

DaoisteG5Sib · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs



He walked out of his room some minutes after the omega girl left and walked to the dinning area, his mother was already seated, sipping a cup of tea. He walked to where she sat, took her hand and kissed the back of her palm.

"Good morning mother." He greeted.

She raised her hands and cupped his face with her palm bringing him closer to herself, she kissed his forehead.

"Good morning son." She greeted him back.

When she released him, he drew the nearest chair to him and sat down. Breakfast was garnished animal flesh as usual and a cup of tea.

"How was the hunt mother?" He asked.

Using the cutlery, he sliced a piece of animal flesh and ate it.

"It was nice honey. It was so refreshing, I wish you had come." Her tone was that of excitement.

He understood her. The hunt was usually a thing all the werewolves look forward to, he would not deny that it was indeed a refreshing experience.

"Have you seen Doreen lately?" His mother asked.

He swallowed the piece of meat he was chewing.

"Mother I've told you, I'm not interested in that girl." He replied her.

"Oh then certainly, you must have a thing for Erin." His mother responded.

"Erin is my best friend mother. I don't have a thing for her." He replied.

He felt like leaving the table and going back to the confines of his room. He hated it when his mother spoke about his love life. His mother had since been concerned about his love life and he understood her, what he did not understand was why she was trying to force girls on him. Doreen was a Beta, both of her parents were Betas and his mother had managed to convince the family that he was the right man for Doreen. But he wasn't, he did not even like the girl and besides, he was not interested in taking concubines. He was waiting and will continue to wait for that mate of his.

Erin was his best friend. She was the Alpha heiress and a jolly fellow. His mother was among the cabinet of elders and each time she went to the Alpha's house, she was sure to take him with her so it was not difficult making friends with Erin. Erin was beautiful, her bleached blonde hair shone brightly and her blue eyes were a rare gem, her pink beautiful lips were always moisturized. But he was not attracted to her and though he knew she was attracted to him, he did not feel the same way. Besides, they had decided never to take their friendship outside normality. Erin was single too, she was yet to find her mate.

His mother did not push further. They ate in silence and when they were done, an omega girl came and cleared the table. When the table was clear, he rose to go back to his room. He stood up and walked over to his mother, kissed the back of her palm and she kissed his forehead too. He started walking away when she called out to him.

"Do you think you can escort me to the Alpha's house later? I need to discuss important issues with him." She said.

"Alright mother, send for me when you are ready. I'll use the opportunity to see Erin too, it's been a while." Hr replied.

"And you say you're not interested in her?" His mother said and giggled girlishly.

He rolled his eyes. "Oh please."

Then he walked away and back to his room. He laid on his bed the moment he got into his room and slept off. His room was his comfort zone and he loved it there.

The knocks on the door woke him up and with a sleepy and tired voice, he told the person knocking to come inside. The door opened up and his old nanny, Jessica walked in. He called her old not because she looked old, infact, she looked very young and agile, so full of power and beauty. He called her old because she was near the age werewolves reach when they die naturally, it was two hundred years and the woman was a hundred and ninety six years.

His nanny walked in with a broad smile on her face, her red painted lips arced perfectly and she stood by the door.

"Your mother says she's ready." Jessica said sweetly.

"Thank you nanny." He replied.

She turned around and left the room. He grudgingly left the bed and walked out of his room too. His mother was waiting for him at the entrance door of the house and when he got to where she was, they twinned their arms together and started walking to the Alpha's house.

It was not such a long walk to the Alpha's house and because they were talking to each other about random things, it did not take them long to reach the Alpha's house. The Alpha's house was a large house and the biggest house in the pack. It was so big that Ken always wondered how many rooms were in there but he never got to know. The house was not just big, it was beautiful.

When they got into the house, they were ushered in by an omega and taken to the waiting room. The waiting room was a large room filled with chairs. The Alpha was a busy man and needed a waiting room for all his guests and even at the time Ken had arrived with his mother, they were told the Alpha was busy. So, they sat and waited for the Alpha.

They sat for a short while before Erin arrived in the waiting room. Apparently, the arrival of Ken and his mother had gotten to her and she came to say hello to the woman and take her best friend away from her. She was wearing a peach colored dress and a black capelet with gold threaded edges. Her blonde hair was tied in a ponytail and her lips were painted red. A wore a smile when she came into the room and walked to Ken's mother.

"Good day elder Zoe." She greeted politely while she bowed slightly.

"Good day child." Ken's mother answered.

Erin's attention shifted from Ken's mother to Ken. They smiled at each other before her attention went back to Ken's mother.

"If you wouldn't mind elder Zoe, I'd love to steal your son away from you." She asked politely.

"Oh sure child, take him away." Zoe replied and the two women laughed.

Erin glanced at Ken and led the way, Ken followed behind immediately.


I was excited when my head omega girl, you can also call her my head maid. I was excited when she told me that Ken was in the house with his mother and they were in the waiting room.

I was in my room when I got the information and immediately threw on a capelet and ran out of the room to the waiting room. When I got to the waiting room, indeed Ken was there and with his mother too. I wore my brightest smile and walked into the waiting room and went straight to his mother. We exchanged pleasantries and I jokingly asked if I could steal her son and when she agreed, I glanced at Ken, a knowing glance and when I left the room, he was right behind me.

It did not take too long before ken was able to catch up with me and soon, we were walking side by side. We walked silently through the walkways for awhile before he finally spoke up.

"It's been awhile since we last saw each other."

"Ah, yes. I have been busy with my girls for awhile now." I lied.

I wasn't busy with any girls, I was trying to avoid him. Ken was my best friend and he knew how crazy I was about him, I wouldn't mind being a concubine for him and he also made it clear that he was not interested in qq me. I was not angry about Ken's rejection of my love, I was grateful that he was bring honest. But I can not possibly hide my feelings for Ken around him, can i? No. So I chose to avoid him instead and my plan was working well.

"I understand. So, where are we going to?" He asked.

"To the balcony." I replied.

And to the balcony we went. The balcony was a beautiful place for me and i also found it very peaceful, standing on the balcony, the view of the pack was always magnificent. So I and Ken went to the balcony and we stood side by side. Ken was leaning on the design and his eyes were glued to the view of the pack, it was indeed beautiful. We stood there silently for some time before i broke the silence.

"How is your mother holding up with your singleness?" I asked nervously.

Ken glanced at me for some seconds and his eyes went back to the view of the pack.

"Still holding up." He laughed. "Can you imagine that she suggested you to me?" He laughed again.

I wanted to say 'she's right.' but nothing came out of my mouth. I didn't want to turn the conversation awkward. We stood silently for a long time before an omega girl joined us, her head bowed in respect.

"Dear Sir, you're mother demands your presence." She said and hurriedly left.