"Blood is the life force, without it we do not exist." said the woman with ruby lipstick. The room was filled with thick smoke that dulled out the glow of the oil lamps and candle chandler above. Gentleman dressed in fine suits and large top hats enjoyed their cigars while intently focused on the woman. She was a sight to behold. Her hair was black as night, her skin pale as marble. She wore a red silk gown that clung to every curve of her perfect body. She spoke with a very distinctive and commanding Doverian accent that could woo any southern gentleman. And it did.

"I assure you gentleman we will have blood. It is time for our kind to come out of the shadows and demand our place in this word." the woman said bringing the crystal wine glass to her lips. The thick red liquid inside gone with the tilt of her head.

"Let's begin."
