
Chapter One: FATE


Shout of the commander's roar spread throughout the army. With one second after the voice heard, all warriors paved their attention to their leader.

"Yes, Sir!"

"As announced by the King himself, we will seize the south-western circle of Crisom, in the town of Xavia. While based on the weekly report, no weather disturbances and the estimated path travel is 25 km within half an hour. Prepare for mission tomorrow at latest urgency. Understood?"

"Yes!" shouted by the army.

Among the thousands who responded to their leader, one warrior stood out with a question to himself. Usually when the commander makes an order, everyone must comply without fail or question, but this warrrior cannot avoid to question the tactics given.

"Why so urgent? Based on the tactic, we should go along after next month." Prius muttered along his breath. As he muttered, his friend beside him sushed him in silence.

"Don't be rowdy, Commander Qadira might hear you!" a whisper that came from Prius' friend, Aniello.

Prius is the youngest among the group, having joined the army having the age of 13 and living in a small town of Iusticia, Themos. Even though he resides in the Kingdom, he was not born in Iusticia. His birthplace is always a mystery among the four including him. He joined the previous year having the lowest score in the Physical Examination but excel in the Tactical Exams.

His friend, Aniello resides near Themos and lives with his mother. He is 2 years older than Prius. His Father ceased when he was 4, thus remaining his mother who is 45 years old.

"Remember that you're blacklisted by the Chief."

"You don't have to remind me! Geeesh" Prius said annoyed. Prius then looked in to the distance with an unsettling look in his face, remembering those moments in his examination.

FLASHBACK (A year ago)

"Prius, pull yourself together!"

"Yes Chief!" Prius said panting. He was ordered to complete 500 push-ups as command.

Sweat covered his entire body, so much so that his sweat came falling down to the ground like rain from a storm. After he done what he was ordered to do, the Chief was very disappointed with his results.

"You've disappointed me once again. With this rate, you will never make the 3rd Force Army." The chief said and left Prius sweaty, tired, insecure and ashamed with his results.

"That ends our examination. You will know the results in 3 days. Dismiss!"

"Yes sir!"

"Prius, how is your exam? I'm surely excited to ace the test." His friend, Valemar said in excitement.

"I agree as well, I sure hope to pass." Prius said with a fake smile.

At the 3rd Army Headquarters

"How are his results?" The Leader of the army, Commander Qadira said to the Chief. "No use, he still is the lowest mark among the army. Why did the King try to budge this kid to the army?"

"The King decided to give Prius a chance since he was persistent enough that he passed the tactical examination. But soon, if he still not progress, he will face a problem." Qadira answered definitely.

"If that's the case, why don't we put him in the Tactical Military?"

"That lays on the child, he was only persistent to join the Legionary Militar and not anything else."

"I see"


The leader took notice of the two talking, but later on, he dismissed it as he ended the announcement. "That is all for this announcement. Dismiss."

"Yes Sir!" the army replied

At the barracks, the warriors are keeping their swords sharp for their siege when Aniello insisted Prius to go and meet their other accomplices after their daily duties are done. After their duties, they went to the Alpha Force Army (AFA) to meet their friends; April, Arjie and Valemar.


The Military forces of Iusticia is divided into sections such as Legionary, Tactical and Civil.

Legionary Militar is the Military that consists of warriors and knights that serve to the King and Queen to defend their land, conquer kingdoms and lead sieges.

Tactical Militar is a group of gifted warriors that are then called "tacticians" that serve as the brains of operations and attacks. Thy lead the positions and the tactical orders for seiges.

Last is the Civil Militar, they oversee the kingdom and serve as patrol goups inside the borders of the kingdom.

The Legionary is then divided into 3 forces depending on the results of the individuals on the series of examinations. All passing warriors will fall on either the 3rd Force (Delta), 2nd Force (Omega), and Alpha Force.

The two walked down the hallway with excitement all over Prius' face.

"I cannot wait to meet Valemar! He's going to teach me another techinique!"


WIND ART: Blast Shock

The art is done by carrying wind in a circular direction several times, then a sudden stop by changing the handling of the sword. By the stop executed, it creates a sudden blast of wind. This act is one of the trickiest forms done because of the form executed and the resistance of the sword to the wind.

"I thought you're going to spend time with April again." Aniello scoffed.

Prius quickly gave his firend a glare for saying that sentence.

"What do you mean by that?" Prius remarked.

"Isn't it obvious? You two always hang out and have some kind of connection."


While he is bout to kill his friend, he noticed that loud footsteps are commig from the other end of the hall.

"Wait, do you hear that?"

"Yeah, what is that?" Prius agreed to Aniello.


Not a second later, two warriors came running across the hall with one chasing the other.

"Quit it Arjie! That's not funny!"

"Oh? But it is!" Arjie said while chasing his twin, April with what appears to be a jarful of spiders levitating towards April.

"No! Get that away from me!"

While they are chasing each other, April accidently tripped over Prius, making April fall on top of Prius.

"Ouch, what the heck is that?" Instantly after he said that, he became silent at a flick of a finger, knowing that April is literally 5 inches away from his face.


"Ummm, Pardon?"

"Oh my, ummm... I'm sorry Prius." April said while her face was as red as a tomato.

"That's okay" Prius responded while dusting himself off.

"It's your fault Prius fell!" April yelled to her twin.

Arjie then retaliated, "Why me? I'm only asking on what type of spider is this."

"When you know that I have a fear of insects!"

Arjie then chuckled at what he did.

"You twins never get along do you?"

The twins looked behind to see a dark-haired boy with his arms crossed and annoyance painted all over his face.

"Val!" they exclaimed.

"Is that really what they teach you in our hometown?"

"Over in Paxiani?" Prius wondered.

The three warriors were born and raised inside the borders of Paxiani, another kingdom inside the union; Falax Unitia.

April and Arjie are children of the Duval Family, the owner of the single largest trading post in the Kingdom of Paxiani. Their family specializes in Psychic Arts and techniques. Arjie Duval and April Duval are fraternal twins, inherited the psychic abilities of their parents. Such abilities include levitation, telekenesis, and many more. Although some of these abilities can be mastered, it is still comparably inferior from heredity.

Valemar Salcedo, a 15-year old boy lives ina small village named Theophany. The three met because of their parents that share a buisness-related aquaintanceship. His father runs a branch of the Duval post. Because Valemar's father always travels to the central trading post where the Duval family resides, the family often offers him and his family aid, food, and loans. When the parents introduced their children to each other, it honestly took time to break the ice and later on they became friends.

Since Val is the oldest of the five, he is remarked as "the responsible one" of the group. Val always teaches them techniques and art forms he learned from his grandfather who is a hunter. He also takes incharge of most of the assignments the Chief of the AFA gives the army.

"No I don't think so." Prius answered.

"That's easy for you to say. Since you reside here and not in Paxiani." Valemar responded.

"I see."

"That's right I remember! Prius, you said that you want to learn another move?" Valemar asked. Prius then nodded in excitement.

"Good, have you brought your sword?"


"I think I forgot it. Hehe" Prius lightly laughed while scratching the back of his head.

Valemar then sighed and went with Prius to get his sword.

Then left the three; Aniello, April and Arjie.

"So, what do we do now?" Arjie spoke out.

"I'm not sure though..." April responded.

After a minute later, they noticed that a familiar figure came walking towards them.

"You're Prius' friends. Am I correct?"

"Yes, why do you ask?" Aniello responded.

"Commander Qadira wishes to speak with you."