
Chapter 401: what is that? !

Outside of Earth, a figure suddenly appeared in the vacuum.

It was Fang Yan.

With a single thought, he traversed a distance of 670,000 light-years and materialized beyond Earth!

And due to his detachment from any cosmic law, even the most advanced terrestrial instruments couldn't detect any signs of life or existence from Fang Yan!

"I can hear everyone's hearts!"

Fang Yan closed his eyes. The voices of billions of people on Earth resonated in his mind simultaneously, yet he felt no discomfort. Instead, like a supercomputer, he effortlessly identified each voice. Whether it was the new minister of the Shenglan region or the chief of other territories... Not only that, he discerned their inner thoughts, the conspiracies and schemes they contemplated – everything lay bare before Fang Yan's perception, nothing concealed!

This indescribable sensation brought Fang Yan immense joy.

"War remnants are strewn everywhere; it's time for a cleanup."

Fang Yan scanned the cosmic debris left behind from the clash between the star-level Iron Man and Kaia's army.

With a sweeping motion, all the wreckage of the battleships vanished instantaneously!

"Huh? Why have all the alien warship wreckage disappeared?!"

A cosmic observer from the Earth Federation was the first to notice this anomaly.

"That's right! The coordinates of all the war wreckage here have vanished!"

exclaimed the cosmic observer on the other end.

"Vanished? What's happening?!"

"Could it be another civilization?"

"Impossible! If these aliens possessed such advanced technology, they would have conquered Earth long ago!"

"How was this achieved?"


The observatory buzzed with discussion, and a flurry of commotion filled the air.

Swiftly, this development reached the upper echelons of the Earth Federation.

All the leaders convened, anxiously awaiting Fang Yan's return from the final battle against the Elkanza Empire.

However, since Fang Yan had ascended to godhood, he had sealed the void created by the universe's Rubik's Cube with a mere thought, rendering it invisible even from a distance. Thus, they could only speculate fervently in their hearts.

As news of the sudden disappearance of all alien warship wreckage reached their ears, the entire conference room fell into a hushed silence!

"Any leads? Could the aliens be responsible?"

Lin Miaozhi broke the silence with his first utterance.

"No, no trace of any life forms approaching was detected, and the battleship wreckage vanished instantly!"

On the wall's large screen, the chief observer at the forefront wore a solemn expression.

At these words, the countenances of all the core executives of the Earth Federation turned pallid.

After a period of advancement, with Fang Yan's assistance, the Earth Federation's technology had reached a remarkable pinnacle... Even Neptune, on the solar system's outermost edge, would promptly detect any intruding life forms. Not even Fang Yan himself could enter the solar system covertly without secret authorization!

Yet now, all battleship wreckage had vanished without warning, right before their eyes... Could another civilization, superior to the Elkanza Empire, have silently infiltrated the solar system and drawn near Earth?

"Could it be the lord's doing?"

"Does he possess a secret mandate? A simple 'yes' or 'no' will suffice."

Lin Miaozhi's tone grew graver.


The Chief Observer replied resolutely.

"Another major quandary!"

Lucans, head of the Eagleland region, spoke solemnly, "The conflict with the Elkanza Empire is yet unresolved, and a new enigma emerges... This bodes ill."

Though the chiefs of other regions remained silent, their solemn expressions clearly mirrored Lucans' sentiment.

"Who said this isn't an auspicious sign?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice echoed within everyone's minds.

Several high-ranking officials started, reflexively rising to their feet and scanning their surroundings.

However, they soon recognized the source of the voice.

"Lord Lord?!"

"Is that you, Lord Lord? Are you addressing us?!"

"Why can I hear the Lord's voice?!"

Perplexity colored their voices.

"I'm not solely addressing you; I'm standing before you."

Fang Yan's voice resonated once more.

"Standing before us?"

Their gazes flitted about, yet no figure appeared.

They scrutinized every direction, yet found nothing.

"Oh, I almost forgot; we're not in the same dimension presently. I can see you, but you can't perceive me."

Fang Yan chuckled, and then the round conference table, at which they'd been seated, dissipated. In its stead materialized a figure gradually emerging as if from a scan.

"Lord Lord!"

Everyone offered a respectful salute.

Simultaneously, they regarded Fang Yan, an irrepressible awe shimmering in their eyes' depths.

Evidently, Fang Yan had harnessed a super technology that eluded their grasp. Mere moments prior, he had been embroiled in a battle with the Alcanza Empire, yet he now stood before them in the top-secret conference room. Moreover, they couldn't fathom the manner in which the circular space table, tethered to the floor, had vanished into thin air, then reappeared before them... The entire sequence sent a slight shiver down the spines of Earth Federation's top brass.

"Fang Yan, how fares the war against the Elkanza Empire?"

Lin Miaozhi inquired swiftly.

"It has been resolved flawlessly."

Fang Yan reclined midair; an invisible chaise lounge seemed to cradle him.

He conjured a cold beverage from thin air, bit the straw, and sipped leisurely.

"Resolved flawlessly?"

The Earth Federation's top officials exchanged glances, puzzlement evident in their eyes.

"See for yourselves."


Fang Yan snapped his fingers, and an instantaneous kaleidoscope of colors overwhelmed them!

Moments later, they were aghast to find themselves no longer within the top-secret conference room. Instead, they stood suspended within a void, a realm of nothingness.

"So, what is that?"

A chief pointed in the distance, voice trembling.

All eyes followed the indicated direction, beholding the Alcanza Empire transformed into a two-dimensional tableau—a majestic grand painting!
