Adriana the girl who was kidnapped from her homeland Australia and was trained to be a spy in Russia. Once she went to Italy for a mission and got into a trouble with a mafia and after a lot of happenings they explore a lot of missions together and fall in love with eachother ..but the adventure begans when they meet ..
I woke up today with a headache and i felt like as if I'm going to die. I wanted to stay in the bad a little longer and i had to pull myself up because i had classes to attend. So i made a few pancakes for myself and i took a glass of milk and sat down to eat . I took a bite and realized that i forgot to put sugar. But i still managed to eat it with milk. Then i got ready and bade my aunt and little sister and headed for my versity. I was driving my new car today so i was very very happy and i was very excited because that was a green Tesla. I reached in my versity and parked my car and all my friends were like yeahhh that's our Adriana coming out of her brand new tesla. While i was headed on my way to my friends a girl bumped into me and she looked terrified. So, i asked her what was bothering her . She said in reply you don't have to know. I grabbed her hand and told her that she could use my help if she's in trouble . But she got away saying you're not in the position to help me. So i went straight to my friend and told them about her. They told me that she was doing drugs and she always behaves like that. But her behaviour was a little sus to me. Anyway my best friend Rogan has always the best news and the worst everyday . So i told him today to tell me the worst one first. He said "oh mt adrin you might be terrified to ride cars at night after tou hear it..but I'll tell you as you can see the boy at your neighborhood, who's mom filed a missing report a week ago wasn't found but it's reported that he was a part of the "Night riders" and he was kidnapped by a group of people who are considered very powerful and what is more important is that he was kidnapped while he was racing at night and no one has found out where he is taken or even if he's alive. I was shocked to know that someone got kidnapped from our Night riders and hasn't been found. I was very worried because our group is one of the most powerful group in the whole town and it's impossible for any other group to commit this kind of work so if it's done then it must've done by someone from the outside.. i was terrified from inside but I didn't let anyone see it i said in reply owww that's really a worst news and i would like to get updated about the boy. Now tell me the goon one.. Rogan said what's the rush let's go in the class room you will find out yourself
coming soon