
Vampire Lord:The Blood Devil

This is a story about a high-school student laid who was on constant bullying because of being fat and a shut-in who died because he was hit on his head,god took pity on him and was given an opportunity to reincarnated with two wishes and a random world to live. join laim on a journey to suvive another world full with all type of race like angels,demons,elvs,....etc... OR That How is SUPPOSED TO BE until you meet a slothful/laziest of all Gods which all he do is sleep

Uchiha_shisui · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Chapter 4: Laziest reincarnation



This is my first novel, please when you see mistakes/typing errors or incomplete/incorrect spellings pls comment. thanks you for you support and time😇🙏


2nd Person's Pov~

In an endless darkness space, one can see a ball of light blue moving constantly in every direction.

it's moving as if it's doesn't have any intelect or consciousness. if any higher being/god can see this they will be very surprised because no living/matter can stay in the void for even an hour without being destroyed even higher being do not stay longer in the void because it's dangerous for them to stay in it.

but here one can see a soul moving for years without it direction or destiny and all of the sudden their was a space rift whitely shining like a star,the soul start moving toward it.

God's pov~

I was bored because of working so he decided to visit the mortal realm for some fun.

he landed in the Tokyo city to get some Manga or something....








as he finished all he want in mortal realm he went back to the higher realm to take some nap (a/n:imagine a lazy type of god😔 )

<hmmmmm I started to become sleepy 🥱 let take a nap for a while urmmmm💤>

what he doesn't know the moment he neglected his duty a miserable soul suffered for it.


Mc pov~

I was walking toward my house angry for the world treat me unfair,since my parent died in a car accident my life become hell, because of this I became a shot-in all I did is reading Manga or novel I started becoming fat because of eating fast food, he became fat that anyone who so him either laughed or felt disgusted, that why he rarely walk outside.

he only walks outside sometimes to school or his parents grave. he only went to school because he promised his parents to study until he finished college. he rarely went to school because of constant bullying from his classmates or seniors and the teachers turn a blind eye even if he reports they will say it's his fault or blame it on him because he is on the school on a scholarship and the students that bullies him Are of higher status than him.

as he was walking towards home he was hit by something heavy and his vision started to become blurry. < arrgghh why the f@###@$ is this world so unfair> he cursed as he is feeling intense pain as his consciousness drifted and past out.

from the perspective of the passer-by the just saw a fat tenneger hit by a big bottle cover from who knows where fell on him and that accident becomes one of the mystery of the world for the next few years until it was forgotten afterward.





God's pov~

as I was taking A nap I sense a soul drifting in the void and checked the problem and find out it was my fault that I accidentally dropped my bottle cover on him.

<what to do it was my faultthat caused his abnormality so let's just reincarnate him in some other world or something..>(a/n:we are clearly seeing him pushing his responsibilities to someone else🤨



2nd Person's pov~

as the soul entered the rift it started to regain all its intelligence and memories and saw a lazy middle age man sitting on a chair with a sleepy face and said

<well then you are given to type of wise and maybe some random world for you to reincarnated into>


<sigh well let me rephrase my self, so you died in some accident which was accidentally caused by me so I decided to grant you two wishes and a random world to reincarnate.> the man said while yawning

<so you mean that you kill me by accident and decided to reincarnate me to another world just because you are lazy>

<yeah thats the guist of it.. yawnn please hurry up and choose your wish am feeling sleepy>


<ahmm and please don't choose some overpowering wish like becoming a god or reality manipulation or something like that>


<all right then my first wish is to reincarnate in anime world with a system and my send wish is to have all affinity and unlimited mana/magic>

<well sorry to burst your bubble kid but I don't have that type of power as I said i will only reincarnate you in some random world and as for system I could only give you something I have, ohhh this will do as for affinity it depends on the world you would reincarnate into well then bye> the man said as he click his fingers.


Laims pov~

what the fu#$%# Is wrong with this guy he just kill someone and said he is going to compensate him with a wish he stated himself

<wait allow me to change my wish then don't just select it on your own> I said desperately and it was to late he already to late.

<hey wait don't just send me to another place randomly with out knowing where I am b..hey wait why are you clicking your fingers what the fu$#$$###$###$$#%$$##%$#%#$@#$@$@##%##$#$##%$ fu$#@$$#$# take me to heaven or something I don'twantto reincarnate fuc$#%$$%###$ damittttttttttttt$$##@#%##@>he said and vanish from the white space.

<kids this days they have no respect for elders well yawnn let continue my nap and let the problem to the future me.> said the man as he continued sleeping 💤

what he doesn't know is that at this moment he created a being that will give countless gods headaches. but even if he knew he will just shrugged it up and continue sleeping because he is the laziest god in all gods😪😪😴💤.

I only made it for you to Enjoy so Enjoy (0*0)

Uchiha_shisuicreators' thoughts