
Chapter 1-Chasing the weapon theives

The sound of gunshots and screams were heard out of nowhere in the middle of the night.men dressed in black were running in the jungle through the wild trees and branches.they were chasing after a group of people who were carrying guns with them.

"Hurry,after them.don't let them run away",a man chasing them said to the others alongside him.

"Yes captain!",they all shouted at once and increased the pace they were running at.

"Hey capts,how much further?",a man from the group asked Lewis,who was leading the group.

Lewis:(glaring at him)'Damn!i should have never brought them here with me!',

The guy who questioned him,Nigel:(Oooopsie,never mind i didn't say anything)and laughed awkwardly.

Those carrying armed weapons in front,turned around and fired bullets at those behind, forcing them to split up.Some of them were too slow to react and the bullets pierced through their bodies and they fell to the ground.

They all smiled with satisfaction and continued to run further.They reached a giant tree and were forced to stop as something fell from top of the tree in front of them.

Some of them screamed while the others took a few steps back.the thing on the ground moved and removed the hood of the black cloak it wore,revealing a handsome youthful face.of course,the thing that fell from the tree was not something but someone.

Fear appeared on their faces the moment they figured out who the person was."Yo.haven't you guys ran far enough?not tired yet?",he said in a husky manly voice which sent shivers down their spines.

And a ray of blue colored light spread through the entire space which made the leader and the group surprised.

"Is….is that...Jishaku?",one of them said and another nodded.

"Yeah.its like the energy absorbed by the human body from the earth and most people are able to sense it and control it within themselves and create moves to protect themselves or attack anyone else.

"But there are few people like us who dislike using it and choose to rely on weapons instead.so we are unable to use it at the moment even though it is present in our cores because we forsaken it.

"Mostly those who use Jishaku with their life on the line or as part of their work are ninjas who work to protect the world in secret.

"And the rest use it for doing daily household tasks and some even use it to help them with their studies.it is considered to be humanity's gift from a millennium ago.

"And by the looks of it,this guy has perfect control over his Jishaku and it seems very powerful.be careful",an older man within the group explained to his colleagues with a frown on his face.

The leader of the sniper group was surprised and at the same time,scared to death."Yu...Yu.Yujin..Yujin Williams!You are Yujin Williams right?",he said in a terrified voice but the latter did not bother to answer him and started whistling a tune.

"What do you think?",he said as his dark red eyes glowed in the moonlight and he smirked devilishly.

'How could this be?i only thought that it was just Lewis and his men on my tail but him…..this is going to be more troublesome than i thought',the man said in his heart.

"It's really you!I will kill you, you b*stard!"he shouted and pounced towards Yujin in the air but landed on his butt as he swiftly dodged to the side.

"Leader Rick!", one of them shouted with tears in his eyes.

The rest of the group:(how in the world did we accept this weakling as our leader who has his a** high up instead of his head 😭)

"Tsk.tsk.tsk.such a weakling",Yujin said as he threw a kunai towards him and it pierced through his a** as his painful scream echoed through the air.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Rgh.help,help",he shouted while rolling on the ground holding his a** with both hands on his hip.

"Do you all want to be treated the same way as your leader or maybe…..a bit worse than that?"Yujin's cold voice echoed through the air as he scanned the group of twenty people in a single glance.

The group members:looking at each other(what should we do?i don't want to fight him.the one who is rumoured to be the most powerful ninja in the world!how are we supposed to beat this guy?) Was what was going on in each and every one of their minds.

"You bunch of fools! Don't be afraid and kill him together.we managed to loot a bunch of valuable weapons this time and we can't lose them.this is our chance to be rich!",the leader shouted to his subordinates lying on the ground.

"Yes leader Rick",they replied in unison and charged towards Yujin with snipers in their hands.

"Hmph",he snorted coldly and disappeared in a flash.

The group and leader rick:(huh?Where did he go?)They thought and scanned their surroundings carefully.

"Looking for me",they heard Yujin's voice and looked above them to see that he had been laying on a high tree branch with his hand under his hand.

"You….",one of them jumped high in the air and charged towards the branch he laid on with the purpose of cutting it down.

But Yujin had already predicted this move so he leaped up and twisted to the side as he reached closer to him and flipped his forehead, sending him flying more than a thousand metres away from them.

The members of the group:(Amazing!Awesome!wonderful!his strength is out of the world and we are out of words to describe it 😰)

Leader Rick:(That guy….with just a mere flip on the forehead he sent my man flying several metres away from here.unbelievable)he thought as his pupils turned white and his mouth was hung open. 😲

"What? Any of you want to be flipped like that again?"he asked and they all stepped back but he could see refusal in their eyes.refusal to accept defeat or surrender.

"So you want to do this the hard way huh?very well.let me give you a little taste of my strength",he said and started foaming hand seals at lightning speed.

"Electrostatic arrow force",he said and thousands of blue colored arrows made out of lightning Jishaku were seen coming towards them with such speed that they were unable to evade or attack at all.

In fact,Yujin did not plan on giving them a single second of time to prepare for counterattack.it was clear that he wanted to finish this in one go.

And of course,that was what happened.Yujin's arrows pierced through the bodies of Rick and his men.Some of them were sent flying several metres away with their guns falling out of their hands and falling to their deaths.

In less than a minute,Rick and his men were all lying on the ground except for Yujin who stood in the middle with his head high.

"That was easier than I expected.anyway,i completed my original mission and just happened to be around the area so i thought i could lend a little bit of help to Lewis and his men.

"I wonder where those bunch of fools disappeared? I will beat each and every one of their team members when I see them.

"To think that i ended up doing most of their work.Ah whatever.i am going back to the penthouse to take a hot shower and retire for the night",

He stretched his arms and turned around to leave.

"Ha.you think you can escape so easily.Mr.Yujin Williams,you who is the most powerful ninja in the world is destined to die at my hands tonight",he heard Rick's voice and turned around.

Rick was standing with his hand behind his back for a certain obvious reason and he held a sniper with his free Hand which was pointed towards Yujin's forehead right now.
