
Her Royal Sacrifice

It was a tranquil night in a forest that solely inhabited frogs, toads, and crickets harmoniously producing their distinct sounds. A thick fog obscured almost all physical details of the surroundings, making it virtually impossible to see clearly. The peaceful silence was abruptly shattered as the fog was pierced by a swiftly moving object. Its speed exceeded normal limits, making it challenging to discern its image. However, we caught a glimpse of this rapid individual as she abruptly came to a halt. And indeed, it was a lady. She appeared young, possibly in her twenties, and possessed a slim figure. Her facial features consisted of grey curly hair, small eyes, a pointed nose, pink lips, and an innocent expression. Clad in a hoody to combat the chilly weather and dense fog, she seemed serious and worried as she scanned the area, actively searching for something.

Suddenly, her gaze fixated on the sky, observing the clear emergence of the bright full moon from behind the clouds. Subsequently, she closed her eyes, as if attempting to recall something from memory. After a brief moment, she opened her eyes and sprinted off into an unknown direction enveloped by an even denser fog.

This young lady's name was Ella Onik, and she belonged to an extraordinary family known as the Oniks—one of the royal Vam clans. Her family held a powerful status and possessed distinct characteristics within the Vam breed. Ella's father, Zonik, had conceived a plan to unite the individualistic Vam groups, who were currently at a disadvantage in their ongoing war against the united wolf forces. Despite opposition from the leaders of the Vam states, Zonik's idea garthered support from the common Vam populace. Some Vam s chose to join his cause, against the wishes of their respective leaders. Unfortunately, this decision led to trouble when the wolves discovered their secret alliance. Within a month, an entire army of wolves were dispatched to dismantle Zonik's recruitment efforts. His friends, the Vamsages refused to assist him, leaving him with only one option—to face the wolf army alone. Ella and her brother, Badu, could not accept this fate. They devised a plan to fight against the wolves, which ultimately prompted Ella's presence in the forest.

Initially, she was meant to follow her brother on his obvious suicide mission, but he betrayed her, knocking her unconscious and restraining her before instructing the other Vams to send her away. Upon regaining consciousness, Ella felt a surge of anger towards her brother and swiftly freed herself from her constraints, eluded the Vams and went looking for Badu who would obviously die if he took on the army of wolves by himself. Determined to locate Badu and confront him, she raced through the forest until she arrived in a valley. There she discovered Badu amidst a pool of blood, who pleaded with her to flee as the wolves were approaching. Knowing that it was impossible to defeat wolves on a full moon, Ella devised an alternative plan. However, before she could act,howls pierced the silent night and wolf eyes glimmered menacingly from within the fog.

In the foggy valley, the mist clung to the ground, shrouding the surroundings in an eerie, ethereal haze. The trees loomed like silent sentinels, their gnarled branches reaching out like bony fingers into the opaque veil that enveloped the landscape. As the fog swirled and eddied, it seemed to whisper secrets of the ancient woods, adding an air of mystery and foreboding to the scene.

Slowly, the wolves emerged from the mist, their forms materializing like specters from the ethereal shroud. Their eyes, aglow with an unnatural gleam, fixated on Ella and Badu, encircling them with a predatory grace. The air grew thick with tension as the wolves closed in, their sinewy bodies moving with a silent, lethal purpose, each step tightening the noose around the siblings.

Ella, her heart pounding in her chest, felt a surge of protective instinct for her wounded brother. Badu, his breaths shallow and ragged, gazed at Ella with a mixture of pain and resignation, his eyes reflecting the torment of his predicament. The bond between them, forged through a lifetime of shared experiences, now stood as a bulwark against the encroaching threat, a fragile barrier against the relentless advance of the pack.

As the wolves encircled them, a palpable sense of desperation and defiance filled the air. Despite the overwhelming odds, Ella and Badu stood side by side, their unspoken resolve echoing amidst the encroaching darkness. The looming figures of the wolves, their feral eyes glinting with anger.It seemed Badu had really pissed them off.

With every step they took, Ella prepared herself to act on her new plan.

Quick on her feet, she spun around and shouted, "We have something to offer!" What transpired next occurred too swiftly for her mind to process. A wolf lunged towards her, but was intercepted by a man. He appeared human, but his eyes indicated his true wolf nature. Recognizing him as the pack leader, Ella decided to propose her deal. The man, characterized by his blond hair, striking handsomeness reminiscent of a young Chris Hemsworth, and an air of masculinity, stood before her. She urged him to take her and spare her brother. The man, who had remained silent until now, stared at her with ice-cold eyes capable of chilling one's very soul.He spoke, "I will give you the chance to flee before they chase after you." Boldly, she retorted, seemingly unfazed by his words, "I am going nowhere, and it is in your best interest to take me." Amused, he looked at her and inquired, "And why would I do that?" .She laughed, then confidently declared, "Because my people will not go down without a fight." He scoffed and replied, "I am prepared for any battle." She spoke once more, "It would be a shame to waste your men." Without warning, he circled her slowly and asked, "If your people are truly as strong as you claim, then why are you choosing to do this? Why are you willingly becoming their sacrificial royal".
