
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · สมัยใหม่
92 Chs

Chapter 70: Lakan Talas III

As Lakan stood on the shore, gazing at the moonlit sea, a chilling presence washed over him. The moonlight cast a silvery glow on the tranquil waters, which soon turned turbulent as a tall, imposing figure with a human-like appearance emerged from the depths. Cloaked in darkness, an aura of malevolent energy surrounded it.

"Lakan Talas," the figure's voice rumbled, echoing through the night like thunder. "Your time as protector ends now."

Lakan's heart pounded, but he stood his ground, the two swords in his hands glinting under the moonlight. "Who are you? What do you want?" he asked, his voice unwavering despite the fear gnawing at his core.

The dark figure stepped closer, its eyes glowing with malevolent intent, casting an eerie light on the shoreline. "You don't have to know. All you have to know is that I will destroy everything you build, and I will take those swords you wield.'

The battle that ensued was fierce and cataclysmic. Lakan fought with all his might, his swords—the light sword and the dark sword—blazing with light and shadow. But the dark figure's strength was overwhelming, its dark energy corrupting the very air around them, suffocating and relentless.

"You are strong, Lakan," the figure taunted, its voice dripping with malice. "But you cannot defeat me."

Lakan gritted his teeth, refusing to give in to despair. "I will fight to my last breath," he vowed, his grip tightening on the two swords.

With a final, desperate surge of energy, Lakan launched a powerful attack, the combined might of the two swords striking the figure's core. For a moment, it seemed as though he might prevail, but the figure retaliated with a devastating blow that sent Lakan crashing to the ground.

As he lay there, struggling to rise, the dark figure stood over him, triumphant. "Your strength is impressive, but ultimately futile," it sneered.

Then the dark figure turned its gaze toward the village, a cruel smile playing on its lips. "Now, watch as I destroy everything you hold dear," it said, raising its hand.

Dark energy shot from the figure's hand, striking the village. Houses burst into flames, and terrified screams filled the air. The villagers tried to flee, but the dark figure's power was relentless.

"Stop! Leave them alone!" Lakan cried, his voice hoarse with desperation. But his pleas went unheard.

The figure's laughter echoed through the night as it unleashed destruction upon the village. "You are powerless, Lakan. Watch as your people perish."

One by one, the villagers fell. Lakan's heart shattered as he saw friends and family slaughtered before his eyes. "No, please, no," he whispered, his voice breaking with despair.

As the last of the villagers fell, the dark figure approached Lakan, who lay on the ground, numb with despair. "You have lost everything, Lakan," it said, its voice cold and triumphant. "Now, you will die."

Just as the figure prepared to deliver the final blow, a brilliant light enveloped Lakan. A powerful being descended from the sky, its presence radiating pure energy.

"Enough," the powerful being commanded, its voice resonating with authority.

The dark figure hesitated, then sneered. "You cannot save him," it taunted.

The powerful being raised its hand, and the dark figure was blasted away from Lakan, sent hurtling through the air. "You will not harm him," it declared.

Lakan, his body covered in wounds, looked up weakly. "Who are you?" he managed to ask.

The powerful being kneeled beside him. "I am the spirit of these lands," it said. "Your spirit is strong, Lakan, and your legacy must endure," it said softly. "I will preserve your spirit and bind it to the statue, along with the treasures, to safeguard your legacy."

Then a powerful being began to chant an ancient incantation, its voice resonating with a mystical energy. A circle of light formed around Lakan's body, enveloping him in a warm, radiant glow. The two swords hovered above him, their auras intertwining in a dance of light and shadow.

Lakan's spirit rose from his body, glowing with a soft, ethereal light. He looked at the powerful being with a mix of gratitude and curiosity. "What is happening?" Lakan asked, his voice a gentle echo.

"I am binding your spirit to the statue," the powerful being explained. "You will watch over this land and guide those who come after you. The treasures will be stored within a chamber in the statue, awaiting the one worthy to wield the Twin Swords."

As the incantation continued, the light around Lakan intensified. His spirit began to merge with the statue, the marble glowing with a brilliant light. The powerful being's voice grew louder, the words of the incantation echoing through the night.

"By the light of Lumina and the shadows of Tenebra, I bind you, Lakan Talas, to this statue. May your spirit protect and guide, your legacy endure, and your strength inspire those who follow."

The light around Lakan's spirit pulsed one final time before merging completely with the statue. The marble figure of Lakan now glowed with an inner light, a testament to his eternal presence and guardianship.

With the binding complete, the powerful being turned its attention to the treasures. It raised its hands, and the earth beneath the statue began to tremble. Slowly, a hidden chamber formed within the statue, a secure and sacred space to store the treasures that honored Lakan's legacy.

The treasures, which had been presented by the neighboring islands, began to float toward the statue, guided by the powerful being's magic. Golden artifacts, jeweled crowns, intricate chalices, and chests filled with rare gems all found their place within the chamber.

Shelves formed along the walls of the chamber, filled with ancient scrolls and tomes that held the knowledge and wisdom of ages past. Mystical relics, amulets, and enchanted rings pulsed with hidden power, their auras visible in the dim light.

The powerful being spoke once more, its voice gentle and reverent. "These treasures, a testament to Lakan's legacy, shall remain protected within this chamber. Only the worthy shall access them, those who prove themselves through the trials."

With a final gesture, the powerful being sealed the chamber, and the treasures are now safely stored within the statue.

The powerful being looked at the statue, its expression softening. "Lakan," it said, "though the chamber is sealed, your spirit will be able to enter and exit freely. You will be the guardian of these treasures until the worthy one comes."

Lakan's spirit, now part of the statue, felt a profound connection to the chamber and its contents. He nodded in understanding. "I will protect these treasures and guide the one who proves worthy."

The powerful being then took the two swords, Lumina and Tenebra, and held them up. "Lakan, there is something you must know. These swords were created by me."

Lakan's spirit showed a mixture of surprise and awe. "You... you created them?"

The powerful being nodded. "Yes, Lumina and Tenebra, the Twin Swords of Eternity, were forged to balance light and darkness. They are powerful artifacts, and only those with a pure heart and strong spirit can wield them."

The being continued, "Lumina, the Sword of Dawn, embodies the essence of light and purity. It brings hope and drives away darkness. Tenebra, the Sword of Dusk, holds the power of shadows and resilience. It provides strength in the face of adversity."

Lakan listened, absorbing the significance of the swords. "I had no idea they were of such origin. It is an honor to have wielded them."

The powerful being smiled. "You have wielded them with honor and bravery, Lakan. Now, they will await the next worthy soul." With that, the powerful being placed the two swords on the pedestal in the center of the chamber. The swords glowed softly, their auras intertwining, symbolizing the eternal balance they represented.

Then the powerful being told Lakan, "The statue won't be easily found; only the people with strong spirits could find it, and whoever finds it must be strong and in their prime. Then they must pass three tests: the Test of Intentions, the Test of Worthiness, and the Test of Spirit. Only by succeeding in these trials will they be able to claim the treasures and the Twin Swords of Eternity."

Lakan's spirit absorbed the weight of these words. "I understand," he said. "I will ensure that only the truly worthy can claim the legacy."

"You have done well, Lakan. Rest now, and may your spirit find peace," the powerful being said, stepping back and returning to the outside world.

The powerful being looked at the dark horizon, where the figure had vanished. "Your threat will not go unanswered. I will return if you ever rise again," it said, its voice echoing through the night. With a heavy sigh, the powerful being glanced at the village. "So much loss," it murmured, sorrow evident in its voice. With a wave of its hand, the bodies of the villagers vanished, leaving the village empty and silent.

With that, the powerful being disappeared, leaving the statue and the treasures to await the arrival of the one who would prove worthy. The village, once filled with life and laughter, was now a silent testament to Lakan's bravery and sacrifice, waiting for the day when a new hero would rise to continue the legacy.