
Jade Dumps Kevin

"Gotta go, love you guys, later!" Jason yelled out to his parents as he went into the garage.

Elizabeth shook her head and chuckled at her son. Jason has been in such a smiley mood for almost two weeks, no matter how much he tries to deny it.

"It's nice seeing him this lively." Said Deacon as he came down the stairs and planted a kiss on his wife's cheek.

"The way he's acting reminds me of how he used to be." She replied with a reminiscent smile. "He was so cute back then."

"And then he became a teenager." Deacon sighed, getting a laugh from his wife.

"Oh, it's not all bad. He could've turned out worse. Like his father." She said, giving him thin smile and a pat on the shoulder.

Deacon nodded his head, agreeing with his wife at first before realizing what she had just said and looking at her with befuddlement.

"What's that supposed to mean?! I was the perfect child!" He exclaimed.

"Yes, because sneaking out at night, partying, and drinking with your friends is such perfect child behavior." She said sarcastically.

"Uh, I think remember a certain someone inviting me to most of those said parties." He retorted.

"I have no recollection." She said, quickly walking away from her husband and taking a seat on the couch.

Deacon rolled his eyes at his wife before walking over and sitting next to her. Upon sitting down, Elizabeth snuggled into his shoulder, which prompted his to wrap his arm around her.

"I want to meet this girl." Elizabeth said out of nowhere, causing Deacon to groan.

"I'm serious! We have to make sure that she isn't going to take advantage of him!" She told her husband.

"Sweetheart, let him live his life. We're his parents, not some... pair of knights that are supposed to protect him." He told her.

"So you're okay with him getting hurt?" She asked in an accusatory tone.

"I'm okay with him making his own choices. We'll be there whether he needs us or not, of course we will, but we got to let him make his own decisions. If it's a bad one, then we'll be there to pick him back up again." He replied.

Elizabeth looked up at her husband with a complicated gaze. "You know when you say things like that, it almost sounds wise." She said as she put her head back on his shoulder.

Deacon laughed at the remark and held onto her tighter.


"I'm just saying, Kratos ain't all that. I don't know why you're getting so pressed about it." Jason said as he walked towards his locker.

"How can you even say that? Kratos has killed gods!" Robbie exclaimed.

"I can name three characters off the top of my head that can molly whop his pale ghostly ass." Jason told him, opening his locker and putting his books inside.

"Then do it. I bet you're just saying that to--"

"Rimuru. Tempest." Jason said, cutting Robbie off with a blank expression on his face.

"Well, yeah, he's an anime character. Even the most basic anime characters are overpowered to--"


"Okay, but Marvel has beings that can wipe out the universe with a thought. I'd like to see you name one video game character that--"

"Doom Slayer."

Robbie could only stay silent, as he couldn't argue with anything that was just said. And as if Robbie's pride could have been shattered even more, Rex just proved that it could.

"Aren't you suppose to be the nerd? How are you gonna let someone beat you at the only thing you're good at? You're embarrassing us!" Rex exclaimed, completely and utterly disappointed in Robbie right now.

Jason laughed at Rex's comment before closing his locker and going about his business. As he was walking towards lunch, he saw a familiar pretty face digging through her locker. Sneaking up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her into a hug from behind.

"Guess who?" He said.

Hearing the familiar voice, Tori smiled and asked, "Hmm, I don't know. Is it my Prince Charming who's finally come to whisk me away into the sunset on his pure-white steed?"

"I don't know about Prince Charming, but I do have a steed with some pretty decent horsepower that I could take you out on." He replied in an old English accent.

Tori laughed and turned her body towards Jason, giving him a brief kiss.

"So, would the ever so beautiful Cinderella do me the honor of attending the ball with--"

"You can stop now." She told him.

Tori knew that if she didn't stop him now then he'd have no problem doing the whole bit for the rest of the day. Not to annoy her or anything like that, it's just that Jason legitimately found it fun to mess around with voices and accents.

"You wanna grab some lunch?" He asked, completely dropping the old-timey accent.

"Sure, just let me--"

Tori was then cut off by a sudden notification on her phone. Taking it out of her pocket, she checked her phone and her mouth suddenly went agape.

"Oh... my God..." She uttered.

"What?" Jason asked curiously.


Tori shoved her phone in Jason's face, making him step back a little from the suddenness of it. He looked at the screen and saw a picture of Kevin and Alyssa Vaughn at the coffee shop, facing each other and smiling.

"Huh, neat." Jason said simply.

"That's it?!" Tori exclaimed, shocked at how nonchalant his reaction was.

"Yeah. It's pretty cool he met Alyssa Vaughn." He replied.

"Why am I the only one freaking out, why aren't you freaking out?!" She asked.

"Babe... we've met Beyoncé..." Jason pointed out.

Tori put up a finger and was about to argue, but when she thought what he said she slowly put down her finger and realized that he had a point. Alyssa Vaughn doesn't seem so impressive when you've been in the same room as the Queen B.


At lunch, Kevin and Beck were in a comfortable silence as the two were doing their own thing. Kevin was writing down a new idea for a play he thought of, while Beck was reading a book that was assigned in class.

"Sup, guys." André greeted his two friends as he sat down at the table.

"Sup, man." Kevin greeted back.

"Hey, André." Greeted Beck.

"Congrats." André said, placing a water bottle down on the table. "One of you gets a free bottle of water."

Kevin and Beck looked at him with confused expressions.

"Oh, I put a dollar in the machine and two came out." He explained, clarifying it for the two.

"Ah, thanks, but I don't drink water from mountain streams." Beck said as he grabbed the water.

Beck wiggled the bottle at Kevin, asking if he wanted it. Kevin just pointed to his own bottle of water and declined the offer. Beck handed the bottle of water back towards André, who had a confused look on his face.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Mountain streams are full of fish." Beck replied.

"So?" André said as he unscrewed the top of his water and started to drink from it heavily.

"Fish pee." Beck told him.

André shrugged his shoulders, still not seeing his point.

"You're drinking fish pee." He said.

André let out a grunt, almost choking as he took the bottle away from his mouth and stared at it.

"Hey, guys!" A familiar voice called out to them.

The three at the table turned towards the voice and saw Tori running towards them as she dragged Jason with her by the hand.

"Dude!" Tori exclaimed towards Kevin as she sat down at the table with Jason.

Kevin looked at her with an odd expression for a brief moment before looking towards Jason. Jason didn't say anything as he motioned towards Tori, who had taken out her phone and proceeded to show it to Kevin.

"Look what's on the Buzzfinger homepage." She said.

"Who's Jay Leno?" Kevin asked.

Tori quickly turned the phone back towards her and saw that instead of the picture of Kevin and Alyssa Vaughn, it was a headline about Jay Leno.

"No, under that!" She said, swiping up on the screen and turning it back towards Kevin.

"Oh..." He muttered with a blank expression.

"Oh? That's you and Alyssa Vaughn, together." She told him, still showing the picture.

"No way." André said as he reached for the phone.

Tori handed the phone to André and he saw what she was freaking out about.

"That's Kev and Alyssa Vaughn, together." He said in shock.

Tori nodded, finally having found someone who reacted the way that she did.

"Why are you guys so impressed?" Beck asked, not seeing the big deal.

"'Cause Alyssa Vaughn is famous!" Tori told him.

"And hot!" André added.

"Her father's a billionaire." She said.

"And hot!" André added once again, not thinking about how that sounded.

He was met with numerous confused gazes from everyone at the table. Looking around and seeing everyone looking at him, he tried to salvage the situation.

"I didn't mean her father is-- I drank fish pee."

"What?" Jason asked.

"Don't ask, it was a stupid conversation." Kevin told him.

Tori let out a sigh before grabbing her phone back from André and pointing it back towards Kevin. "Explain this!"

Kevin rolled his eyes at her, but he explained the situation anyway. "I run into her sometimes when I go to grab Jade some coffee. Paparazzi showed up and took a few picture of us when we were having some small talk. We barely even know each other."

"And how did Jade react when she found out that you knew Alyssa Vaughn?" Tori asked.

The question seemed to have gave Kevin a bit of pause.

"Well... Uh... She threw a rock a me." He said quickly before taking a sip from his water bottle.

"Yeah, well, I'd be careful, 'cause I don't think Jade's the type to be okay with--"

Tori was interrupted when a number of orange colored flyers started to rain down from the sky.


Before they could ask what was going on, the sound of Trina's voice was heard over a megaphone, which pretty much answered the question on everyone's mind.

"Attention, everyone!"

Looking up, everyone saw Trina standing at the top of the balcony above them, along with two guys that she somehow got to carry boxes full of those flyers to toss out.

"Stop while I talk!" She yelled at her two sla-- helpers.

The two looked frustrated with her, but they ultimately did what she wanted.

"As you all know, I'm Trina Vega!"

There were multiple groans coming from the crowd, including one from her own sister, who wanted desperately for Trina to stop.

"Now, if you look at the flyers that just landed on you, you'll see that starting this Friday night, I will be performing my own one-woman show called "Trina!" With an exclamation point."

"Hey! Shut up!" Some guy yelled out from the crowd, making Jason laugh a bit.

"I-It's a play that I wrote myself that will not only touch your heart, but blow your mind." She continued. "Now, if you look at these flyers, you'll see that--"

Trina went to grab one of the flyers from the box that was sitting on the railing in front of her, but her hand tipped the box over and sent it barreling down onto someone who was standing directly below her.

Jason, Kevin and pretty much everyone else winced at the sight, even Trina did for a second before returning to her regular selfishness.

"Could you pass those out?" She asked, making the boy who got hurt look at her with obvious contempt.


"Hey, we're not done talking about this." Jade told her boyfriend as they walked down the stairs.

Jade has been hounding Kevin about the Alyssa Vaughn situation since they've gotten back from lunch. It was apparent on Kevin's face that he's grown sick of the conversation.

"There's nothing to talk about." Kevin told her, almost rolling his eyes out their sockets.

"Oh, yes there is." She replied.

Kevin stopped at the bottom of the stairs. It was apparent that nothing was gonna stop Jade from following him around, so he decided to bite the bullet.

"I barely even know this girl!" He exclaimed.

"Then why were you hanging around with her at our favorite coffee place?" She asked.

"It's your favorite coffee place! I literally only go there because of you!" He pointed out to her.

"So you're saying that it's my fault?!" She asked accusingly.

"Oh, my God..." He groaned as he walked towards his locker. "I'm saying that the only times that I've ever talked to this girl has been a handful of times when I was waiting for your coffee! What would we even talk about?!"

"Maybe, "Hi, Kevin. My daddy just got richer and I got prettier. Let's make out." Jade replied as she made her voice go a few pitches higher than normal.

"So, what, because you and I are in a relationship, I can't even talk to other girls without you freaking out?" He asked.

"You can talk to ugly girls!" Jade told him. "But not gorgeous socialites, who is obviously trying to get into your pants!"

"Seriously, you need to--"

Kevin stopped as he spotted Tori walking down the stairs.

"Tori! Come here for a second." He called her over.

"What...?" She asked, very hesitant to walk towards the couple.

"If you were my girlfriend--"

"Oh, great way to start the question." Jade interrupted.

Tori rolled her eyes, already regretting the fact that she walked over.

Kevin let out a deep exhale. "Lemme rephrase. If you found out that Jason was friends with some cute girl, what would you do?"

"Who cares what she thinks?" Jade asked.

As Tori was about the answer the question, she coincidentally spotted her... significant other talking to some girl that she had never met before. The fact that she and Jason had yet to make their relationship official, alongside the fact that they had yet to go out on their first actual date, made Tori feel particularly jealous at the sight.

"I'd bury her..." She answered, her eyes narrowed towards the mystery girl.

Not only was Kevin surprised by her answer, Jade was as well, as she never would have thought that Tori would say anything like that in a million years.

"I very much care what she thinks!" Jade exclaimed, wrapping an arm around Tori.

"So you don't trust Jason?" Kevin asked.

Tori didn't even hear his question. All her focus was currently on Jason and that girl he was talking to.



"Hm?" She hummed, looking towards Kevin.

"You don't trust Jason?" He asked again.

"No, I do! Of course I do!" She exclaimed, letting out a sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Look, I really don't want to get in the middle of this."

Tori tried to walk away, only to get grabbed by her arm and dragged back into the middle of it by Jade. "No, you stay right here."

"No!" She groaned as she was pulled back.

"You don't think that you should trust your boyfriend?" Kevin asked.

"I do!" She exclaimed.

"Get out of here, Tori." Jade told her almost immediately.

"I'd love to." She said as she turned to walk away.

"No, stay." Kevin told her.

"Urgh..." Tori groaned as she walked back.

"All right, you know what?" Jade said.

"Tell me what." Kevin told her.

"No, no, don't tell him what." Tori said as she placed a hand on Jade's arm.

"We're done." Jade told Kevin as she pointed at the both of them.

Tori's eyes widened in shock as she heard what Jade had just said.

"Jade." She called out, wondering what she was thinking.

"You're breaking up with me now?" Kevin asked, a grin finding its way on his face.

"No, no, no, no, no, she's not." Tori told him.

"Yeah, I am." Jade said, nodding her head and walking away from her now ex-boyfriend.

"Oh, she is..." Tori muttered.

"You're making a big deal out of nothing!" Kevin yelled towards her.

"What do you care? I'm not your girlfriend anymore!" Jade yelled back before turning the corner and coming face to face with Trina.

"Come see my one-woman show, Friday night." She said as she handed Jade a flyer.

Jade snatched the flyers out of her hand before crumbling it up, grabbing Trina by her shirt, sticking it down her bra and walking away.

"It starts at 8:00 sharp!" Trina yelled out, undeterred from what Jade had done.


Tori Vega:

Errgg! Nothing worse than being sucked into a fight between a BF and GF - hate it.

Mood: yuck 🤢


"Whatcha know, fro?" André asked Robbie as he walked into the Music History classroom.

Robbie had texted André to meet him there to ask for his help regarding a certain problem he's having.

"Ha, he called you fro, 'cause your hair is all silly." Rex chuckled.

"Yeah." Robbie said, having gotten the idea behind the nickname.

"Hey, you gotta check out this new app I got for my phone." André said as he showed Robbie his phone. "It lets you do crazy effects when you're shooting video."

"Cool." Robbie said before moving onto his predicament. "Um, so, you know how I used to write for the school newspaper?"

"I thought they shut the paper down." André said, pointing his phone at Robbie to take a video of him.

"They did, but, uh, some of the seniors started one online, you know, kinda underground for school news and stuff." Robbie told him.

"I know, The Slap." André replied.

"The Slap dot com." Robbie corrected.

"The dot com was implied." Said André.

"Anyway, so for The Slap, I'm the person in ch--"

"Ha, I made your head fat! Say "cheese," fat head." André told him, absolutely loving the new app on his phone.

"Cheese." Robbie said quickly. "Anyway, for The Slap, I'm the person in charge of writing reviews for all the plays here at school."

"Yeah?" André was wondering where he was going with this.

"Well, I'm so busy--"

"You're not busy." Rex called him out.

"Shh! And uh-- and you're such a good writer, I was thinking, maybe--"

"I'm not writing a review for Trina's show." André cut off Robbie before he could even ask, going to walk out of the room.

"But what if her play is awful?" Robbie asked as he walked towards André.

"What if?" He asked, turning back towards Robbie. "Man, you know her show's gonna bite."

"I know, and if I write a bad review, Trina is going to kill me." Robbie told him.

"Oh, so it's okay if she kills me?" André asked.

"She'll have a harder time killing you!" Robbie exclaimed. "You're all firm and developed, and I'm still working on the last chapter of puberty."

"And he is a slow reader." Rex added, getting a pointed look from Robbie.

"I thought Trina's play opens Friday." Said André, taking his phone back out and giving Robbie a fat head again.

"It does, but I'm seeing her last dress rehearsal, and I don't wanna be the only one in the audience." Robbie told him.

"So take Rex." André motioned towards the puppet.

"Nah-uh, I'm staying home and taking a hot bath." Rex said.

"Look man, don't panic yet. Maybe Trina's play won't be so bad."



Oh, how wrong he was....

"It's a city that's exciting

It's a city that's inviting

It's a city for a woman just like me"

Robbie watched as Trina sang way too loud and completely off-key as walked up and down a few steps whilst holding two small luggage bags in her hands.

"There's a lake they call Lake Michigan

I think I'm really fitting in

This city is my perfect cup of TEEAAAAA!



A very agonizing few minutes later, the scene now showed an injured Trina that was laying in a hospital bed with a brace on her neck.

"That doctors says I ain't never gonna walk again, not even on crutcheeeees. But I'm gonna tell you something. I scaaaared." She said, dragging out her words for dramatic affect. "I'm a woman, in Chicago who's scared."

Robbie brought his hand up to his face and started to rub his eyes, hoping that this train wreck would just end.


At lunch, Jade was sitting at a table alone as she stabbed into her salad aggressively. Sinjin and one one of his friends suddenly walked up to the table, smiling towards Jade as they sat down.

"No." Jade told them immediately, causing them both to get up from the table and walk away.

The two boys passed by Tori and André as they left, who took notice of the girl sitting by herself. Tori looked at André and motioned her head towards Jade. André immediately began shaking his head, humming a "Mm-mm, no." as he tried to walk away.

Before he could make his escape, Tori grabbed his backpack and dragged him back over to her side.

"Stop." André muttered.

Tori simply gave him a look and walked towards Jade's table. André let out a groan of defeat and followed after Tori.

"Hey." Tori greeted Jade.

"Hey, Jade." Greeted André.

"You look a little like a lady who could use some lunch buddies." Tori said as she and André sat down.

"Please." Jade replied sarcastically.

"Well, I just thought you were mad, because of--"

"I broke up with Kevin, okay? I dumped him." Jade told them both, cutting Tori off.

Almost on cue, Jason and Kevin pulled up in the parking lot his Camaro. As they stepped out, the two could be seen hysterically laughing as they held bags of fast food in their hands. But what caught the groups attention was the fact that there was a girl alongside them, the same girl that Tori saw Jason talking to in the hallway.

"Seems like Kev is taking it well." Said André, watching as the trio was talking to each other with smiles on their faces.

Jade instantly turned towards André and gave him a piercing glare, causing the boy to rethink all of his life choices up to this point.

"I should shut up." He said, turning his gaze down to his food.

"Look, he didn't mean to say--"

"I don't care." Jade cut off Tori again. "If Kevin wants to act as if the past year and eleven months meant absolutely nothing to him, then he can go right ahead."

The more Jade said, the more she started to sound angry. She was also progressively squeezing her burrito harder and harder to the point that everything was starting to fall out.


"What?" Jade asked.

"You're hurting your burrito." Tori told her.

Jade looked down and saw that she was in fact hurting her burrito. Pissed, she threw it back down on her tray and splattered some beans on Tori and André before storming off.

"Okay..." André muttered.

"What was that all about?"

The two looked over and saw that Jason was standing near the table.

"Jade saw you pull in with Kevin and that girl." André answered.

"Ah." Jason nodded.

He sat down at the table where Jade was sitting before and handed a bag to Tori.

"What's this?" Tori asked.

"Me and Kevin went down to Ten Dudes to grab a bite to eat, so I got you a burger while we were there." He told her.

"Aww, thanks." Tori said, leaning over and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

She opened the bag, but didn't find a burger inside of it.

"Uh, there's no burger in here..." She told him.

"Oh!" Jason exclaimed, quickly switching the bag that Tori had with the other one he was carrying. "My bad, gave you the wrong one. That one is yours. This is André's."

André perked up at the sound of his name and took the bag from Jason. Looking inside, he found two large fries inside with a bunch of ketchup packets.

"I love you, man." André said, his voice cracking up.

Jason chuckled at his friends before looking down at the tray below his face.

"You guys think that Jade's coming back anytime soon?" He asked.

"No." André replied.

"Don't think so." Tori added.

"Good." Jason grabbed the burrito from the tray and proceeded to eat it.

"Didn't you just say that you went to Ten Dudes?" Tori asked.

"Yeah, and?" Jason asked her back.

As this was happening, Robbie was quietly sitting at a lone table in the far back, trying to make himself as inconspicuous as possible. His attempts ultimately failed as the source of his problems managed to find him anyway.

"Hello, Robbie." Trina said as she placed her hand on the table.

"AAH!" He screamed. "Hi!"

"Have you been avoiding me?" She asked.

"Avoid? Um, no, I've just been here having some cream of mushroom soup." He replied, pointing towards said soup.

"What did you think of my show last night." She asked.

"Your show, um, I thought it was uh-- very uh--"

"You said it stunk." Rex interjected.

Robbie quickly placed his hand over Rex's mouth, but the damage had already been done.

"What did that say?" Trina asked, pointing towards the puppet.

"Nothing." Robbie quickly replied. "He doesn't know what he's saying. He's on special medication."

"I'm not on medication!" A muffled Rex exclaimed.

Having enough, Trina got right up in Robbie's face. "Are you gonna write a good review of my show or not?"

"Trina, see, uh-- I'm a journalist, and it's my job to write the truth. And to be candid, I didn't think that your performance was all-- AAH!"

Before Robbie could finish his sentence, Trina grabbed him by the hair and pushed him face into the cream of mushroom soup that he had been eating.

"I'm gonna say this once, so listen!" Trina exclaimed, pulling his face back up.

"Okay..." Robbie replied nasally.

"I've worked my butt off on that performance, and you are gonna write a good review, you feel me?!" She asked.

"I feel a mushroom in my NOSE!"

Not getting the answer she wanted, Trina pushed his face back into the soup for a second before pulling him back up again.

"Write a good review of my show!" She told him before walking off. "Gonna kill that guy."

Out of danger for the moment, Robbie grabbed a napkin and blew his nose into it.

"There it is..."






At the Vega Residence, Tori and Trina were standing in front of the TV playing Wii Sports. The particular sport being tennis. They both used the tennis racket accessory on their remotes as they played, making what happens next particularly painful.



Trina whacked Tori in the back of the head full force, making her fall to the floor in pain.


"Tori, you messed up my shot!" Exclaimed Trina, not at all worried about the fact that she just hit her sister in the back of the head with her remote.

"I don't wanna play anymore..." Tori groaned, pushing herself up off the floor.

As she was getting up, the door bell rang.

"Ugh, you get it." Said Trina, walking away to her room.

Tori let out a sigh and went towards the door. Upon opening it, she was met with the sight of a distressed Jade holding a broken kite.

"Jade?" Tori asked, surprised that she was at her front door.

Without saying anything, Jade walked into Tori's house.

"And now you're in my house..." Tori said, closing the door.

Turning around, Tori saw that Jade had stopped in the middle of the living room.

"This kite is broken." Jade said.

"Okay... and?" She asked confused.

"I was just walking around, and I saw this kite stuck in a bush, and-- it's broken, someone needs to fix it!" Jade told her.

Tori's eyebrows furrowed. She was even more confused than she was a second ago.

"You want me to fix your kite?" She asked.

"Will you forget about the stupid kite?!" Jade yelled, throwing the kite on the couch and kicking it away when it fell on the floor in front of her.

"I'm sorry I brought it up?" Tori replied.

"I want Kevin back!" Jade wailed, now crying.

"But you broke up with Kevin." Tori said.

"I know, just like when I was seven and I threw away my potato patch pal, but then I realized I wanted him back. But it was too late, 'cause my mother already gave it away to some GREEDY ORPHANS!" Jade explained to her, setting herself down onto the couch when she was done.

"Jade, if you want to get back together with Kevin, then why don't you just tell him?" Tori asked.

"I tried, but he won't accept my calls!" She told her.

"Um, not to be mean, but why are you coming to me for help?" Tori asked her the million dollar question.

"Because I don't want anyone who's cool to see me like this!" Jade replied.

"Okay, maybe you should--" Tori paused. "Wait, are we frien-- We're not even friends!"

"Well, yeah, but if you help me, maybe I'll like you." Jade told her.

"So, if I help you, I get a mean friend and a broken kite!" Tori said with false excitement.

"Please, just please, talk to Kevin for me!" Jade said as she grabbed a pillow and proceeded to cry into it.

Tori stared at the distraught girl, having no idea what to do. She looked around for a few seconds and saw nothing that could help, so she hesitantly scooted towards Jade and patted her head a few times.

"Okay." Tori said. "Okay, okay! I'll talk to Kevin."

"Do it soon!" Jade told her, muffled by the pillow.

Tori rolled her eyes but kept silent. Jade pulled her face out of the pillow and saw that she had smeared makeup on it whilst she was crying.

"I got a little makeup in your pillow..." Jade told her.

"It's okay. I'll just ask my grandmother to make me another one." Tori told her, grabbing the pillow. "If she ever comes back to life..."

Those last words seemed to have made Jade feel genuine guilt about the pillow, making her feel even worse than she already was.


Tori Vega:

On a mission... but how did I get to be the LOVE DOCTOR?!?

Mood = Hopeful 😳


"Move! Move!"

"You move!"

"Will one of you dipshits just shoot him!"

Jason, Kevin, André, Beck and Robbie were all at Kevin's house, taking turns on playing Halo 3 split-screen. The four currently playing were Jason, Kevin, André and Beck, with Robbie taking a back seat since he had played the last game.

As they were in the midst of a rigorous battle, Jason's phone started to ring, making him shush everyone around him before picking up his phone.

"Hey, Babe, what's up?" He asked.

Jason placed held the phone on his neck whilst he continued to play the game.

"Yeah, matter of fact, I'm at his house right now." He said, grabbing Kevin's attention for a split second before he turned his eyes back towards the game.

"I'm kinda... tied up, but I can text you the address." He said.

[Betrayal! Betrayal! Betrayal!]


"Yeah, I'll see you when you get here. Bye." Jason told her, hanging up the phone.

"Tori?" André asked.

"Who else would it be? You know someone else he calls "Babe?" Kevin asked him with a smartass look on his face.

"Shut up!" Jason exclaimed.

"So, what did Mrs. Riley want?" Beck asked.

"Ha-Ha, go fuck yourself..." Jason muttered. "She wanted Kevin's address."

"Why?" Kevin asked.

"I don't know, ask God." He replied.

"Does that mean we have to stop playing the game?" Robbie asked.

"I mean... I still haven't sent the text yet. And she won't get here for at least another half hour..."




After a few more matches, Jason texted Tori and asked when she would get there. When she had replied that she was only a few minute away, the boys backed out of multiplayer and had the game sat on the main menu as they waited for her to arrive.

They were all on their phones, talking about random things that came to mains as they waited.

"So you would actually be with a Yandere?" Beck asked Jason, who had admitted to this moments prior.

"Bruh, it's a girl who's deadly as hell, obsessed with you, and who likes to get freaky with it at any time. If that ain't the perfect girl, I don't know what is." Jason replied.

"Speaking of girls..." Robbie interjected. "I have to ask, how do you feel?"

"What do you mean?" Kevin asked.

"I mean, Jade dumped you without any warning and you didn't even do anything wrong. I mean, that's got to suck a little bit." Robbie explained.

"Not really." Kevin replied simply.

"Wow. I don't think I could handle that the way you're doing. I would definitely be a wreck." Robbie said.

"Yup." Kevin replied.

"Probably." Added André.

"Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something--"

"No." Jason responded instantly.

"Nope." Said Kevin.

"Absolutely not." Added Beck.

It was at this point that everyone was trying to hold in their laughter, even Robbie, who knew that they were joking around.

"I hope it sucks whatever you're going through." André spoke.

"I hope it sucks?" Beck muttered, laughing as he repeated it.

"What the fuck." Jason chuckled, not expecting it to go further.

"I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life." Beck said.

"I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you." Kevin added.

And that was it, everyone was now laughing their asses off. Some of them were even coughing from laughing too much.

"I can't wait to go to your funeral knowing I could've change that outcome." Jason said.

That was it for Kevin, as he fell out on the floor, trying desperately to catch his breath as he continued to laugh.

"Oh, BROOOOTHER!!!" Robbie yelled, not expecting it to go that far. "What the hell! I was just asking if you would be there for me."

"Shit got real, real quick." Beck said.

"I want to carry your casket just so I can let you down one last time." André said.

And that was it for everyone else. André put the last nail on the coffin for the rest of the group, as that last remark caused all of them to fall onto the ground as they laughed their asses off.

It was at this point that Tori had been led into the living room by Kevin's mother, Florence, and saw that all of her friends were currently on the floor dying.

"What happened?" Tori asked, getting no reply from any of the guys.

"It's either someone told a really dark joke, or they saw a video of a kid getting hit by something." Florence told the girl.


It took a while for the boys to get settled down. And it took an even longer while for them to stop chuckling at the memory of what had just occurred.

"Man, I think that was the hardest I've ever laughed." André said, getting nods of agreement from Beck and Robbie.

"Mm-hmm." Kevin hummed.

"Oh, I got a headache." Robbie said.

"My stomach hurts." Jason added.

"You guys gonna be okay?" Tori asked worriedly, more so towards Jason than anyone else.

"They'll be fine, Sweetie. I'm just glad no one passed out this time." Said Kevin's mother.

"That happened one time!" Robbie exclaimed before grabbing his head in pain.

Everyone chuckled a bit at that, which caused Jason to groan a bit from his own pain before he looked towards Tori.

"So why did you want to come over here for?" He asked.

"Uh, I needed to talk to Kevin about something." She replied.

"You couldn't have just texted me?" Kevin asked.

"This is more of a... in person kinda thing." Tori told him.

"O-Kay..." He said confused. "I'm guessing it's also a private thing?"

Tori nodded her head and Kevin looked towards Jason with a raised eyebrow. Jason gave him a blank look, as if he was saying, "You just heard me ask her a second ago, dumbass, why would I know what she's talking about?"

With a shrug of his shoulders, Kevin extended his hands towards the stairs and ushered Tori to head on up. Once at the top, Kevin led her into an adjacent room that had nothing in it besides a bed and some drawers.

"Whose room is this?" Tori asked.

"No one's, it's a guest bedroom. Usually Jason uses it whenever he stays over." Kevin told her.

Tori nodded at the explanation and the room fell into an awkward silence.

"So..." Kevin started, wanting to know what she wanted to talk about.

"So, you're probably wondering why I'm here. Like, "hey, Tori's here, whaddup wid dat?" She said, the tone of her voice going deeper.

"That's the number one question. Although now I have several others..." He said, mumbling the last part to himself. "But what's on your mind?"

"So I was wondering... Um... Why don't you just get back together with Jade?" She asked with a hesitant smile.

"That's your big question?" Kevin asked.

"Uh-huh." She replied.

Kevin started to chuckle a little bit, finding the situation to be very amusing.

"Nope, I'm good." He said before going to walk out of the room.

"W-Wait!" Tori yelled, grabbing him by the arm.

"Lemme guess, Jade's an emotional wreck, so she went and asked for you to try and talk to me because I've been avoiding her and dodging her calls all day." Kevin said.

Tori froze and her face looked as if she was a deer in headlights.

"No..." She said unconvincingly.

"Right... Listen, you're still relatively new to this group of ours, and while I appreciate the concern, my relationship isn't really anything that you need to involve yourself in. So if that's all you came over for, I suggest that you get Jason to drive you home because I'm not interested in taking about it right now." Kevin told her as politely as he possibly could.

Tori let out a dejected sigh and went to walk out of the guest room. She suddenly stopped and turned towards Kevin.

"Hey... who was that girl that you and Jason were hanging out with earlier?" She asked.

Hearing her question, Kevin grew a smirk and asked, "Why do you wanna know?"

"No reason, no reason at all..." Tori told him.

"You wouldn't happen to be uncomfortable with Jason hanging out with another girl, would you?" He asked.

"No, of course not." Tori said, trying to laugh off the accusation.

Kevin chuckled at this girl's inability to lie and said, "Don't worry about it. It's completely fine to feel jealous sometimes. If you want to know who she is, I would ask Jason himself."

Kevin gave her a pat on the shoulder and left the room. Tori stood there for a moment alone, letting out a deep breath before going down to ask Jason for a ride home.


"Hey, what's a good place to take someone out on a date?" Jason asked André.

The two friends were walking and talking together through the halls as they went to their lockers.

"Trying to figure something out for your first date with Tori?" André asked.

"Mm-hmm. I'm stressin' myself out here. Been thinking about it for days and I still can't come up with jack." Jason told him.

"Well... how about you--"

"HEY! CURLY!" They heard the familiar voice of Hollywood Arts resident banshee yell out in the middle of the hallway.

"HAH!" Robbie screamed, terrified at the sight of Trina walking over to him.

"Well, this should prove entertaining." Jason said as he stood there and watched.

"Mhm." André hummed in agreement.

"Hi, Trina. Is that a new shirt?" Robbie asked nervously.

"Don't look at my shirt." Trina quickly replied.

Robbie instantly turned his gaze towards the ceiling and let out a pathetic whimper.

"I went to TheSlap.com this morning and i didn't see a review of my show yet." She said.

"I know." Robbie replied.

"When are you posting it?" She asked.

"The deadline is flexible, so I'm just--"

As Robbie lifted up his arms, Trina grabbed his sleeves, tugged them down and pulled them into Robbie's still open locker.

"Oh, please don't--"

She slammed the locker door closed, trapping Robbie's sleeves inside.

"Your review better go up today and it better make my show sound awesome!" She told him in a threatening tone.

She walked away in a huff and Robbie let out an even weaker sounding whimper than the first time. He then proceeded to try and pull his sweater sleeves out of the locker, which had no affect whatsoever. Robbie then tried taking off the sweater, which worked a lot better than what he was doing before.

As this was happening, Jason and André chuckled at Robbie's misfortune as they walked up to him. Robbie managed to free himself from the confines of his sweater, but the sweater itself was still stuck in his locker.

"Still got some work to do." André told him, pointing towards the locker.

Robbie gave them both a look, but went to try and get his sweater free... by pulling on it instead of just opening the locker. Jason rolled his eyes and walked up to the locker, bashing his fist on the door and causing it to swing open. Since he was still tugging on the sweater, Robbie fell on the floor as soon as the door opened.

"Y'know, for someone so smart, you sure are dumb as hell." Jason told him, which caused André to laugh.

"It's not funny!" Robbie yelled at them, slamming one of his feet into a locker. "Trina keeps pressuring me to write a good review of her terrible play, and I can't lie!"

Robbie threw his sweater at the lockers and spread himself out all over the hallway floor.

"It was that bad?" André asked.

"So bad it was laughable!" Robbie replied, wriggling around the floor like a toddler.

"Okay, okay. Then, say it was the funniest play you've ever seen." André suggested, getting a raised eyebrow from Jason.

"You mean review it like a comedy?" Jason asked.

"Yeah, that's right." André replied.

"Comedy?" Robbie asked, a little hope starting to come back onto his face.

"Uh-huh." André said.

Robbie got up from the floor and pointed towards André. "That's brilliant."

"Hey, no charge." André said.

"Thanks, man." Robbie thanked him.

"No, wait, give me ten bucks." André told him.

"Absolutely not!" Robbie exclaimed.

"Twenty." Jason said, stepping closer to Robbie.

"I got two tens..." Robbie said as he took out his wallet and gave both of them ten dollars.

"Help me!" They heard Jade yell out from the other side of the hall.

Turning around, they saw Jade having a conversation with Tori.

"Is it me, or did I just hear Jade ask Tori to help her?" André asked.

"No, definitely not." Jason replied.

"Maybe we're all dreaming?" Robbie proposed.

"All of us? Together?" André asked, his tone sounding as if it was the stupidest thing he's heard today.

"Definitely a more likely scenario than Jade actually asking Tori for help." Jason told him.

They then saw Jade grab Tori by the arm and drag her inside the janitor's closet.

"What the hell is going on today?" Jason asked, turning towards both of his friends.

Meanwhile, in the janitor's closet.

"How can Kevin not want me back?" Jade asked as she started to cry again. "I'm so cool, and hot! I've got it all!"

"Yeah, but guys don't just care about how cool and hot you are." Tori told her.

"Just because Jason is mentally unstable doesn't mean that Kevin is!" Jade yelled.

"You know what, if you're gonna be rude--"

Tori tried to storm out of the closet, but was dragged back by Jade.

"No! No! Please!" She yelled desperately.

"Maybe Kevin would take back if you weren't such a GANK ALL THE TIME!" Tori yelled.

"What? You mean I should get him something?" Jade asked.

"Whatever, I don't care." Tori told her, going to walk out again.

Jade quickly grabbed Tori and pulled her back.

"Wait, I'm sorry! I'm sorry, okay!" Jade yelled out.

Tori looked at the crying girl and felt a little guilty about wanting to leave her here like this. She took a deep breath and calmed herself down.

"One more insult and I'm gone." She told Jade.

"Okay, I won't insult you anymore!" Jade accepted immediately.

Seeing that she was being genuine, Tori let out a deep sigh and asked, "What does Kevin like?"

"I don't know." Jade replied.

"What do you mean you don't know?!" Tori asked.

"I don't know! He never told me any of that stuff, that's why we were such a good couple." She told her.

"So you never gotten him a gift? Not even on his birthday or for your anniversary?" Tori asked.

"Well... sort of..." Jade trailed off, looking at anything that wasn't Tori.

"Sort of? What does that--"

Tori cut herself short when she saw that Jade was giving her a very awkward look. It took a moment for her to connect the dots, but she did eventually.

"Oh..." She muttered before her eyes widened in realization and her expression morphed into one of disgust. "Gross, gross, gross, gross..."

Jade rolled her eyes at Tori, "Please, it's not like--"

"Oh, the image is stuck in my head--"

"Hey!" Jade yelled out, grabbing Tori's attention. "My problem?!"

"Right... So you've never given him an actual present?" Tori asked, to which Jade responded with a shake of her head. "All right, maybe if you got him a gift and showed him you care, maybe he'll take to back."

"But I don't know what he likes!" Exclaimed Jade.

"C'mon, you two were together for... How long have you two been together?" Tori asked, realizing that she actually didn't know how long her friends have been a couple.

Jade rolled her eyes, but answered anyway. "A year and eleven months."

"A year and eleven months. You have to know something about what he likes." Tori said.

Jade thought about it for a while, trying to think back to a time where she saw Kevin enjoying something.

"Nando's...?" She said, and even then she sounded very unsure.

Tori could only stare at Jade in disbelief after hearing what she said. "Nando's? You were together for almost two years and the only thing that you could think of that Kevin might enjoy is Nando's?"

"What, should I get him Chick-Fil-A?" Jade asked.

"Okay, if you want Kevin back, you're gonna have to think of something bigger than fast food." Tori told her.


Frightened, the two girls looked over and saw that the janitor was sitting in a corner with a cheetah print blanket over him. It seems as if he was sleeping there the entire time they were talking in the closet.

"Go, go, go! Go out!"

"Out now. Run--"

Tori and Jade both ran out of the closet and out into the hallway, trying to get away from the janitor's closet as fast as possible. As soon as they left, the janitor snuggled into his blanket and went back to sleep with a smile on his face.

As Tori ran out of the closet, she ran straight into Jason, who had just finished talking to Robbie and André about possible places on where to take Tori out.

"Whoah, where's the fire?" Jason smiled as he grabbed Tori.

"There was... In the closet... Don't worry about it..." Tori groaned.

"Okay..." He said confused. "Can I ask why Jade suddenly yanked you into the closet?"

"You saw that?" She asked.

"Pretty sure everyone saw that." He told her.

Tori let out a sigh before responding with, "I've been trying to help Jade get back together with Kevin."

Jason immediately raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Because she asked for my help." Tori answered.

"Yeah, but why would you help her?" He asked. "She's been making your life hell ever since you've started going her, why would you want to help her?"

"I don't know, it's just-- she came to my house crying and she's been a mess ever since. I really feel bad for her, you know?" Tori told him.

"You feel bad... for Jade...?" He asked as if she was crazy.

"I know, I know, it sounds crazy, and it is crazy, but I know that if I was in her place that I would be just as upset too... Probably even more..." She said, walking away from Jason and leaving him to think about what he had heard.

'A crying Tori...'


In Music History class, Robbie was sitting at his desk, listening to the teacher as she told the story of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln at the Ford's Theatre.

"And then at 10pm, when President Lincoln was watching the play at Ford's Theatre, Booth quietly slipped into Lincoln's box, pulled out a derringer and shouted--"

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Trina yelled Robbie as she burst through the door of the class.

"No!" Robbie exclaimed, not wanting to be killed.

"Man, you better run before the girl--"

Trina ran up to Robbie's desk, grabbed Rex and threw the puppet across the room.


"Rex!" Robbie yelled out worriedly.

"Trina, I'm teaching a class right now!" The teacher told her.

"How dare you call my one-woman show a comedy?!" Trina asked Robbie, ignoring the teacher.

"I had to follow my conscience!" Robbie yelled back.

"Trina!" The teacher yelled, finally getting Trina's attention. "Out of this classroom!"

Trina looked back towards Robbie, giving him a piercing glare before violently tossing his desk to the side.

"I know where you live." Trina told him, putting her finger in his face.

"No, you don't, we moved last year!" Robbie told her.

Trina grabbed Robbie by the collar. "What's your new address?!"

"3707 Cahuenga! It's a duplex, we're on top!" Robbie yelled out, absolutely scared shitless of the girl.

Trina pushed Robbie back down on his chair, huffing out a prompt "Got it" before walking out of the classroom and yelling "I AM SO UPSET!" in the hallway.

The teacher look towards Robbie, wondering what has just happened, but he only let out a small whimper.


[Trina Vega's one-woman show will now begin.] A man on the PA announced to the audience.

It was eight o' clock and Trina's show was filled with people ready to see what was so great about this, so-called, comedy.

"In the beginning, there was nothing..." the stage lights came on and at the very top, Trina's legs could be seen dangling from above. "And then, there was woman!"

Trina was lowered onto the stage, holding two bags, as music played to symbolize what a momentous occasion this, apparently, was. Now with her feet on the ground, Trina unhooked herself from the harness and walked to the middle of the stage, setting down her luggage beside her and speaking towards the audience.

"Ahh. Wow, I can't believe I'm here in the city of Chicago. Why, anything could happen to a woman like me, here in Chicago." Trina said as she motioned towards herself.

After her line, the music started to play and she threw away the pink colored hat that she was wearing before she started to sing.


The audience began to laugh, believing that her loud, off-key singing to be an intentional part of the show. Trina was confused by the reaction, but continued to sing anyway.

"It's a city that's exciting

It's a city that's inviting

It's a city for a woman just like me

There's a lake they call Lake Michigan

I think I'm really fitting in

This city is my perfect cup of TEEAAAAA!


It was by this point that Trina had began to enjoy the reaction she was getting, as the people's laughter meant that they were enjoying the show that she had so painstakingly worked on.


Jason had pulled up to Kevin's house, pulling into the driveway and shutting off his car. He looked towards his friend's house, letting out a sigh as he got out of his car and walked towards the front door.

"What the hell am I doing?" He muttered as he shook his head.

He pressed the doorbell and waited for someone to answer the door. The door opened and he was met with the sight of Kevin's father, Fergus McCallister.

"Hey, unc'." Jason greeted.

"Jay? What are you doing here this late?" Fergus asked.

"Late?" Jason asked, looking at his watch. "It's only eight o' clock."

"And it's a school night." He countered.

"Uh... it's Friday..." Jason told him.

"It is?" Fergus asked, to which Jason nodded. "Huh... Sorry about that, thought it was still Thursday."

"Oh, well, can I come in?" Jason asked.

"Oh, sure, sure." Fergus stepped aside, allowing Jason to enter his house. "So, what brings you here?"

"I wanted to talk to Kevin about something." Jason answered.

"You... couldn't have just called him?" Fergus asked with a confused smile.

"It's more of a... in person kinda thing." Jason replied, feeling a weird sense of déjà vu.

"Okay then, he's up in his room." Fergus told him, pointing up the stairs.

"Thanks." Jason thanked him before walking up the stairs.

Taking a left, Jason knocked on the door to Kevin's room and waited for his friend to answer.

"Come in!" Kevin shouted.

Jason entered and saw Kevin sitting on his bed with a GameSphere controller in his hand. Kevin looked towards the door and saw Jason standing there.

"Yo, what's up?" Kevin asked, surprised to see him as he didn't say that he was coming over.

"Sup. What you playin'?" Jason asked, nodding his head over to the TV.

"Pokémon DX: Gust of Light." Kevin answered.

"Ah, classic. You get Shining Lugia yet?" Jason asked as he walked over and sat next to Kevin.

"Nah, not yet. Got a bunch of other Shining Pokémon though." Kevin replied.

"Lame." Jason said.

"Shut the fuck up." Kevin said, giving his friend a shove.

Jason chuckled a bit before falling silent and watching as Kevin fought one of the Cipher lackeys.

"So you came to hang out or something? 'Cause I can put in Luigi Kart and we could both play." Kevin suggested, pointing over to the stack of games he had on his dresser.

"Nah, I'm good." Jason said.

"You sure?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Actually... I came over to see how you were doin'." Jason told him, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

Kevin dropped the controller and looked at Jason with a worried expression. Almost immediately, he placed a hand on Jason's forehead, which resulted in his hand getting slapped away by the boy in question.

"What in the--"

"You don't feel hot, so a fever is out of the question." Kevin muttered.

"A fever? The hell are you--"

"Look at me." Kevin told him, looking into Jason's eyes. "They look normal, so you're probably not drunk or high. Wait, you could be both, are you cross faded?"

"No! I'm not drunk, high, or any combination of the two!" Jason exclaimed.

"Obviously you are, or you wouldn't have asked me that." Kevin said to him.

Jason stared at him with narrowed eyes, suddenly finding it to be very difficult not to strangle his best friend at the moment. Seeing the look, Kevin raised his hands in a mock surrender.

"All right." He said, putting his hands down. "I'm fine."

Jason have him a look that screamed disbelief.

"I am! You're the one who's acting weird." Kevin told him.

"C'mon, man. Jade dumped you a few days ago and you expect me to believe that you're fine?" Jason asked.

"Jade? What the hell made you bring her up?" Kevin asked. "Wait... did Tori tell you to say something?"

"No, it's just--" Jason looked away from Kevin for a moment before turning back towards him. "I had a talk with Tori today and... she got me thinking about you guy's situation."

"Okay..." Kevin said.

"I was thinking that if it was me in your situation... it would suck. Royally suck. So I came to see how you were doing." Jason told him.

Kevin had seen a fair bit of odd things happening in Hollywood Arts. A red-headed girl that is the definition of completely random, a guy who brings around a puppet pretty much everywhere he goes, a teacher who gets visions from coconuts, but seeing Jason Riley show genuine empathy?

That has got to be the most bizarre thing that he has ever witnessed in his life.

He had known Jason since they were in kindergarten, and he can say with certainty that Jason had never shown an ounce of empathy towards anyone. Barring close friends and family, Jason really didn't care about a lot of things. He actually reveled in people's misery, finding it to be absolutely hilarious.

He's tried, and failed, multiple times to get Jason to feel any sense of compassion for anyone. Meanwhile, in the short time that they've been together, Tori got him to start feeling empathy?

'Christ, you've been together for a couple weeks and she brought out something in you that I was sure wasn't even there...' He thought.

Jason Riley put himself in someone else's position and felt genuine empathy. If he didn't just heard it with his own ears, he would've thought that he was going crazy. Matter of fact, he was still debating on whether or not he was.

"Hey, bro?" He called out to his best friend.

"Yeah?" Jason answered.

"Tori's good for you." Kevin told him, a smirk making its way onto his face.

"The fuck?!" Jason exclaimed.

Before their conversation could continue, the two boys heard glass shattering, followed by s loud scream coming from the direction of Kevin's Parent's bedroom.




Both of the boys immediately stood up and ran towards scream. Kevin slammed himself through his parent's door and entered the room, followed quickly by Jason. The boys found Kevin's parents staring at two intruders that had pieces of a broken vase laying at their feet.

"Tori?!" "Jade?!"

The two boys yelled out, seeing that the intruders were a very familiar pair of girls.

"Hey..." "Hi..."

Jade and Tori greeted to two, looking at them very awkwardly.


Meanwhile, back at Trina's show.

Trina had limped out on stage with a pair of crutches supporting her, her character having suffered through some sort of injury.

"I'm doing it. I'm doing it!" Trina said, making the audience laugh. "I'm a woman in Chicago, learning how to walk again."

"Thanks to doc Stevens and my new plastic legs." Trina said, propping herself up on her crutches as kicked her feet out.

She then proceeded to take her crutches and toss them to the side.

"Take that Chicago. You're no match for a woman like me." She proclaimed, pointing at herself with her thumb. "From now on, I'm callin' this city... She-cago!"

The audience laughed once more as the lights went out, signaling the end of her performance. The crowd stood up out of their seats and began to give Trina an overwhelming amount of applause.

The lights came back on and Trina was absolutely delighted.

"Yes, you're welcome! You're all welcome!" She exclaimed towards the audience. "Yes, it's okay to laugh! I'm hilarious!"


Back at the McCallister household, everyone was now sitting in the living room, trying to find out why Tori and Jade tried to sneak into the house through Kevin's parent's bedroom window.

"We're so sorry about this." Tori told Mr. And Mrs. McCallister, her face as guilty as can be.

"Why were you girls trying to sneak into our bedroom?" Asked Florence.

"We didn't mean to sneak into your bedroom, we meant to sneak into his." Jade told them as she pointed towards Kevin.

"That... doesn't exactly make it better..." Florence said.

"Okay, before anyone else says anything, who are you?" Fergus asked, looking towards Tori.

"That's Tori. She's Jason's girlfriend." Florence told her husband, who had a shocked look on his face.

"You have a girlfriend? She's your girlfriend?" He asked Jason.

"Yes." "No." Both Jason and Tori said at the same time.

They looked towards each other, confused as to what the other had answered with.

"You're not?" "I am?" They both asked at the same time again.

"Well, that's not good..." Fergus muttered.

"Can we please get back to the question of why you two decided to try and sneak into my house?" Kevin asked, feeling as if he was the only one who wanted to stay on point.

Tori and Jade looked at each other, both motioning their heads for the other to start explaining. Eventually, Jade yelled out "ALRIGHT!" before looking towards Kevin and explaining why they were here.

"We tried to sneak in because we wanted to know what you liked." Jade told him.

"Huh...?" Kevin asked blankly.

"I wanted to get you back so I tried to think of a present that I could give you, but I couldn't think of anything so I decided to try and sneak into your room to see what was in it so I could find out what you like, and I brought Tori with me since she's been helping me out with everything and I'm so sorry that I freaked out on you and I know that you wouldn't ever cheat, but I just get so mad that--"

Kevin pulled Jade towards him and cut off her rambling with a kiss. Florence and Tori smiled at the heartwarming scene, whilst Fergus and Jason both sighed and looked away, but they both had small smiles on their faces.

Kevin pulled away and Jade was left with a smile.

"You love me again." She said.

"Again?" Kevin asked. "I've never stopped."

Kevin pulled Jade with him towards the couch, sitting her on his lap.

"Jade, I never considered us broken up to begin with." Kevin told her.

"What? But why did you dodge my phone calls? And why did you avoid me at school?" She asked.

"Jade, you are a jealous person and I absolutely love that about you, but sometimes you tend to blow your top once you've been jealous one too many times." He said, making her a little embarrassed since it was definitely true. "And what I've find out is that when you eventually do blow your top, it's best to give you some space so you could calm down."

"So that's why you were avoiding me?" She asked, to which he nodded. "Then who was that girl who you were with yesterday at lunch?"

Kevin looked confused for a moment before chuckling when he realized who she was talking about. "That was Jason's friend that he invited along to lunch with us."

Although Jade's jealousy was quenched with what Kevin had said, it had the exact opposite effect on Tori's jealousy, who had glanced at Jason for a split second before looking back towards the couple.

"Babe, you might be absolutely crazy sometimes--"

"Watch it." Jade told him.

"But I wouldn't want you any other way..." Kevin told her.

"Aww." Tori cooed, finding what Kevin said to be very romantic.

Everyone looked towards the girl.

"I ruined the moment." She said, causing Jason to laugh and wrap his arm around her shoulder.

"It's cool." Jade told her. "And I really do owe you."

Tori smiled and nodded her head.

"Plus..." Kevin held Jade tight against him, his voice deeper as he said in her ear, "If you think I'm ever letting you go, then you've got to be batshit insane."

Jade smiled and turned towards Kevin, planting her lips on his. The romantic scene slowly morphed into something different, as the kiss became more and more heated.

"Okay, you need a ride home?" Jason asked Tori, wanting very much to leave.

"Yup." She told him.

The two instantly turned towards the door and left the two alone to swallow each other.

"Do they realize that his parents were still in the room?" Tori asked.

"Don't ask questions just get in the car." Jason told her, opening the passenger door for her and quickly running over to his side when she sat down.


The ride to Tori's house had been silent, as neither of the two knew how to bring up their current relationship situation. Just as Tori had enough courage to bring up the subject, Jason had pulled into her driveway.

"Here we are..." Jason told her.

"Yeah..." Tori muttered. "Walk me to the door?"


They both got out of the car and walked to Tori's front door. Once there, they stopped and looked towards each other awkwardly.

"So..." Jason said.

"So... nice weather we've been having." Tori said, causing them both to chuckle.

"Tori..." Jason called her name. "Back at Kevin's house..."

"The whole girlfriend thing?" She asked, to which he nodded. "I'm sorry, I didn't know if you wanted us to be official or not, but now I know so--"

"Wait, why wouldn't I want us to be official?" He asked.

"Well... I thought that maybe you were losing interest..." She told him.

"Losing interest? What?" Jason asked, absolutely flabbergasted at what she had just said.

"It's just... we haven't had our first date yet, and yesterday you pull up at lunch with this really cute girl--"

"Wait, are you talking about Madison?" He asked. "The blonde girl that I pulled up to lunch with when I gave you that burger?"

Tori nodded and Jason started to laugh.

"What? What's wrong?" She asked.

"The reason I invited Madison with us to lunch was because I was so stressed out about planning our first date that I completely forgot that we were partnered up for a project together." Jason told her. "The lunch was an apology for making do most of the work by herself."

"Oh..." Tori said, now embarrassed at the fact that she got the situation completely wrong.

"Hey..." Jason wrapped his arms around Tori's waist. "I'm sorry that I made you feel like I was losing interest."

"It's okay--"

"No, it's not. I was so stuck on trying to get things absolutely perfect that I ended up making you question how serious I am about you." He said.

Jason pulled her in close and looked into Tori's eyes. "Tori Vega, would you like to go out on a date this weekend?"

Tori smiled, responding with a "Yes" before wrapping her arms around Jason's neck and pulling him into a kiss.

The two heard something drop beside them and suddenly pulled away from each other. Looking towards their left, they saw the face of a slack-jawed Trina staring at them with widened eyes.

