
Vega Brothers And Their Mates

Marcus and his two brothers, Jackson and Lucien have been living a normal life for the past ten years since they lost their parent to an old enemy. They always made it a point to keep to themselves and stay within the boundaries and rules they have set for themselves as a three man pack, and that includes, not wanting mates or anything else that would call attention to their little secrets and put them in danger, especially with werewolves and other supernatural creatures returning to town. Everything was going just fine until an old friend of their came requesting for their help. Little did they know, it was the beginning of what would change their lives forever as well as everything they stood for, starting with Marcus the eldest of the three brothers who is soon to find out the biggest surprise of his life when he and his brothers went running to the secure without a second thought. This is going to be a three in one story, so brace yourselves and stay tune for the ride.

Agnes_Oti · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs


"It's okay. Everything will be fine. If you got this far then my guess is that, you walked each and every night? You must be tired if not Hungry?." Marcus had blurted out all at once.

He is not one to stammer in front of another. Especially not in front of a woman but Laura had him acting like a teenage boy in love for the first time in his twenty nine years of existence.

Maybe he is still a complete child after all.

Werewolves are always known to be confident and in touch with their emotion but all that confidence thingy seems to have dissolved into air the moment he met his mate Laura.

Laura couldn't help but snickered at Marcus nervousness and it was the best sound Marcus had heard in a long while if not his whole life.

"I can't exactly say am dying of hunger right now but I'm alright. I still have a bottle of water and a half eaten bar of chocolate in my bag if you want some" She offered and quickly began to reach for her bag to retrieve it but stopped half way by Marcus next word.

"oh no ..no..thanks, I'm Okay. You should eat it. You need it more than I do"

"Okay" She said with a smile and was left staring at the man whose presence has warmed her heart so much even though the environment itself was just as freezing.

"C'mon, let get you out of here before nightfall"

Marcus stood and stretched out his hand to her. She hesitated for a moment before placing her hand in his.

Laura hand in his almost sent his mind into a total overdrive with every hair on his body standing on edge at the contact. His heart skipped a beat not to mention his cock twitching in excitement in his pant just as hungrily.

Taking a deep steady breath to calm his raging thought before he does something crazy like kiss those cheery lips of her, he decided to change the topic yet again.

"I noticed that you trekked every night to be able to get this far, for what reason did you walk every night?"

"I saw a burning smoke up ahead and was convinced it was one of my student that got missing that was doing it to get help so I just followed it, thinking it might lead me to her but the closer I got the farther away it all seem to become" She paused and then shook her head slightly.

"Now that I think about it, it's truly silly of me because it's possible that I might have envisioned the whole damn thing in my head since I was desperate to get help."

Marcus couldn't help but stare back at the woman in front of him with a smile on his face. She was just perfect in every where even though she is looking a mess at the moment with her hair covered in snow and leaves

She ducked her head to the side slightly, her brow raised back at Marcus as he continued to stare at her. "You are staring, do I have something in my hair?"

Her forehead was twisted slightly as she kept trying to look up at herself and probably figure out what could be wrong as well.

Marcus took a step closer to her and pull the leaf from her hair and tucked some stray strand hairs behind her left ear. Bolt of electricity shot right through him the moment his fingers linger across her face a bit longer and even brushed almost slightly across her redden cheek as well.

A little gasp escaped her slightly parted lips at the unexpected sensation in return and she lifted her eyes upward to stare back at him with question written in them.

She looked so damn beautiful, even with messy hair and a bit of dirt all over her lower jaw. Her oval shape face fitted just perfectly into his large palm like it was made just for him and truly she was or they won't even be mates to begin with.

Laura was simply his.

The longer he kept staring at her, the more he realized the freckles at the bottom of her nose. Marcus let his thumb traveled across her cheek once more and settled at her heart-formed pink lips, causing it to tremble slightly before she quickly licked the dryness away and sucked her bottom lip into her mouth and began chewing on it.

Marcus could feel her heart rate picking up as much as his as they continued to stare at each other and getting drown in each other eyes as well.

Did he turn her on? He wondered.

He hasn't been around mated couples for such a long time that, he has forgotten what it looked like when wolves met their mates.

At that moment, Marcus couldn't help but wish he could read her thought. Only though would he know if she found him attractive as well.

But One thing was more than certain at that point, his own heart was more than racing and almost threatening to fall out of his chest without hesitation.

Marcus couldn't help but hold his breath as each in take of breath was also causing him to inhale her sweet scent, making him go insane with the need to take her right there and then.

His cock was so firm, and almost painful against the zipper of his pants.


Breathe, man.

In a situation were Laura was a wolf herself, it would have been easy to get her on all four in a matter of second and take her from behind and then go on dates later but she was human and he certainly can't force anything on her without her consent.


All the damn blood in his body seem to be heading south at his point and leaving his palm shaking against the side of Laura's face.

He quickly yanked his hand away, and took a step back while putting an abrupt stop to the ongoing reaction in his body. Had it been one minute? It appeared as though he'd been gazing intently at her for over an hour now and it's still not enough.

He wanted to stare at the woman standing before him some more but he also doesn't want her to think he was some sexual pervert trying to get her on.

"Um, i'm sorry"

Marcus quickly turned away in an attempt to conceal the huge bulge in his pant but his senses was still going wild with Laura's scent at every turn and corners around him.

It was safe to say, he couldn't breathe without breathing her in as well. It was currently impossible.

Her embodiment stood out like a medication in his mind. Her hormones were calling out to him like a song stucked on a fucking repeat in his mind, requesting for him to make a move but he knew he had to restraint himself against his primal need if he was to get her as his mate.

Patience man. A little patience.

She pulled at his arm slightly. "Hey, are you okay?"

He took a moment and counted from one to ten in his head before he turned toward her, and cleared his throat slightly.

"I'm fine. Just—" he paused for a second, while trying to arrange his words

"_i'm just trying to figure out the best way out of here. Assuming we head along these lines… " he said, gesturing south.

"… we ought to have the option to arrive at a normal clearing in a couple of hours before nightfall. It will not be easy but, however it's the best option we have got if we want to make it out of here soon"

"Okay then. We would do that"

"Are you carrying anything? Water maybe?" She asked expectedly and kept staring at him.

He gave a short chuckle and shifted from one foot to the next.

"I didn't think it will take so long to find you when I set out to look for you. I'm still shocked how you were able to wander this far"

Marcus wasn't shocked in any way, yet it seemed like the acceptable comment. He could very much picture that bastard Lin MacArthur chuckling to himself while he misled her this far into the woods.

Marcus reached into his pocket and took out his phone. "But I do have something useful though." He told her with a wide grin at her.

"Even great"

"I'll call Edwin and everyone else and let them know you're alright." He quickly dialed a number and someone picked up on the very first ring.

"Edwin? You there?"

"Marc? Give me something good."

"Found her. Not even a single scratch. We're about to head southwest now toward the meeting point."

"I'll meet you there."

"Great." Marcus ended the call and stuffed it back into his pocket and looked at the sky. It was still midmorning. The sky was yet to turn cloudy. The snow might increase soon. The last thing they needed is to get caught in it.

Marcus quickly reached out to his brothers through their mind link so they could quit looking.

"Jack? Luc? I already found her. Completely secure. You can return back to the house. I'll be here soon"

"Got it. Great work," Jackson replied

"OK, got it," Marcus said.

"Meet you back at the truck in a couple, Luc."

Marcus turned around to Laura once he was done. She was busy tying her hair up in a lose ponytail. With her face facing downward, she was unable to see him gazing, completely hypnotized by her movement once again

Her stomach pulled in, her chest completely pushed out. The upper button of her coat was hanging loosely and exposing a flawless skin underneath. Her almost erect nipple was pressed firmly against the soft fabric of her clothes as she continued to struggle with the band to hold her hair together.

Marcus quickly looked away after a while before she found him staring and think him to be a pervert and gulped nervously.

"You ready to begin strolling?"


She quickly bend over, grabbed her bag pack from the floor and began strolling with Marcus hot on her trail.