

The sunrise this morning is quite relaxing,made everyone sleepy in the good weather,the cold air went inside the window of Jing Xaoyun.


The cold air made her body to shivered.

"ugh....so cold.."covering her whole body with thick blanket, " my skin is freezing, can someone turn off the air conditioner!"


Jing Xaoyun dumbfounded"...!"

Actually she's the only one in her room, Cheng hualei already woke up. That's quite early.

She did not expect that Cheng hualei is already woke up, so Jing Xaoyun take another nap, However her alarm clock made a loud buzzing sound.

Jing Xaoyun, annoyed she wanted to turn off her alarm clock suddenly her gaze landed at the calendar, Jing Xaoyun dumbstruck and go back to her senses.

It's the day she'll be leaving in the province.


I'll miss the neighborhood, the fresh air and the nature, sigh.. at least she'll be living in a high class City.

"kyaaaa.....Hahahaha, what am I doing in my life, Jing Xaoyun"

Jing Xaoyun got up, fixed her bed and went to the bathroom to wash up. Then she went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Jing Xaoyun paused and let out a sigh" bread and milk again?"

"You don't like?!"

"what.....who said I don't like, of course I like it mother~ hehe" Jing Xaoyun reply in a sweet voice and made a bright smile at her mother.


Jing Xaoyun sit down and started to eat her breakfast and read newspaper.

"Hey hey, how come my cousin like newspaper now a days!"

Jing Xaoyun put down the newspaper and looked the women in front of her and stunned, scream.

"Ayayayay.....wow you dress like a lady, my beloved cousin!" winked at Cheng hualei.

"Hahaha... stop that it's embarrassing"Cheng hualei waved in a girly way at Jing Xaoyun.

Jing Xaoyun frowned, " Ewww...sister hualei, don't act like that, it's not your thing you know"

Cheng hualei blushed in a embarrassment.

Cheng hualei run and left at the house without saying goodbye, made Jing Xaoyun confused.

What just happened? She's so fast.

1:00 pm in the afternoon.

Jing Xaoyun ready her bags and left the house saying goodbye to her parents and friends in ACA high school.

she wait at the waiting area, after many minutes had passed, she rode in the bus, it's already past 1:30 she'll be in the City A in one in half an hour, it won't take too long to get there.

Jing Xaoyun breath heavily with a worried expressions in her face, made her looking like an old lady.

There's no problem, she'll arrive safe.

Jing Xaoyun prayed nothing will happen to herself and everything will be alright.

She felt like collapsing, she can't handle the pressure and worries in her mind making her go crazy.

When Jing Xaoyun arrive, it's 2:40 pm in the afternoon.

Whao! The City A is bigger than I thought.

she let out a big sigh of relief, get the note inside her pocket, started to ask to people around her.

" Umm... excuse me may I...."

"sorry, I'm busy"

she asked again.

"umm...hello, can I ask you.."


she asked again and again.

"Hello, ma'am may I as....k"



"not interested!"

She asked many times but everyone ignore l her. What is she going to do now, she's not familiar in this kind of place, she only got a note but everyone ignore her questions.

Her mind is spinning around the City, the heat of the sun making Jing Xaoyun sweat more and more, Her skin is getting roasted. Hopefully, she wears a sunblock today, to protect her fair white skin.

Jing Xaoyun walked for hours, trying to follow the note her mother left her, but in the end she got nothing. Jing Xaoyun sat down to the small bench beside her, she wanted to relax for a moment, when she got hungry, she started to eat the bread that she ate in the morning.

Jing Xaoyun, raised her head to look up at the sky, seeing the clouds and the sky, she felt happy and relieved, Then she fall asleep.

3 Hours had passed.

Jing Xaoyun, body laying down in the sofa, she open her eyes slowly, as she opened her eyes she saw a chandeliers lights in the ceiling and the beautiful paintings in the wall.


This is not my home.

Where am i? Am I dreaming? No it can't be...

Jing Xaoyun sat down, as she observe the place, she saw a man sleeping in the table not that far nor near at her, his long legs are crossed, his arms are crossed too and his face leaning against the table and his body sat down.This man has a perfect features that every girl likes in a guy. His messy black hair look soft, his eyelashes are long, he have a tall nose, he have a fair white skin like a girl like I want to touch it and his..... sexy thin lips are so incredibly hot!

Jing Xaoyun was stunned.

The sunset outside is hitting the man perfect features, It's like a perfect piece of art.


Jing Xaoyun heart racing so heavily that she can't breathe normally, she's started to blushed.

Jing Xaoyun touched her chest and whisper, " Not now heart, your beating at the stranger, I don't know"

As soon, Jing Xaoyun go back to herself, she gave herself a deep breath of relief.

The man near nor far at Jing Xaoyun, opened his eyes slowly as he saw the braided girl sat down, he curled his thin lips to a smile.

Jing Xaoyun looked at the man, and meet his eyes, she can't help flustered, her heart started to raced again heavily.

F*ck! Heart, what are you doing, this is not the time for love.

The man stand up, started walking towards Jing Xaoyun direction and stopped in front of her. His long legs all she can see, He's so tall.

Jing Xaoyun breathe heavily, her face started to turn red.

"Are you okay?" As the man bend his body,he touch her forehead.

Jing Xaoyun, felt pressured, she started dodging his gaze, turning her head in other direction not to meet his beautiful eyes.

The man notice her shy movements, he removed his hand and started to burst a laugh.

"Hahahaha... you're so cute"

Jing Xaoyun, froze looking at the man standing in front of her, she accidentally said weird things.



"There's a stranger"

The man started to panic, he don't know what to do,he just comfort her so hard as he try, but she keeps screaming louder.

"Hey, stop screaming, I am a good person, my name is Hung Zanyun" he paused and asked " What's your name?"

Jing Xaoyun, only looked at him and scream louder.

" Oh my God! The stranger started to introduce his self....help someone!"


" Help... I'm in danger!"

Hung Zanyun, started to panic again, he got an idea, and he started to cover her mouth with his soft hands.

Jing Xaoyun, didn't moved, her mind is flying around the house, made her to mental black.

Hung Zanyun saw her steady body not moving, he let out a big sigh of relief and started to explain, " I'm not a stranger"

Jing Xaoyun, shook her head and reply immediately, " You're a stranger!"


She's won't listen to me!


Hello my lovely readers,

Are your hearts are getting flustered by our Jing Xaoyun and Hung Zanyun?

Tell me okay <3 don't forget to vote, exchange for the 3-5 chapters I'll release!! Please always support my story.



name: Hung Zanyun

age : 17

gender: male

who is he?

He is a very handsome senior President of the school campus, of the University of A. He is independent, living alone in his own, smart and he is popular in the campus, he is gentle soft and easy to approach person.
