
Vengeance of the Cursed

A man, at his last breath, was fighting with his adversaries in an epic battle. When he was about to die, he was saved by a creature covered in black mist. The creature proposed a deal with the promise to change his life forever. Burdened by his sufferings and hidden unknowns behind the mask of that creature, he hesitantly agreed. That day, his journey was supposed to have ended. However, it opened a whole new chapter in his story. A life which he never thought he could get one day. But the price he'll pay might make his new blessing, a curse. Will he correct his past mistakes, avenge his loved ones and lead a better life or will he become someone's pawn, doing only other's bidding forever? ===================== I don't own the cover. If you're the owner and want me to remove it, contact me.

Lazysam · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs


"They say people show their true colours when they are about to die. So, is this your true colour? Weak and pathetic of a man" said a man with blond hair, looking at another man with black hair whose body was covered with blood and deep gashes.

With the man's left arm gone, he was struggling to get up from the ground. Blood was profusely coming out from his body, from deep cuts in the stomach and legs to broken bones in his chest as he lay in a huge crater.

The massive mountain range with surrounding forests and animals that previously showed nature's cold beauty had become a barren wasteland which now emanated only death. A testament to the epic battle that had taken place.

The laid-down man gathered the remaining strength in his body and got up from the ground by gripping the hilt of his sword.

He pointed his sword at the people looking dangerously at him.

The blond-haired man narrowed his eyes at this sight and said in a deep voice, "Are you satisfied now that things have come to this? Are you satisfied with the carnage you've created in this world? You never even spared your own parents from your cruelty"

The black-haired man seemed lost in thought for some time before he calmly said, "Ignorant fool who knows nothing. Don't even speak about them"

"You..." said the blond-haired man as he became furious after hearing this.

"Calm down. He is just about to die. It's his last futile attempt to provoke us." said another man with long brown hair who was wearing round glasses.

"Yeah. Why don't we just end his miserable life" said a woman with violet hair.

As the rest of the people also agreed with the violet-haired woman, the blond-haired man calmed down.

"You're right. Any last words Ray" said the blond-haired man.

But Ray remained silent and kept pointing his sword at them.

"I see. Just burn in hell."

After being said that, the blond-haired man raised his hand in the air. The air around him started to pulsate with mana as a runic incantation started to form in the air above him. The incantation kept growing until it got big enough to cover the whole mountain beneath it. From that incantation, a monster started to emerge. A monster with teeth as big as a human and as sharp as an edged sword, yellow eyes which could strike fear in the hearts of those who see it, blue hard scales from head to tail in its serpent body and four claws like razors, small yet deadly which could crush a big boulder into pieces. A dragon came out.

The dragon looked at Ray from above as if he were some prey before saying in a deep voice "Finally, your death has come. These marks in my body that you've given me, I'll give them back to you".

"Tch…" said Ray incredulously after looking at his old enemy.

"Kill him, Emperion." said the blond-haired man as he coldly looked at Ray.

The dragon with a thunderous roar went towards Ray with its jaw wide open. However, just as it was a few inches away, time seemed to stop for everyone except Ray. Ray looked at the dragon whose mouth was opened. Then suddenly, a creature cloaked in black came out with only crimson eyes that could be seen as if a shadow had come alive.

"Hello Ray" said the shadow with its ominous voice.

Ray who was in disbelief about what was happening, became even more surprised when the shadow talked to him.

"Who are you and What do you want?" asked Ray cautiously.

"It doesn't matter who I am. The only thing that matters is what you want and I can give you what you need most right now." said the shadow while it started circling Ray.

"And what do you think I need most right now?"

Suddenly, a smile, a wicked smile came out from the shadow.

"A chance. A second chance to kill those people, this dragon and everyone to avenge your loved ones. Don't you Ray?" said the shadow while pointing his cloaked hand towards the six people and the dragon.

"It'll not be free or will it?"

"Nothing is free in this world. If you want something, you have to give something in return and that same goes for your desire too. However, the price of your desire will not be cheap."

After hearing this, Ray hesitated as he didn't know what that thing was, where it came from, what its intentions were. But, above everything else, he wasn't sure whether to trust this shadow or not. Will it really give him what he wants right now? Can it save him from this hopeless situation and help him avenge his family? He didn't know what to think of this deal. Will it be right to take its help? What will the consequences be after he makes this deal? What if the situation becomes even worse? As questions started popping into Ray's mind, he gradually became more wary.

As if the shadow sensed Ray's hesitation, he started talking calmly "I've been watching you for a very long time. I know how you were before and what made you into the person you are now." the shadow said as he kept coming closer to Ray from behind. "Even you know Ray, it was those guy's fault." the shadow said as it reached behind Ray and whispered in his left ear. "It was always others who kept blaming you for being useless. Even your dear friend and sister were also killed and for what? Just because you wanted to live a peaceful life with your family. Just because you wanted to live a life without any conflicts. Just because you weren't as good as the others. That's no reason to suffer. But, people kept coming in your way, driven by their desire and greed. Greed for more power. Power to control other's life. People like them, Ray" said the shadow as he pointed with his left hand towards the six people far from them. "You were always right, Ray. You were never in the wrong. Those people were. Those guys are evil. I understand you better than anyone in the world."

As those words fell in Ray's ears, something started to change in Ray's demeanour. He looked even more infuriated. His body started to grow hot as his muscles tightened up and he gripped his sword even more tightly as he looked at the six people afar dangerously.

"So take my help, Ray and I'll give you the chance to redo everything. A chance people can only dream of in their life but they never get it even if they live for eternity. By using this chance, you can change everything. You can avenge everyone. You can use anyone. Kill anyone. Devour anyone." as the shadow said this, its malevolent smile again started coming out. "So, take this chance and become the Devourer. Burn anything that comes in your way."

'It hurts. My chest really hurts.'

Ray, who was getting influenced by the shadow, for a moment, thought that the shadow was right. His family didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve this. It was never his fault. However, that chain of thoughts suddenly broke when he realized something.

"You said you've been watching me for a long time. Right?" said Ray without looking back.

"That's right. I know everything about you."

"Then why didn't you help me when I had life-or-death situations before? What were you doing when my people were getting killed or when I was suffering?"

The Shadow became silent for a moment before speaking in a caring way.

"Because I believed in you. I knew you'd persevere it. Moreover, you didn't need my help at those times as much as now."

"Or you've been waiting this entire time, for a moment when I'll have no other choice but to accept your offer. Something like this situation."

As the shadow heard this, he got away from Ray's shoulder and started to circle around him with a creepy smile on his face.

"Looks like you still have your sanity intact."

After saying this, the shadow stopped in front of Ray.

"I guess. Now, what do you want from me if I accept your offer?"

"Hmm. I thought you'd decline."

"I am still considering. As much as I hate to admit it, if what you said is true then I want to at least listen to what you have to say. I'll decide based on your answer"

"Now that's the real Ray I know."

"Tell me what do you want?" said Ray with anger in his eyes. With all the anger now directed at the shadow who was trying to manipulate him.

When the shadow told him what he wanted, the eyes of Ray flashed blood red for a moment before becoming normal again. At this sight, the shadow looked at Ray without uttering a single word as if he had seen a ghost or something.

"What?" Ray was in disbelief as he hadn't expected the shadow would ask him something like this. He knew the thing he would ask for must be something precious considering it was giving away this kind of offer. But, he didn't anticipate it was this.

"I already told you the price of your desire will not be cheap. So, decide. Die like a weak and pathetic man you are just like that guy said or change everything and get a better future."

Ray was now heavily contemplating on what decision to take. On one hand, his death was just a few moments away with lots of regrets and suffering behind him but on the other, there was a chance to rewrite everything but he had to part ways from something important. On top of that, Ray didn't know if that shadow was telling the truth.

"How could I believe you if I give you what you want, you'll give me what I want?"

"Believe me when I say, I also don't want you to die. Moreover, you don't have any other choice but to believe me. See this big dragon behind me, it is your death." said the shadow as it pointed its black thumb over its shoulder towards the dragon while facing Ray.

Ray looked at the colossal blue dragon who was frozen in time with its jaw wide-opened. Ready to eat him alive. He then looked at the shadow and clicked his tongue.

"Fine. I accept" said Ray as he resigned himself to it.

As the shadow heard this, it took out a vial filled with red liquid. The red liquid was shimmering inside even though there was no sunlight due to the dark clouds hovering above them.

"Drink this."

"What is this"

"Again with the irrelevant question. Just drink this."

Ray took the vial from the shadow. He looked at the liquid inside before downing the whole liquid in one go.

At this sight, the shadow felt elated.

After emptying the whole vial, the vial in Ray's hand fell. The atmosphere around Ray started to change as Ray started to feel his insides burning. A surge of intense pain and anger was felt by him. The pain was gradually spreading all over his body. As a result, he collapsed to his knees and the sword in his hand also fell.

"What did you give me?"

"Don't worry. It's just a side effect. It'll work just fine." said the shadow as it momentarily stopped and looked at the six people far from it.

"Better go now before they know I am here." the shadow murmured.

After saying this, the shadow started to vanish into thin air. However, Ray, after collecting his strength tried to stop it.

"Wait! Stop!"

"We'll meet again, Ray and about your end of the deal, you'll come to me to deliver it. I'm sure of it."

"So, until then take care if you can that is." said the shadow as he vanished into thin air after giving his terrifying smile.