brothels. In the most recent one, I had to pretend to be a maid in one of the righteous sects to seduce an elder for information"

"Since you needed to go undercover in a righteous sect, I am assuming you practice neutral cultivation techniques"

"that is correct my lord"

"Even after all those missions, how are you still a virgin?"

"I complete all my missions before they could get a chance to do anything"

"Even though you're small, you have a spark in you. I like that", I say with a smile

"It is an honor to be praised by you my lord", she says with a neutral expression.

She was a good spy with guts but I was kind of doubting her acting skills since she had an emotionless expression all the time.

"Show me your acting skills. Cry", I command her.

As soon as I said that, a sad expression appeared on her face and tears started to fall from her eyes.

"Laugh", I command her again

Instantly her sad expression was gone and she was laughing like she had heard the funniest joke of her life.

I was simply impressed by her skills.

"You have extraordinary talent, little girl. Now just answer a few more questions and I will give you your mission"

"Will you do anything I ask of you?"

"I will do it my lord", she replied without hesitation.

"Will you kill an innocent person if I asked you to do it?"

"I would my lord"

"A child?"

"I would"

"hmm, your devotion is impressive. Now just answer this last question."

I pause a little and say with a smiling face,

"Would you kill your little sister if I asked?"


No reply came even when a few seconds passed.

"hmm, why are you not answering? Answer.", I order her

She still did not reply.

A frown appears on my face and my eyes start glowing red,

"ANSWER!", I shout in a demonic voice

"ye..ye..yes", she said with her fists clenched and tears in her eyes.

The other girls were also trembling for some reason.

"See now, was it that hard", I say bringing back my smile

"But you hesitated this time so I need to do a little test. Qin, bring her sister here"

She panicked and fell to my feet.

"Pe..please my lord..hic… I will do..hic.. anything please don't do this", she begged while crying.

"Sigh, fine let's forget about you sister", I say and her expression brightens up

"Tha..thank you, my lord. I will definitely not disappoint you"

"Bring her brother here", I say with a smirk

Her expression crumbled and then she swung her arm towards my throat. but before she could reach me, I used the Mental Sutra to stop her hand.

"Now where were you hiding this needle, little Ling?", I ask her with a smile.

"You little-"

"It's ok Qin, stay back"

She was struggling to push her hand forward and was breathing heavily.

"You know that the thing you just did can get you and your family killed right?"

"You fucking monsterrrr!", she shouted while trying to push her arm forward.

"Your devotion is neither to the sect nor to me. It is to your brother and sister"

"Shut up! Shut up! I am going to kill you! You monster!"

Seeing her struggle like that made me chuckle for some reason.

I remove the needle from her hand, release the mental power and embrace her.

"Let me go! I'll kill you! don't you dare touch my family!"

"Shhh, it's ok, it's ok", I say while caressing her head

She was shouting, crying, and cursing but calmed down after a few minutes.

"I never said that having a devotion for your family was a bad thing. I was just testing you to see if you were the right person for the job"

"And I must say, you are perfect. You have skills, guts, and most importantly, a weakness"

Her body trembled in my arms.

"Never think about betraying me Ling", I whisper in her ear and release her.

"The mission I am giving you is very important and you will play the main part. So failure is not an option".

"The person I am sending you to be a honey trap for is very special. He will help you grow, make you believe that anything is possible, and you might even fall in love with him and think about betraying me"

'Because that's how protagonists are right', I think inwardly.

"But you must always remember why you are doing this. You must remember your priorities"

"Am I clear?", I say and look at the other girls with a serious expression.

Everyone nodes with clear fear in their eyes.

"Good, now come close so I can give you all the details of your mission"

They all start to move toward me hesitantly.

"Oh and Little Ling, I think you have the wrong idea"

She looks at me with confusion

"I am not a monster"

A red blush appears on her face as she remembers her earlier behavior

"I am a villain", I say with glowing red eyes and a smirk