
Vampire CEO's Only Obsession

[Mature Content] As the woman with flowing brown hair stood in the middle of the road, her eyes fixed on the approaching car, a sense of desperation and fear washed over her. She knew she couldn't continue living a life filled with suffering and pain. In that fleeting moment, escaping this brutal world through death seemed like the only way to find peace. But just as the car drew nearer, something or someone swooped in like a bolt of lightning and swept her away from harm's way with incredible speed. The next thing she knew, she found herself safely on the sidewalk, unharmed but with tears streaming down her face. Collapsing to the ground, Andrea cried out in frustration, her voice reaching the heavens. "Why does the world inflict so much suffering upon me? Why won't it let me find peace in death?" Her words were drowned out by the raindrops falling from the sky, as if nature itself was mocking her pain. But then, a cold and stern voice broke through the chaos. It was Logan, standing above her, looking down with a mix of concern and authority. "Because that life isn't yours to take," Logan said firmly. "As long as my heir resides within you, your life is no longer solely your own. It belongs to our child and to all the vampires who answer to me, Andrea." He continued, "I have the ultimate say in whether you live or die because, through our connection, every breath you take belongs to me." Bewildered by the sudden revelation, Andrea couldn't comprehend how one fateful night had turned her life upside down. Now, she was bound to a man whose haunted past clung to his heart, and yet, he yearned for her with an intensity she couldn't ignore. Not only did she carry his child, but her very existence provided the sustenance that quelled his vampire thirst. It was a situation beyond ordinary comprehension. Now, Andrea faced the daunting challenge of navigating a world where she became the target of countless predators, all while carrying a sacred child who had the power to either save or destroy the vampire realm. But as the Vampire CEO's Only Obsession, she knew his protective embrace would always be there to shield her from harm.

Sharon_Rose18 · สมัยใหม่
49 Chs

All Step Mother's Are Evil

Under the blanket of the starlit sky, a sleek black car gracefully cut through the silence, its headlights illuminating the winding road ahead. The night lent an air of mystery, enhancing the aura of the journey. As the car made its way towards a colossal hill, its powerful engine hummed with determination.

The glossy black exterior of the car gleamed in the moonlight, reflecting the twinkling stars above. Its windows tinted, adding an air of secrecy as it continued its ascent up the dimly lit road towards the grand destination that awaited.

Upon reaching the summit of the hill, the car came to a gentle halt in front of a majestic mansion. Its sweeping driveway, flanked by towering trees, was partially illuminated by soft, warm lights that cast a mesmerizing ambiance. The mansion stood proudly, its silhouette cutting a striking figure against the dark sky.


As the car came to a stop in front of the grand mansion, the passenger door creaked open, revealing Andrea. Her heart fluttered nervously as she looked out at the imposing house.

She was at the Thorn's Manson and it was just as beautiful as she had expected.

Andrea's delicate features were accentuated by the soft glow of the nearby lights, and her eyes shimmered with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

Logan then stood behind her as he said, "Go in!"

"Huh? I should go in? What about you?" She asked a little taken aback.

There was no way she was going into his home without him at least accompanying her to the front door.

"Don't be scared, it's my house.. only my daughter and I live here so you won't run into any of my family member yet!"

"B-but still-"

"I have important work, I missed a meeting just to see you and your mother so I must leave now, I'll return at morning, go in.. someone is already expecting you!"

And with that Logan turned around and left with Greg as they drove off leaving Andrea alone at the front door.

Taking a deep breath she then opened the huge door of the villa and it revealed to her a beautiful house.

It was brown in color as the lights and chandelier gave it a beautiful warm glow. It had a huge stairs far ahead which linked to literally all part and rooms of the house.

And at her right she saw a huge living room witch so much space and at the left a nice dinning table and a door which seemed to lead to the kitchen.

As shs walked further inside she was in awe after all this was her first time seeing such a luxurious mansion.

Even the Quinn's mansion wasn't as lavish as this, was this really how the houses of vampires are? She always though that it would be a scary mansion of some sort with bats and webs around. Sigh! Shs let her imagination get to her.

"Excuse me, who might you be?" She heard a soft voice from behind her and upon turning Ari she saw a middle aged woman dressed in a butler outfit. She must be the head keeper of this mansion.

Bowing slightly, Andrea responded, "Hello, my name is Andrea.. I am L-og- I mean Mr. Thorns New wife!"

"Ah!" Amelia exclaimed, "W-welcome Young Madam, I was informed of your arrival late so I couldn't create a nice welcome feast for you! My name is Amelia by the way, you can call me Aunt Amelia!"

Smiling, Andrea nodded, "It's okay Aunt Amelia, I already ate so it's good you didn't prepare a feast, By the way.. where is the girls?"

Andrea asked looked Around but didn't see any children around. She remembers Logan saying he had daughters but where are they?

Just then, a girl with black hair walked towards them as she looked at Andrea and then at Aunt Amelia, "Aunt, I'll get going now!"

Jeon said as she then looked at the beautiful woman standing beside Amelia, "Hello, I'm jeon.. the girl's nanny!"

She introduced herself as Andrea nodded, "What Abou the girls, are they awake?"

Andrea asked as Jeon shaked her head, "No.. they are asleep now so I should get going, goodnight!"

Saying that Jeon left as Andrea's eyes didn't leave hers until she was out of the house.

"Young Madame, I'll send a maid to show you to your room which is the young master's bedroom, I'll send you some clothes later!"

Nodding, Andrea then made her way upstairs as a maid guided her to Logan's bedroom.

Meanwhile, two pairs of eyeys didn't leave her until she was out of sight. Dragging Bella back into their bedroom was Belle who had an Upset expression on.

"Shouldn't we go say hi to our new mommy?" Bella asked as she held her bat doll tightly but Belle shaked her head.

"Why should we say hi to her, does she look like our mommy?"

"No," Bella shaked her head, "But now papa is married to her right? So she's our step mommy!"

"Exactly! 'Step mommy' and so we shouldn't be nice to her because she's evil!"

"Evil? She doesn't look evil, she's really Pretty!" Bella smiled as she spoke.

Tapping her sister slightly on the forehead Belle exclaimed, "Argh! Why are you so niave, she may look nice but she's evil. All step mother's are evil and soon she would try to snatch Dad away from us and make us her slave.. just like in Cinderella!"

"But how do you know that?"

"It's just c'mon sense and anyway, Jeon said so and Jeon is never wrong.. we can't let her take our papa away, we must find a way to get her out of our house and bring our real mommy home!"